Lie groups and invariant theory Zoom, Moscow
Lie groups and invariant theory, Moscow |
November 22, 2023 (Wed) |
1. |
The argument shift method in the universal enveloping algebra $U(\mathfrak{gl}_d)$ G. I. Sharygin November 22, 2023 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
October 25, 2023 (Wed) |
2. |
Affine homogeneous varieties and suspensions Yu. I. Zaitseva October 25, 2023 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
October 11, 2023 (Wed) |
3. |
Orbits of unipotent groups M. V. Ignatyev October 11, 2023 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
October 4, 2023 (Wed) |
4. |
Essential semigroups and branching rules A. A. Gornitskii October 4, 2023 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
May 24, 2023 (Wed) |
5. |
Meeting in memory of D. N. Akhiezer (1947–2023) May 24, 2023 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
May 17, 2023 (Wed) |
6. |
Representations of short $\mathrm{SL}(2)$-structures R. O. Stasenko May 17, 2023 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
May 3, 2023 (Wed) |
7. |
Models of representations for $\mathfrak{gl}(n)$ related to systems of equations of hypergeometric type D. V. Artamonov May 3, 2023 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
April 19, 2023 (Wed) |
8. |
On Lie algebras of vector fields A. S. Khoroshkin April 19, 2023 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
March 29, 2023 (Wed) |
9. |
Polytopes and the Grothendieck group of toric and flag varieties E. Yu. Smirnov March 29, 2023 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
March 22, 2023 (Wed) |
10. |
Goresky–Kottwitz–MacPherson graphs and Chow rings of horospherical varieties with Picard number one A. K. Sonina March 22, 2023 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
February 22, 2023 (Wed) |
11. |
Invariant-theoretic properties of nilradicals D. I. Panyushev February 22, 2023 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
February 15, 2023 (Wed) |
12. |
The centralizer construction and Yangian-type algebras G. I. Olshanskii February 15, 2023 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
December 7, 2022 (Wed) |
13. |
Вычисление группы компонент вещественной алгебраической группы D. A. Timashev December 7, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
November 30, 2022 (Wed) |
14. |
Bott–Samelson varieties and Feigin–Fourier–Littelmann–Vinberg polytopes V. A. Kirichenko November 30, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
November 16, 2022 (Wed) |
15. |
Root groupoid V. V. Serganova November 16, 2022 19:00, Moscow, Zoom
November 2, 2022 (Wed) |
16. |
Exceptional bundles on homogeneous spaces A. G. Kuznetsov November 2, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, 8 Gubkina str., room 430 + Zoom
October 19, 2022 (Wed) |
17. |
Pipe dreams for Schubert polynomials of the classical groups E. Yu. Smirnov October 19, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
October 12, 2022 (Wed) |
18. |
Electrical Lie algebras V. G. Gorbunov October 12, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
May 4, 2022 (Wed) |
19. |
Gromov width of symplectic wonderful manifolds S. Cupit-Foutou May 4, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
April 27, 2022 (Wed) |
20. |
Harish–Chandra modules and quantizations I. V. Losev April 27, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
April 6, 2022 (Wed) |
21. |
Symmetric representation theory of quivers and connections to Lie theory Giovanni Cerulli Irelli April 6, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
March 30, 2022 (Wed) |
Problem session |
22. |
Frobenius subalgebras and quasi-decompositions D. I. Panyushev March 30, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
23. |
Generators of invariant fields for unipotent groups A. N. Panov March 30, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
March 23, 2022 (Wed) |
24. |
Transitivity degree of an algebraic variety I. Arzhantsev March 23, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
25. |
Nilpotent subalgebras and the index of Lie algebras A. G. Élashvili March 23, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
26. |
On the spectral decomposition under the restriction to a subgroup Yu. A. Neretin March 23, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
March 16, 2022 (Wed) |
27. |
Centrally generated primitive Poisson ideals in symmetric algebras of locally nilpotent Lie algebras M. V. Ignatyev March 16, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
March 9, 2022 (Wed) |
28. |
Skew Howe duality and the limit shape of Young diagrams for the classical Lie groups A.A. Nazarov March 9, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
March 2, 2022 (Wed) |
29. |
Bihamiltonian essence of Gaudin algebras O. S. Yakimova March 2, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
February 23, 2022 (Wed) |
30. |
An analogue of Steinberg theory for symmetric pairs L. Fresse February 23, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
February 9, 2022 (Wed) |
31. |
Electrical networks and the positive Lagrangian Grassmannian D. V. Talalaev February 9, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
February 2, 2022 (Wed) |
32. |
Characteristic classes of subsets of an algebraic torus and their applications A. I. Èsterov February 2, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
January 26, 2022 (Wed) |
33. |
A functional realization of a Gelfand–Tsetlin type basis for the Lie algebras $\mathfrak{sp}_4$ and $\mathfrak{o}_5$ D. V. Artamonov January 26, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
January 19, 2022 (Wed) |
34. |
Noncommutative Poisson structures, Hochschild type homology, and the theory of Gröbner bases N. K. Iyudu January 19, 2022 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
December 15, 2021 (Wed) |
35. |
On the classiffication and orbit adherences for linear maps of spaces with inner product A. D. Berezhnoi December 15, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
December 8, 2021 (Wed) |
36. |
Gaudin model and Kashiwara crystals L. G. Rybnikov December 8, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
December 1, 2021 (Wed) |
37. |
Exceptional collections on Grassmannians M. N. Smirnov December 1, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
November 24, 2021 (Wed) |
38. |
Brick varieties, positroids, and Legendrian links M. A. Gorsky November 24, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
November 17, 2021 (Wed) |
39. |
Rings of conditions of horospherical homogeneous spaces L. Monin November 17, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
November 10, 2021 (Wed) |
40. |
The Galois cohomology and component group of a real reductive group D. A. Timashev November 10, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
November 3, 2021 (Wed) |
41. |
Rigidity of homomorphisms of algebraic groups M. Brion November 3, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
October 27, 2021 (Wed) |
42. |
Finite multiplicities and a generalization of spherical spaces D. Gourevitch October 27, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
October 20, 2021 (Wed) |
43. |
The Humphreys–Verma conjecture and integration of representations in positive characteristic D. A. Rumynin October 20, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
October 13, 2021 (Wed) |
44. |
Duality between singularities of orbital varieties and complexity of Borel subgroup actions on them A. Melnikov October 13, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
October 6, 2021 (Wed) |
45. |
The Kostant cascade: its role, significance, and utility D. I. Panyushev October 6, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
September 29, 2021 (Wed) |
46. |
On complete systems of functions in biinvolution on the classical complex Lie algebras A. A. Garazha September 29, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
September 22, 2021 (Wed) |
47. |
Applying second Galois cohomology for finding a real point in a real homogeneous space M. V. Borovoi September 22, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
September 15, 2021 (Wed) |
48. |
Topological representations of the Lie algebra of endomorphisms of a countable-dimensional vector space I. B. Penkov September 15, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
June 9, 2021 (Wed) |
49. |
Short $SL_2$-structures on Lie algebras R. O. Stasenko June 9, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
June 2, 2021 (Wed) |
50. |
Root subgroups on affine spherical varieties R. S. Avdeev June 2, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
May 26, 2021 (Wed) |
51. |
Coadjoint orbits of Lie–Dynkin nil-algebras as primitive ideals A. V. Petukhov May 26, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
May 19, 2021 (Wed) |
52. |
Local Plücker formulas for orthogonal groups D. O. Degtyarev May 19, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
May 12, 2021 (Wed) |
53. |
Representations of the finite $W$-algebra for the superalgebra $Q(n)$ and super Yangian for $YQ(1)$ E. Poletaeva May 12, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
April 28, 2021 (Wed) |
54. |
Schubert varieties in the Beilinson–Drinfeld Grassmannian I. S. Dumanski April 28, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
April 21, 2021 (Wed) |
55. |
Standard monomials and toric degenerations for flag varieties I. Yu. Makhlin April 21, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
April 14, 2021 (Wed) |
56. |
Smooth non-projective equivariant completions of affine space K. V. Shakhmatov April 14, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
57. |
Symplectic algebraic geometry of the cotangent bundle of $G/U$ V. A. Ginzburg April 14, 2021 19:30, Moscow, Zoom
April 7, 2021 (Wed) |
58. |
Topology of spaces of regular sections of equivariant vector bundles and applications to automorphism groups A. G. Gorinov April 7, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
March 31, 2021 (Wed) |
59. |
Циклические элементы и нормальные формы нильпотентов в полупростых алгебрах Ли M. Jibladze, V. G. Kac March 31, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
March 24, 2021 (Wed) |
60. |
Modular representations of Lie algebras and Humphreys' conjecture A. A. Premet March 24, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
March 17, 2021 (Wed) |
61. |
The Donagi–Witten construction and graded covering of a supermanifold E. G. Vishnyakova March 17, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
March 10, 2021 (Wed) |
62. |
Periodic gradings and related Poisson-commutative subalgebras O. S. Yakimova March 10, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
March 3, 2021 (Wed) |
63. |
Cyclic elements in semisimple Lie algebras A. G. Élashvili March 3, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
February 24, 2021 (Wed) |
64. |
Nilpotent orbits and mixed gradings of semisimple Lie algebras D. I. Panyushev February 24, 2021 17:00, Moscow, Zoom
March 4, 2020 (Wed) |
65. |
On the action of the Weyl group on Borel subgroup orbits of premaximal rank V. S. Zhgoon March 4, 2020 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 26, 2020 (Wed) |
66. |
On computing the extended weight semigroups for spherical homogeneous spaces Roman Avdeev February 26, 2020 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 19, 2020 (Wed) |
67. |
Global Demazure modules Ilya Dumanski February 19, 2020 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 12, 2020 (Wed) |
68. |
Real forms of spherical homogeneous spaces (based on a joint work with Giuliano Gagliardi) Mikhail Borovoi February 12, 2020 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 4, 2019 (Wed) |
69. |
Short cellular structures on simple Lie algebras (based on the paper "Codes, S-structures and exceptional Lie algebras" by I. Cuhna and A. Elduque) R. O. Stasenko December 4, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 27, 2019 (Wed) |
70. |
Quantum mechanics, homogeneous cones, and Jordan algebras A. S. Schwarz November 27, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 20, 2019 (Wed) |
71. |
$n$-homomorphisms and the $gt_n$-formula: lower bounds for the degree of branched coverings of (algebraic) varieties D. V. Gugnin November 20, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 13, 2019 (Wed) |
72. |
Additive actions on complete toric surfaces Sergey Dzhunusov November 13, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 6, 2019 (Wed) |
73. |
$n$-homomorphisms and rings of polysymmetric polynomials V. M. Buchstaber November 6, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 30, 2019 (Wed) |
74. |
On a relation between Yangians of Lie superalgebras and quantum affine superalgebras V. A. Stukopin October 30, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 23, 2019 (Wed) |
75. |
$G(3)$-supergeometry and a supersymmetric extension of the Hilbert–Cartan equation B. S. Kruglikov October 23, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 16, 2019 (Wed) |
76. |
Equivariant compactifications of additive groups in Fano varieties with Picard number 1 (based on a work of B. Fu – J.-M. Hwang) D. A. Timashev October 16, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 9, 2019 (Wed) |
77. |
Holomorphic realizations of 5-dimensional Lie algebras and the classification of homogeneous real hypersurfaces in $\mathbb C^3$ A. V. Loboda October 9, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 2, 2019 (Wed) |
78. |
Subsemigroups of nilpotent Lie groups (based on a joint work with H. Abels) È. B. Vinberg October 2, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 25, 2019 (Wed) |
79. |
Bethe subalgebras in the Yangian and their degenerations A. I. Ilin September 25, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 18, 2019 (Wed) |
80. |
Commutative subalgebras in universal enveloping algebras and Kashiwara crystals L. G. Rybnikov September 18, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 8, 2019 (Wed) |
81. |
Short $SL_2$-structures on simple Lie algebras R. Stasenko May 8, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 24, 2019 (Wed) |
82. |
A characterization of generalized Grassmannians in terms of varieties of minimal rational tangents D. A. Timashev April 24, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 17, 2019 (Wed) |
83. |
Nested automorphism groups and additive actions A. Yu. Perepechko April 17, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 3, 2019 (Wed) |
84. |
Three-dimensional rectangular polytopes of finite volume in the Lobachevsky space: combinatorics and constructions N. Erokhovets April 3, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 27, 2019 (Wed) |
85. |
Slide polynomials and subword complexes E. Yu. Smirnov March 27, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 20, 2019 (Wed) |
86. |
Gelfand–Tsetlin degenerations I. Makhlin March 20, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 13, 2019 (Wed) |
87. |
Affine toric irreducible varieties with an open orbit of the group $\mathrm{SL}_n$ N. Medved' March 13, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 6, 2019 (Wed) |
88. |
The Weyl group action on the orbits of a minimal parabolic subgroup over a non-algebraically closed field V. S. Zhgoon March 6, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 20, 2019 (Wed) |
89. |
Commuting homogeneous locally nilpotent derivations D. A. Matveev February 20, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 13, 2019 (Wed) |
90. |
Coisotropicity, sphericity, branching rules A. V. Petukhov February 13, 2019 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 12, 2018 (Wed) |
91. |
Infinite transitivity, finite generation, and Demazure roots I. V. Arzhantsev December 12, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 5, 2018 (Wed) |
92. |
On Kontsevich's conjecture on the Weyl algebra A. M. Elishev, A. Ya. Kanel-Belov December 5, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 21, 2018 (Wed) |
93. |
Milnorian and non-Milnorian representations I. Smilga November 21, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 14, 2018 (Wed) |
94. |
A theory of $(2n,k)$-manifolds (based on a series of joint papers with Svetlana Terzic) V. M. Buchstaber November 14, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 31, 2018 (Wed) |
95. |
Homogeneous locally nilpotent derivations of trinomial algebras Yu. I. Zaitseva October 31, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 24, 2018 (Wed) |
96. |
The topology of compact torus actions of complexity one A. Ayzenberg October 24, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 17, 2018 (Wed) |
97. |
Shift of argument subalgebras and Kashiwara crystals (based on a joint work with I. Halacheva, J. Kamnitzer, A. Weekes) L. G. Rybnikov October 17, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 10, 2018 (Wed) |
98. |
Nijenhuis operators and stable left-symmetric algebras A. Yu. Konyaev October 10, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 3, 2018 (Wed) |
99. |
Degenerations of spherical subalgebras and spherical roots of spherical subgroups R. Avdeev October 3, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 26, 2018 (Wed) |
100. |
The action of the Weyl group on the weight space of zero weight I. Smilga September 26, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 19, 2018 (Wed) |
101. |
On irregular Sasaki-Einstein metrics in dimension 5 Hendrik Suess September 19, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 12, 2018 (Wed) |
102. |
Quantum matrix algebras Dmitry Gurevich September 12, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 16, 2018 (Wed) |
103. |
Quivers with non-integer weights: geometry and mutational finiteness A. A. Felikson May 16, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 25, 2018 (Wed) |
104. |
Toric TNS-manifolds and combinatorics of the associated moment polytope G. Solomadin April 25, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 18, 2018 (Wed) |
105. |
The Clebsch–Gordan coefficient for $\mathfrak{gl}_3$ and hypergeometric functions D. V. Artamonov April 18, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 11, 2018 (Wed) |
106. |
Kirillov's orbit method for infinite-dimensional locally nilpotent Lie algebras A. V. Petukhov April 11, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 4, 2018 (Wed) |
107. |
A new proof of an additive version of Goto's theorem (based on a paper by J. Malkoun and N. Nahlus) A. Garazha April 4, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 28, 2018 (Wed) |
108. |
Associated forms: results and unsolved problems A. Isaev March 28, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 21, 2018 (Wed) |
109. |
Semi-infinite Plücker relations and Weyl modules E. Makedonskii March 21, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 14, 2018 (Wed) |
110. |
On the conference "Geometry and Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups" R. S. Avdeev, V. S. Zhgoon March 14, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 7, 2018 (Wed) |
111. |
A new proof of Lie's theorem (based on a work by V. P. Burichenko) D. A. Timashev March 7, 2018, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 28, 2018 (Wed) |
112. |
Application of the deformation method and sphericity to describing semi-invariants of Gentle Algebras D. A. Shmel'kin February 28, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 21, 2018 (Wed) |
113. |
Applications of the theory of homogeneous convex cones in the informational geometry and supergravity D. V. Alekseevskii February 21, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 14, 2018 (Wed) |
114. |
Some integrable systems of algebraic origin and separation of variables O. K. Sheinman February 14, 2018 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 13, 2017 (Wed) |
115. |
On the adjoint action of semisimple algebraic groups I. V. Losev December 13, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 6, 2017 (Wed) |
116. |
Intersection theory of subvarieties of a complex torus A. G. Khovanskii December 6, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 29, 2017 (Wed) |
117. |
Flexibility of normal affine horospherical varieties (based on a joint work with A. A. Shafarevich) S. A. Gaifullin November 29, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 22, 2017 (Wed) |
118. |
Free two-step nilpotent Lie semigroups È. B. Vinberg November 22, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 15, 2017 (Wed) |
119. |
Free algebras of automorphic forms for the Hilbert groups E. S. Stuken November 15, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 8, 2017 (Wed) |
120. |
On lower bounds on Noether numbers (based on a work by K. Cziszter и
M. Domokos) A. A. Garazha November 8, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 25, 2017 (Wed) |
121. |
A computer implementation of Vinberg's algorithm for hyperbolic lattices N. V. Bogachev October 25, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 18, 2017 (Wed) |
122. |
Automorphisms of Danielewski varieties S. A. Gaifullin October 18, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 11, 2017 (Wed) |
123. |
Rota–Baxter operators and Yang–Baxter equations V. Yu. Gubarev October 11, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 4, 2017 (Wed) |
124. |
Complexity of homogeneous spaces over a non-algebraically closed field V. S. Zhgoon October 4, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 27, 2017 (Wed) |
125. |
Positively graded Lie algebras of slow growth D. V. Millionshchikov September 27, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 20, 2017 (Wed) |
126. |
Real orbits on spherical homogeneous spaces: the split case (based on a joint work with S. Cupit-Foutou) D. A. Timashev September 20, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 3, 2017 (Wed) |
127. |
On complete systems of functions in bi-involution on $\mathfrak{gl}_n(\mathbb C)$ A. A. Garazha May 3, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 26, 2017 (Wed) |
128. |
Adherence of orbits of linear mappings of spaces with scalar product A. D. Berezhnoi April 26, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 19, 2017 (Wed) |
129. |
Left-symmetric (pre-Lie) algebras and Nijenhuis operators A. Yu. Konyaev April 19, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 12, 2017 (Wed) |
130. |
Canonical bases for irreducible representations of $\mathsf B_n$ and $\mathsf D_n$ A. A. Gornitskii April 12, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 5, 2017 (Wed) |
131. |
Poisson ideals and the Witt algebra A. V. Petukhov April 5, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 29, 2017 (Wed) |
132. |
Branching rules related to spherical actions on flag varieties (joint work with A. Petukhov) R. S. Avdeev March 29, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 22, 2017 (Wed) |
133. |
On virtual Poincaré polynomials of spherical varieties V. V. Batyrev March 22, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 15, 2017 (Wed) |
134. |
On the school-conference on spherical varieties at Sanya D. A. Timashev March 15, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 1, 2017 (Wed) |
135. |
Real Galois cohomology of semisimple groups, examples and theory (based on a joint work with D. A. Timashev) M. V. Borovoi March 1, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 15, 2017 (Wed) |
136. |
Manifolds defined by right-angled 3-dimensional polytopes T. E. Panov February 15, 2017 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 14, 2016 (Wed) |
137. |
Hamiltonian actions and normalizations of nilpotent orbits (based on a paper by R. Brylinski and B. Kostant) V. S. Zhgoon December 14, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 7, 2016 (Wed) |
138. |
On the Kronecker indices of the adjoint operators of a pair of matrices A. A. Garazha December 7, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 30, 2016 (Wed) |
139. |
Classification of linear mappings of vector spaces with scalar product A. D. Berezhnoi November 30, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 23, 2016 (Wed) |
140. |
On a number-theoretic phenomenon related to discrete isometry groups of Lobachevsky space È. B. Vinberg November 23, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 16, 2016 (Wed) |
141. |
Orbits of a real semisimple Lie group on the real points of a symmetric space D. A. Timashev November 16, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 9, 2016 (Wed) |
142. |
A uniform approach to constructing a basis of Gelfand–Tsetlin type for the series $\mathsf A$, $\mathsf B$, $\mathsf C$, $\mathsf D$ D. V. Artamonov November 9, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 26, 2016 (Wed) |
143. |
Irreducible representations of nilpotent finitely generated groups (based on a joint work with S. O. Gorchinskiy) I. V. Beloshapka October 26, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 19, 2016 (Wed) |
144. |
Automorphisms and isomorphisms of rigid affine trinomial hypersurfaces (based on a joint work with I. V. Arzhantsev) S. A. Gaifullin October 19, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 12, 2016 (Wed) |
145. |
Short $\mathrm{SL}(3)$-structures in simple Lie algebras È. B. Vinberg October 12, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 5, 2016 (Wed) |
146. |
Representation theory of complex dimension L. G. Rybnikov October 5, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 18, 2016 (Wed) |
147. |
Anisotropic 1.2-reflective hyperbolic lattices of rank 4 N. V. Bogachev May 18, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 11, 2016 (Wed) |
148. |
Orbits of real ind-groups on complex generalized flag ind-varieties (based on a joint work with I. Penkov and J. A. Wolf) M. V. Ignatyev May 11, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 27, 2016 (Wed) |
149. |
Hall–Littlewood functions and Brion's theorem (based on a joint work with B. L. Feigin) I. Yu. Makhlin April 27, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 20, 2016 (Wed) |
150. |
A criterion for smoothness at infinity of an arithmetic quotient of the future tube (based on a joint work with O. V. Shvartsman) È. B. Vinberg April 20, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 13, 2016 (Wed) |
151. |
Trinomials I. V. Arzhantsev April 13, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 30, 2016 (Wed) |
152. |
Nilpotent subspaces and nilpotent orbits (joint work with O. Yakimova) D. I. Panyushev March 30, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 23, 2016 (Wed) |
153. |
A Gelfand–Kirillov conjecture for $W$-algebras A. V. Petukhov March 23, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 16, 2016 (Wed) |
154. |
Galois cohomology of real reductive algebraic groups (based on a joint work with M. V. Borovoi) D. A. Timashev March 16, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 9, 2016 (Wed) |
155. |
The orbit space for the action of a maximal compact subgroup on a homogeneous complex spherical space V. V. Batyrev March 9, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 2, 2016 (Wed) |
156. |
On the conference "Sphericity 2016" D. A. Timashev March 2, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 17, 2016 (Wed) |
157. |
Orbits of solvable spherical subgroups on the flag variety (based on a paper by Jacopo Gandini and Guido Pezzini) R. Avdeev February 17, 2016 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 16, 2015 (Wed) |
158. |
The argument shift method and sectional operators: applications in differential geometry A. V. Bolsinov December 16, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 9, 2015 (Wed) |
159. |
Homogeneous spaces of solvable Lie groups and completely integrable Hamiltonian systems M. V. Milovanov December 9, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 2, 2015 (Wed) |
160. |
Topological and algebraic factorization of linear representations of compact groups O. G. Styrt December 2, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 25, 2015 (Wed) |
161. |
Canonical bases and toric degenerations (based on a paper by X. Fang, G. Fourier, P. Littelmann) A. A. Gornitskii November 25, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 18, 2015 (Wed) |
162. |
Матричные канонические семейства относительно преобразований унитарного подобия Yu. R. Nesterenko November 18, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 11, 2015 (Wed) |
163. |
Locally conformally Kaehler homogeneous manifolds D. V. Alekseevskii November 11, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 28, 2015 (Wed) |
164. |
Flexibility of affine $S$-varieties of semisimple groups (based on a work by A. A. Shafarevich) S. A. Gaifullin October 28, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 21, 2015 (Wed) |
165. |
Additive actions on toric varieties I. V. Arzhantsev October 21, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 14, 2015 (Wed) |
166. |
Discriminants and solvability of systems of equations A. I. Èsterov October 14, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 7, 2015 (Wed) |
167. |
Symmetric invariants of Lie algebras and methods of computing them O. S. Yakimova October 7, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 30, 2015 (Wed) |
168. |
Automorphism groups of affine surfaces Alexander Perepechko September 30, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 20, 2015 (Wed) |
169. |
Annihilators of highest weight modules for the classical Lie algebras A. Petukhov May 20, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 13, 2015 (Wed) |
170. |
Towers of reflective modular forms V. A. Gritsenko May 13, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 6, 2015 (Wed) |
171. |
Conification of Kähler and hyper-Kähler manifolds and the $c$-map D. V. Alekseevskii May 6, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 22, 2015 (Wed) |
172. |
PBW and toric degenerations E. B. Feigin April 22, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 15, 2015 (Wed) |
173. |
Bihamiltonian invariants of Lie algebras I. K. Kozlov April 15, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 1, 2015 (Wed) |
174. |
Vinberg's conjecture on essential signatures and canonical bases in irreducible representations of simple Lie algebras A. A. Gornitskii April 1, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 18, 2015 (Wed) |
175. |
On the cancellation conjecture in positive characteristic (based on a paper by Neena Gupta) Denis Nenashev March 18, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 11, 2015 (Wed) |
176. |
On the space of unitary orbits of composite quantum systems V. Gerdt, Yu. Palii, A. Khvedelidze March 11, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 4, 2015 (Wed) |
177. |
Flexibility of affine cones K. Loginov March 4, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 25, 2015 (Wed) |
178. |
The moduli space of affine spherical varieties with a fixed weight monoid (continuation) R. Avdeev February 25, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 18, 2015 (Wed) |
179. |
The moduli space of affine spherical varieties with a fixed weight monoid (based on a joint work with S. Cupit-Foutou) R. Avdeev February 18, 2015 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 17, 2014 (Wed) |
180. |
Cayley groups M. Borovoi December 17, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 10, 2014 (Wed) |
181. |
Infinite Kostant's cascades Mikhail Ignatyev December 10, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 3, 2014 (Wed) |
182. |
Tangent cones to Schubert varieties for involutions Aleksandr Shevchenko December 3, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 26, 2014 (Wed) |
183. |
Compatible Lie structures on semisimple Lie algebras (based on a paper by A. Panasyuk) D. A. Timashev November 26, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 19, 2014 (Wed) |
184. |
Volumes of flexible polyhedra in Lobachevsky spaces A. Gaifullin November 19, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 12, 2014 (Wed) |
185. |
Determinantal identities for flagged Schur and Schubert polynomials E. Yu. Smirnov November 12, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 5, 2014 (Wed) |
186. |
Cactus group and monodromy of Bethe vectors L. G. Rybnikov November 5, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 22, 2014 (Wed) |
187. |
The center of the universal enveloping algebra of $\mathfrak{g}_2$ Dmitry Artamonov October 22, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 15, 2014 (Wed) |
188. |
Extended representations of convex polytopes Ya. N. Shitov October 15, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 8, 2014 (Wed) |
189. |
On differential characteristic classes of metrics and connections D. A. Timashev October 8, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 1, 2014 (Wed) |
190. |
Structure of derived categories for Grassmannians A. Fonarev October 1, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 24, 2014 (Wed) |
191. |
$U$-invariants of Cox rings for small complexity double flag varieties of exceptional groups E. Ponomareva September 24, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 17, 2014 (Wed) |
192. |
Non-arithmetic hyperbolic reflection groups in high dimensions È. B. Vinberg September 17, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 14, 2014 (Wed) |
193. |
Tropical singularity theory A. Èsterov May 14, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 7, 2014 (Wed) |
194. |
A $4$-dimensional family of orthogonal pairs in $\mathfrak{sl}(6)$ I. Zhdanovskii May 7, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 30, 2014 (Wed) |
195. |
Spherical actions on flag varieties of the classical groups (based on joint works with A. Petukhov) R. Avdeev April 30, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 23, 2014 (Wed) |
Talks of the conference "Lomonosov readings" |
196. |
Tangent cones to Schubert varieties and complete extensions M. Bochkarev April 23, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
197. |
Kempf–Ness sets and characteristic spaces A. Popovskiy April 23, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 16, 2014 (Wed) |
198. |
Finite multiplicity theorem for spherical pairs A. Minchenko April 16, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 9, 2014 (Wed) |
199. |
Orbits in the $n$-fold product of a semi-simple complex Jordan algebra H. Bergner April 9, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 2, 2014 (Wed) |
200. |
Extensions of Mikhailova's theorem and its converse Ch. Lange April 2, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 26, 2014 (Wed) |
201. |
$H$-(co)module algebras and growth of their $H$-identities A. Gordienko March 26, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 19, 2014 (Wed) |
202. |
Wonderful compactification of De Concini–Procesi and argument shift subalgebras L. G. Rybnikov March 19, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 12, 2014 (Wed) |
203. |
Integral formulae for volumes in spaces of constant curvature I. Kh. Sabitov March 12, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 5, 2014 (Wed) |
204. |
Complex geometry of manifolds with maximal action of a torus Yu. Ustinovskii March 5, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 26, 2014 (Wed) |
205. |
Yangians of Lie superalgebras V. A. Stukopin February 26, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 19, 2014 (Wed) |
206. |
Skew-symmetric covariants of a simple Lie algebra with values in the adjoint representation (based on a paper by C. de Concini, P. Papi, C. Procesi) D. A. Timashev February 19, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 12, 2014 (Wed) |
207. |
Parabolic contractions of semisimple Lie algebras and their invariants (joint work with O. S. Yakimova) D. I. Panyushev February 12, 2014 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 11, 2013 (Wed) |
208. |
Torus actions and locally nilpotent derivations P. Kotenkova December 11, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 4, 2013 (Wed) |
209. |
Multiplicities of ideals in local rings and coconvex bodies (based on a paper by K. Kaveh and A. G. Khovanskii) D. A. Timashev December 4, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 27, 2013 (Wed) |
210. |
Syzygyes of some Segre and Veronese embeddings I. V. Netay November 27, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 20, 2013 (Wed) |
211. |
Newton–Okounkov bodies, semigroups of integral points, and graded algebras (based on a paper by K. Kaveh and A. G. Khovanskii E. Romaskevich November 20, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 13, 2013 (Wed) |
212. |
Wild and tame representations A. Petukhov November 13, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 6, 2013 (Wed) |
213. |
Infinite transitivity on universal torsors I. V. Arzhantsev November 6, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 30, 2013 (Wed) |
214. |
Cascade of orthogonal roots and coadjoint action of a maximal unipotent subgroup (continuation of the talk from October 23rd) M. Bochkarev October 30, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 23, 2013 (Wed) |
215. |
Cascade of orthogonal roots and coadjoint action of a Borel subgroup on the negative nilpotent subalgebra (based on papers by B. Kostant) M. Bochkarev October 23, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 9, 2013 (Wed) |
216. |
Why is the little Weyl group generated by reflections? V. S. Zhgoon October 9, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 2, 2013 (Wed) |
217. |
Theory of coconvex bodies V. Timorin October 2, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 15, 2013 (Wed) |
218. |
Counting finite-dimensional irreducible representations of quantized quiver varieties I. V. Losev May 15, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 6, 2013 (Mon) |
Защиты дипломных и курсовых работ |
219. |
Embedded flexible hypersurfaces in the three-dimensional space N. Medved' May 6, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
220. |
Affine toric $SL(3)$-embeddings A. Shafarevich May 6, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
221. |
Finite-dimensional Lie algebras generated by homogeneous derivations B. Stepanov May 6, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 29, 2013 (Mon) |
222. |
The problem of classification of finite-dimensional local algebras K. Loginov April 29, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
223. |
Additive structures on degenerate projective quadrics A. Popovskiy April 29, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
224. |
Additive structures on projective cubics I. Bazhov April 29, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 24, 2013 (Wed) |
225. |
Invariant closed subvarieties in coadjoint representations of infinite-dimensional locally simple Lie algebras (based on the joint paper with I. Penkov "On ideals in the enveloping algebra of a locally simple Lie algebra") A. Petukhov April 24, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
Защиты дипломных и курсовых работ |
226. |
Automorphism groups of projective surfaces E. Romaskevich April 24, 2013 18:30, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
227. |
Homogeneous locally nilpotent derivations of Cox rings A. Pechina April 24, 2013 18:30, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 17, 2013 (Wed) |
Talks of the conference "Lomonosov readings" |
228. |
$U$-invariants of Cox rings of small complexity double flag varieties E. V. Ponomareva April 17, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
229. |
Tangent cones of Schubert varieties M. A. Bochkarev April 17, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 10, 2013 (Wed) |
Talks of the international conference "Lomonosov-2013" |
230. |
Jordan–Kronecker invariants of Lie algebras I. K. Kozlov April 10, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
231. |
Natural differential operators on tensor fields E. G. Puninskiy April 10, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
232. |
Non-rational quotients of rational surfaces A. S. Trepalin April 10, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 3, 2013 (Wed) |
233. |
Identities for matrix invariants of the symplectic group A. A. Lopatin April 3, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 27, 2013 (Wed) |
234. |
Algebraic stacks. Moduli stack of affine stable toric varieties N. Pechenkin March 27, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 20, 2013 (Wed) |
235. |
On the conference in Israel (continuation of the talk on 13th March) D. A. Timashev March 20, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 13, 2013 (Wed) |
236. |
On the conference in Israel D. A. Timashev March 13, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 27, 2013 (Wed) |
237. |
Examples of describing amalgams of families of algebras and groups R. S. Ismagilov February 27, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 20, 2013 (Wed) |
238. |
Projections of orbital measures, Gelfand–Tsetlin polytopes, and splines G. I. Olshanskii February 20, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 13, 2013 (Wed) |
239. |
The automorphism group of a complete toric variety P. Kotenkova February 13, 2013 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
January 30, 2013 (Wed) |
240. |
Some questions of vision neurogeometry D. V. Alekseevskii January 30, 2013, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
January 23, 2013 (Wed) |
241. |
Wide subalgebras of semisimple Lie algebras D. I. Panyushev January 23, 2013, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 12, 2012 (Wed) |
242. |
Depth of Stanley–Reisner algebras A. Aizenberg December 12, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 5, 2012 (Wed) |
243. |
A non-combinatorial proof of the Littlewood-Richardson rule (based on the paper "Why should the Littlewood-Richardson Rule be true?" by Roger Howe and Soo Tech Lee) E. Ponomareva December 5, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 28, 2012 (Wed) |
244. |
Unirationality and existence of infinitely transitive models (joint work with F. Bogomolov and I. Karzhemanov) K. Kuyumzhiyan November 28, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 21, 2012 (Wed) |
245. |
Deformations of modular Lie algebras A. Ladilova November 21, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 14, 2012 (Wed) |
246. |
Kostant-Kumar polynoms and tangent cones to Schubert varieties M. Ignatyev November 14, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 7, 2012 (Wed) |
247. |
Fano $T$-varieties of complexity one and the existence of Kaehler-Einstein metrics on them H. Süß November 7, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 31, 2012 (Wed) |
248. |
Cluster algebras E. Romaskevich October 31, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 24, 2012 (Wed) |
249. |
New computation methods in exceptional Chevalley groups N. A. Vavilov October 24, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 17, 2012 (Wed) |
250. |
The Charish-Chandra map and the Kostant Clifford algebra conjecture S. Fedotov October 17, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 10, 2012 (Wed) |
251. |
Solvable spherical subgroups: a review of different approaches to classification R. Avdeev October 10, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 3, 2012 (Wed) |
252. |
Commuting involutions of Lie algebras, commutator varieties, and simple Jordan algebras D. I. Panyushev October 3, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 26, 2012 (Wed) |
253. |
Root systems of torus graphs Shintaro Kuroki September 26, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 16, 2012 (Wed) |
254. |
Циклические элементы в полупростых алгебрах Ли A. G. Élashvili May 16, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 2, 2012 (Wed) |
Предзащиты дипломных и курсовых работ |
255. |
Исчисление Шуберта и струнные многогранники для группы $\mathrm{Sp}_4(\mathbb C)$ (дипломная работа) M. Ilyukhina May 2, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
256. |
Проблема ветвления для алгебраических групп $\mathsf{E}_6$ и $\mathsf{D}_5$: геометрический подход (дипломная работа) A. Seplyarskaya May 2, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
257. |
Касательные конусы многообразий Шуберта (курсовая работа) M. A. Bochkarev May 2, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 25, 2012 (Wed) |
258. |
Bases in some irreducible $\mathfrak{gl}_n$-modules and the Robinson–Schensted–Knuth correspondence I. Makhlin April 25, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 18, 2012 (Wed) |
259. |
Two problems with the same answer: algebra and combinatorics D. I. Panyushev April 18, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 11, 2012 (Wed) |
260. |
A criterion of smoothness at infinity for an arithmetic quotient of a symmetric domain of type IV È. B. Vinberg April 11, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 4, 2012 (Wed) |
261. |
The principal $\mathfrak{sl}_2$-subalgebras and exponents of complex simple Lie groups (continuation) S. Fedotov April 4, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 28, 2012 (Wed) |
262. |
The principal $\mathfrak{sl}_2$-subalgebras and exponents of complex simple Lie groups (based on a paper by Bertram Kostant) S. Fedotov March 28, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 21, 2012 (Wed) |
263. |
Degenerate flag varieties E. Feigin March 21, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 14, 2012 (Wed) |
264. |
Representations of algebraic groups on polynomial rings (based on a paper by Bertram Kostant) S. Fedotov March 14, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 7, 2012 (Wed) |
265. |
The generalized cancellation problem (based on a paper by Anthony Crachiola) P. Kotenkova March 7, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 29, 2012 (Wed) |
266. |
On double coset varieties A. Anisimov February 29, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 22, 2012 (Wed) |
Mini-course "Introduction to K3 surfaces" |
267. |
3. Projective properties: The Mori cone, Mori dream K3 surfaces A. Laface February 22, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 20, 2012 (Mon) |
Seminar of Chair of higher algebra |
268. |
Quiver representations and Grassmannians of subrepresentations S. Fedotov February 20, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 16, 2012 (Thu) |
Mini-course "Introduction to K3 surfaces" |
269. |
2. Lattices: Even lattices, automorphisms, Enriques and rational surfaces A. Laface February 16, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 15, 2012 (Wed) |
270. |
1. The period domain: Topological properties, Hodge theory, Torelli theorem A. Laface February 15, 2012 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 14, 2011 (Wed) |
271. |
Производящие ряды классов эквивариантных схем Гротендика нульмерных подсхем на плоскости A. Yu. Buriyak, S. M. Gusein-Zade December 14, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 7, 2011 (Wed) |
272. |
Simply connected curves and automorphism groups of affine toric surfaces (joint work with Mikhail Zaidenberg) I. V. Arzhantsev December 7, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 30, 2011 (Wed) |
273. |
On approximating properties of finitely generated dense subgroups in Lie groups A. A. Glutsyuk November 30, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 23, 2011 (Wed) |
274. |
The Bruhat order on involutions in Weyl groups of the root systems $A_n$ and $C_n$ M. Ignat'ev November 23, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 16, 2011 (Wed) |
275. |
Divided difference operators on polytopes V. Kirichenko November 16, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 9, 2011 (Wed) |
276. |
Classification of spherical varieties (a survey) (continuation) D. A. Timashev November 9, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 2, 2011 (Wed) |
277. |
Classification of spherical varieties (a survey) D. A. Timashev November 2, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 26, 2011 (Wed) |
278. |
On rings of commuting differential operators A. Zheglov October 26, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 19, 2011 (Wed) |
279. |
Block characters of symmetric groups V. Gorin October 19, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 12, 2011 (Wed) |
280. |
Geometric characterization of excellent affine spherical homogeneous spaces R. Avdeev October 12, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 5, 2011 (Wed) |
281. |
On the Jacobian problem A. Ya. Belov October 5, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 28, 2011 (Wed) |
282. |
Torsors over Luna strata I. V. Arzhantsev September 28, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 21, 2011 (Wed) |
283. |
Hamiltonian varieties with invariant Lagrangian subvarieties (continuation) D. A. Timashev September 21, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 14, 2011 (Wed) |
284. |
Hamiltonian varieties with invariant Lagrangian subvarieties (joint work with V. S. Zhgoon) D. A. Timashev September 14, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 5, 2011 (Mon) |
285. |
On relations for matrix invariants A. Lopatin September 5, 2011 15:00, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 11, 2011 (Wed) |
Предзащиты дипломных и курсовых работ |
286. |
Существенные сигнатуры и канонические базисы неприводимых представлений группы $\mathrm G_{2}$ A. A. Gornitskii May 11, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
287. |
Классификация нильпотентных орбит пучков десятимерных спиноров M. Ilyukhina May 11, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
288. |
Смешанные орбиты пучков тривекторов шестимерного пространства V. Leshonkov May 11, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
289. |
Полиномиальные алгебры Ли E. L. Romaskevich May 11, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 4, 2011 (Wed) |
Предзащиты дипломных работ |
290. |
Actions of a commutative unipotent group on flag varieties and nilpotent multiplications R. Devyatov May 4, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
291. |
A geometric realization of the Altmann–Hausen family N. A. Pechenkin May 4, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 27, 2011 (Wed) |
292. |
Compact linear groups with quotient space homeomorphic to a cell O. Styrt April 27, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 20, 2011 (Wed) |
293. |
Spherical actions on flag varieties A. Petukhov April 20, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 13, 2011 (Wed) |
Conference "Lomonosov-2011" |
294. |
Classification of $\mathrm{GL}_3(\mathbb C)$-orbits of ternary forms P. Bibikov April 13, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
295. |
Classification of double flag varieties of complexity $0$ and $1$ E. V. Ponomareva April 13, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
296. |
The problem of branching: a geometric approach A. Seplyarskaya April 13, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 30, 2011 (Wed) |
297. |
Typical properties of 2-step nilpotent Lie algebras M. V. Milentyeva March 30, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 23, 2011 (Wed) |
298. |
Characters of the group of rational rearrangements E. E. Goryachko March 23, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 17, 2011 (Thu) |
299. |
Crystallographic affine groups G. A. Soifer March 17, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 9, 2011 (Wed) |
300. |
Flexibility of affine cones over del Pezzo surfaces of degrees 4 and 5 A. Perepechko March 9, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 2, 2011 (Wed) |
301. |
Affine homogeneous real hypersurfaces in $\mathbb C^2$ and $\mathbb C^3$ A. V. Loboda March 2, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 24, 2011 (Thu) |
302. |
Upgrades of $p$-divisors N. O. Ilten February 24, 2011 15:00, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 16, 2011 (Wed) |
303. |
Homomorphisms of rings of convex polytopes and their applications N. Yu. Erokhovets February 16, 2011 16:45, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 15, 2010 (Wed) |
304. |
Кластерные алгебры конечного мутационного типа A. A. Felikson December 15, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 8, 2010 (Wed) |
305. |
Классификация SMF-модулей редуктивных алгебраических групп (по работам R. Howe, F. Knop и T. Pecher) A. Anisimov December 8, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 1, 2010 (Wed) |
306. |
Комбинаторика $B$-орбит и порядок Брюа на инволюциях M. V. Ignatyev December 1, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 10, 2010 (Wed) |
307. |
Гармонический анализ на сферических однородных пространствах с разрешимым стабилизатором (совместная работа с Н. Горфинкель) R. Avdeev November 10, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 3, 2010 (Wed) |
308. |
О порождении простых вещественных групп Ли компактными торами E. B. Vinberg November 3, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 27, 2010 (Wed) |
309. |
Бесконечная транзитивность действия группы автоморфизмов на вещественных алгебраических многообразиях K. Kuyumzhiyan October 27, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 13, 2010 (Wed) |
310. |
$G_a$-действия на аффинных $T$-многообразиях (по работе Alvaro Liendo) P. Kotenkova October 13, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 6, 2010 (Wed) |
311. |
Об одном обобщении теоремы Шевалле E. B. Vinberg October 6, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 29, 2010 (Wed) |
312. |
О порождаемости отражениями группы $O(2,n,Z)$ E. B. Vinberg September 29, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 22, 2010 (Wed) |
313. |
Подалгебры Годена и стабильные рациональные кривые (по статье Leonardo Aguirre, Giovanni Felder, Alexander P. Veselov) L. G. Rybnikov September 22, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 9, 2010 (Thu) |
314. |
О периодических бильярдных траекториях в плоских областях G. A. Gal'perin September 9, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 8, 2010 (Wed) |
315. |
Braided Geometry and its applications D. Gurevich September 8, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 12, 2010 (Wed) |
Защиты дипломных и курсовых работ |
316. |
Орбиты и инварианты пучков тривекторов шестимерного пространства Aleksandr Kvasnikov May 12, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
317. |
Теория инвариантов симплектической группы на пучках тривекторов шестимерного пространства Vladimir Leshonkov May 12, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
318. |
Теория инвариантов кубических матриц третьего порядка с симметрическими слоями Mariya Ilyukhina May 12, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
319. |
Классификация двойных многообразий флагов сложности 0 и 1 E. V. Ponomareva May 12, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
320. |
Проблемы ветвления для классических групп: геометрический подход Anna Seplyarskaya May 12, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 5, 2010 (Wed) |
321. |
$\mathrm{SL}(2)$-действия на трехмерных аффинных торических многообразиях Polina Kotenkova May 5, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
322. |
Параболически связные подгруппы Igor Netai May 5, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
323. |
Локальная транзитивность для кратных многообразий флагов Rostislav Devyatov May 5, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
324. |
Градуированные алгебры и кратные многогранники Nikolai Pechenkin May 5, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 28, 2010 (Wed) |
325. |
Обобщенный метод сдвига аргумента и коммутативные наборы в алгебрах Пуассона–Ли A. Yu. Konyaev, A. A. Korotkevich April 28, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 21, 2010 (Wed) |
326. |
Автоморфизмы конечномерных локальных алгебр A. Yu. Perepechko April 21, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 14, 2010 (Wed) |
327. |
Об унипотентных коммутативных группах в характеристике $p$ и Ноттингемской группе Ya. V. Abramov April 14, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 7, 2010 (Wed) |
328. |
$\mathrm{SL}_2$-орбиты бинарных форм (совместная работа с В. В. Лычагиным) P. Bibikov April 7, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 31, 2010 (Wed) |
329. |
Мираболические характеры группы $\mathrm{GL}(n,F_q)$ M. Finkel'berg March 31, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 24, 2010 (Wed) |
330. |
Two kinds of bundles with torus action (joint work with J. Hausen / J. L. Gonzales, M. Hering, S. Payne) Hendrik Süß March 24, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 17, 2010 (Wed) |
331. |
Бесконечная транзитивность для групп автоморфизмов аффинных многообразий (совм. работа с М. Г. Зайденбергом и К. Г. Куюмжиян) Ivan Arzhantsev March 17, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 10, 2010 (Wed) |
332. |
О разрешимых сферических подгруппах полупростых алгебраических групп R. Avdeev March 10, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 3, 2010 (Wed) |
333. |
Комбинаторное доказательство PRV-гипотезы для классических групп (по работе K. N. Rajeswari) A. Anisimov March 3, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 24, 2010 (Wed) |
334. |
О многообразии почти коммутирующих матриц (по работам Этингофа–Гинзбурга и Ган–Гинзбурга) D. Shmel'kin February 24, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 17, 2010 (Wed) |
335. |
Ограниченные $(g,k)$-модули и сферические многообразия A. Petukhov February 17, 2010, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 16, 2009 (Wed) |
336. |
Кольца Кокса алебраических многообразий с действием тора сложности один (по работе J. Hausen and H. Suss) S. Gaifullin December 16, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 9, 2009 (Wed) |
337. |
Двойственность Фредмана, инварианты конечных групп и перманент таблицы Кэли D. I. Panyushev December 9, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 2, 2009 (Wed) |
338. |
Ветвление для симплектических групп (по работе N. Wallach и O. Yacobi) D. A. Timashev December 2, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 25, 2009 (Wed) |
339. |
Факториальные действия и категорные факторы (совместная работа с Ю. Хаузеном (J. Hausen) и Д. Целиком (D. Celik)) Ivan Arzhantsev November 25, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 18, 2009 (Wed) |
340. |
О некоторых свободных алгебрах автоморфных форм на симметрических областях типа IV (продолжение) E. B. Vinberg November 18, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 11, 2009 (Wed) |
341. |
О некоторых свободных алгебрах автоморфных форм на симметрических областях типа IV E. B. Vinberg November 11, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 28, 2009 (Wed) |
342. |
Ортогональные подмножества систем корней и метод орбит M. Ignat'ev October 28, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 21, 2009 (Wed) |
343. |
Пространства модулей для оснащенных колчанов (по работе М. Райнеке) S. Fedotov October 21, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 14, 2009 (Wed) |
344. |
Об универсальных подпространствах в представлениях компактных групп Ли (по статье Jinpeng An и Dragomir Dokovich) V. Zhgoon October 14, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 7, 2009 (Wed) |
345. |
Исчисление Шуберта и многогранники Гельфанда–Цетлина V. Kirichenko October 7, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 30, 2009 (Wed) |
346. |
Строение изотропных редуктивных групп A. Stavrova September 30, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 23, 2009 (Wed) |
347. |
Квазиоднородные $\mathrm{SL}(2)$-многообразия с действием одномерного тора V. Batyrev September 23, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 16, 2009 (Wed) |
348. |
Эквивариантная геометрия кокасательных расслоений V. Zhgoon September 16, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 6, 2009 (Wed) |
349. |
Слабо коммутативные однородные пространства с одномерным стабилизатором S. Shashkov May 6, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 29, 2009 (Wed) |
350. |
Централизаторная конструкция Ольшанского и базисы Гельфанда–Цетлина в аффинном случае L. Rybnikov April 29, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 22, 2009 (Wed) |
351. |
Обобщение конструкции Кинга для колчанов S. Fedotov April 22, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 15, 2009 (Wed) |
352. |
О парах коммутирующих нильпотентных матриц (по работе Т. Кошира и П. Облак) N. Gorfinkel April 15, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 8, 2009 (Wed) |
353. |
Базисы Гельфанда–Цетлина через пространства Ломона A. Tsymbalyuk April 8, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 25, 2009 (Wed) |
354. |
О собственных числах лапласиана Кокстера D. N. Akhiezer March 25, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 18, 2009 (Wed) |
355. |
Голоморфные функции экспоненциального типа и двойственность для групп Штейна с алгебраической связной компонентой единицы S. S. Akbarov March 18, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 11, 2009 (Wed) |
356. |
Новая формула для кратностей весов и характера представления полупростой алгебры Ли (по работе Siddhartha Sahi) S. Shashkov March 11, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 4, 2009 (Wed) |
357. |
Колчанные многообразия Накажимы и замыкания нильпотентных орбит (продолжение) D. Shmel'kin March 4, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 25, 2009 (Wed) |
358. |
Супералгебры Ли и проективные представления симметрических групп A. N. Sergeev February 25, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 18, 2009 (Wed) |
359. |
Колчанные многообразия Накажимы и замыкания нильпотентных орбит D. Shmel'kin February 18, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 11, 2009 (Wed) |
360. |
Вертекс-операторные алгебры и аффинные алгебры Каца–Муди E. Feigin February 11, 2009, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 24, 2008 (Wed) |
361. |
Строение исключительных групп над кольцами N. A. Vavilov December 24, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 17, 2008 (Wed) |
362. |
Единственность разложения тензрорного произведения неприводимых представлений простых алгебраических групп (по работе C. S. Rajan) E. Porshnev December 17, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 10, 2008 (Wed) |
363. |
Алгебраические симметрические пространства: схемы Сатаке, классификация и гармонический анализ D. Timashev December 10, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 26, 2008 (Wed) |
364. |
О конечных подгруппах в группе Кремоны $\mathrm{Cr}_3$ Yu. Prokhorov November 26, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 19, 2008 (Wed) |
365. |
Алгебры операторов Лакса и интегрируемые иерархии O. K. Sheinman November 19, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 12, 2008 (Wed) |
366. |
Классификация целочисленных симметрических матриц с собственными значениями из отрезка $[-2,2]$ (по работе J. McKee, C. Smyth) V. S. Zhgoon November 12, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 5, 2008 (Wed) |
367. |
q-деформация функции Уиттекера и модули Демазюра S. Oblezin November 5, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 29, 2008 (Wed) |
368. |
Обобщение формулы Молина–Картана–Вейля M. Kh. Gizatullin October 29, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 15, 2008 (Wed) |
369. |
Градуировки комплексных алгебр Ли и супералгебр Ли системами корней их редуктивных подалгебр A. L. Onishchik October 15, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 8, 2008 (Wed) |
370. |
Алгебра формальных векторных полей на прямой и гипотеза Бухштабера D. V. Millionshchikov October 8, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 1, 2008 (Wed) |
371. |
Алгебры сдвига аргумента и эндоморфизмы модулей Вейля (совместная работа с Б. Фейгиным и Э. Френкелем, arXiv: 0802.3872) L. Rybnikov October 1, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 24, 2008 (Wed) |
372. |
О замечательных свойствах частично-упорядоченных множеств, связанных с системами корней D. Panyushev September 24, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 17, 2008 (Wed) |
373. |
О замечательных свойствах частично-упорядоченных множеств, связанных с системами корней E. B. Vinberg September 17, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 14, 2008 (Wed) |
374. |
Комплексы представлений супералгебр Ли $Е(3,6)$, $Е(5,10)$ и вычисление гомологий A. N. Rudakov May 14, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 7, 2008 (Wed) |
375. |
Квантовые подалгебры Мищенко-Фоменко (совместная работа с Б. Фейгиным и Э. Френкелем) L. Rybnikov May 7, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 30, 2008 (Wed) |
376. |
Модулярные векторные инварианты циклических групп S. A. Stepanov April 30, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 23, 2008 (Wed) |
377. |
Локально транзитивные действия коммутативной унипотентной группы на проективном пространстве (по работе B. Hassett и Yu. Tschinkel '1999) E. V. Sharoiko April 23, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 16, 2008 (Wed) |
378. |
Использование техники многогранника Ньютона для оценки числа инвариантных метрик Эйнштейна на однородном пространстве $G/H$ M. M. Graev April 16, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 9, 2008 (Wed) |
379. |
Подсчет числа точек на однородных пространствах над конечным полем (по работе M. Brion, E. Peyre) D. A. Timashev April 9, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 2, 2008 (Wed) |
380. |
О сферических функциях на группе $\mathrm{SU}(2)\times\mathrm{SU}(2)\times\mathrm{SU}(2)$ Yu. A. Neretin April 2, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 23, 2008 (Sun) |
381. |
Коприсоединенное представление централизатора: алгебра инвариантов и морфизм факторизации O. Yakimova March 23, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 19, 2008 (Wed) |
382. |
Микровесовые представления и поверхности дель-Пеццо V. S. Zhgoon March 19, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 12, 2008 (Wed) |
383. |
Геометрическая реализация $\mathrm{SL}(2)$-вложений (по работе В. Батырева и Ф. Хэддод) S. Gaifullin March 12, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 5, 2008 (Wed) |
384. |
Инвариантные упорядочения односвязных групп Ли V. M. Gichev March 5, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 27, 2008 (Wed) |
385. |
Функции Уиттекера и операторы Бэкстера S. Oblezin February 27, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 13, 2008 (Wed) |
386. |
Теорема Шевалле в $С^2$ O. V. Schwarzman February 13, 2008, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 12, 2007 (Wed) |
387. |
Вырождение орисфер в сферических однородных пространствах E. B. Vinberg December 12, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 5, 2007 (Wed) |
388. |
Теорема о локальной структуре и эквивариантная геометрия кокасательного расслоения V. S. Zhgoon December 5, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 28, 2007 (Wed) |
389. |
Инвариантные схемы Гильберта систем векторов O. Chuvashova November 28, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 21, 2007 (Wed) |
390. |
Вещественные подмногообразия комплексного пространства: автоморфизмы, модельные поверхности и пространства модулей V. K. Beloshapka November 21, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 14, 2007 (Wed) |
391. |
О структуре сопряженных конусов систем корней (по работе J.-L. Waldspurger “Une remarque sur les systèmes de racines”) P. Bibikov November 14, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 7, 2007 (Wed) |
392. |
О полупростых подалгебрах вещественных алгебр Ли A. Minchenko November 7, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 31, 2007 (Wed) |
393. |
Несколько результатов к программе Бялыницкого–Бирули (совместная работа с Ю. Хаусеном) Ivan Arzhantsev October 31, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 24, 2007 (Wed) |
394. |
Классификация локально сильно эффективных действий с нетривиальной стационарной подалгеброй общего положения D. Il'inskii October 24, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 17, 2007 (Wed) |
395. |
Классификация модельных однородных пространств (по работе Д. Луны) I. V. Losev October 17, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 10, 2007 (Wed) |
396. |
Автоморфизмы присоединенных групп Шевалле над локальными кольцами E. I. Bunina October 10, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 3, 2007 (Wed) |
397. |
О конференции в Канаде D. A. Timashev October 3, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 16, 2007 (Wed) |
398. |
Квази-инварианты групп, порожденных отражениями, и алгебры Чередника O. A. Chalykh May 16, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 18, 2007 (Wed) |
399. |
Алгоритмы для полуинвариантов колчанов (продолжение) D. A. Shmel'kin April 18, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 15, 2007 (Sun) |
400. |
О коизотропных подалгебрах полупростых алгебр Ли A. Zorin April 15, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 11, 2007 (Wed) |
401. |
Алгоритмы для полуинвариантов колчанов D. A. Shmel'kin April 11, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 4, 2007 (Wed) |
402. |
Симметрические инварианты для $Z_2$-вырождений O. Yakimova April 4, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 28, 2007 (Wed) |
403. |
Кривые Фрида и их пересечения G. B. Shabat March 28, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 21, 2007 (Wed) |
404. |
Об однородных комплексных супермногообразиях, связанных с компактными эрмитовыми симметрическими пространствами A. L. Onishchik March 21, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 14, 2007 (Wed) |
405. |
Линейные деформации матричного умножения и интегрируемые системы типа волчков V. Sokolov March 14, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 7, 2007 (Wed) |
406. |
The argument shift method and maximal commutative subalgebras of Poisson algebras (a joint work with O. Yakimova) D. I. Panyushev March 7, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 28, 2007 (Wed) |
407. |
Обозримые действия на симметрических пространствах и теоремы о простоте спектра (по статье Т. Кобайаши) A. L. Konstantinov February 28, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 21, 2007 (Wed) |
408. |
Стратификация Деодара для клеток Шуберта и её обобщения (по работам В. Деодара, Ч. Куртиса, Б. Вебстера и М. Якимова) E. Yu. Smirnov February 21, 2007, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 6, 2006 (Wed) |
409. |
Полиэдральные дивизоры и действия торов (по работе К. Альтмана и Ю. Хаусена) O. Chuvashova December 6, 2006, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 29, 2006 (Wed) |
410. |
Коммутативность централизатора подалгебры в универсальной обертывающей алгебре A. Zorin November 29, 2006, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 22, 2006 (Wed) |
411. |
Аффинные торические $\mathrm{SL}(2)$-вложения S. A. Gaifullin November 22, 2006, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 15, 2006 (Wed) |
412. |
Квантовые интегрируемые системы, квантовая спектральная кривая Талалаева и соответствие Ленглендса A. Chervov November 15, 2006, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 8, 2006 (Wed) |
413. |
Разложение тензорных произведений представлений и открытые орбиты в мультифлаговых многообразиях D. V. Mironov November 8, 2006, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 1, 2006 (Wed) |
414. |
Типовые разделяющие инварианты (по работе M. Domokos) D. A. Timashev November 1, 2006, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 25, 2006 (Wed) |
415. |
О нульконусе представлений редуктивных групп (по работе H. Kraft and N. Wallach “On the nullcone of the representations of reductive groups”) A. Minchenko October 25, 2006, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 18, 2006 (Wed) |
416. |
Об экспоненциальности аффинных симметрических пространств P. Rozanov October 18, 2006, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 11, 2006 (Wed) |
417. |
О централизаторе $K$ в $U(g)$ (по работе Б. Костанта) V. S. Zhgoon October 11, 2006, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 4, 2006 (Wed) |
418. |
Симметрические инварианты централизаторов (по совместной работе с Д. Панюшевым и А. Преметом) O. S. Yakimova October 4, 2006, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 27, 2006 (Wed) |
419. |
Модель Годена: высшие гамильтонианы и их единственность L. G. Rybnikov September 27, 2006, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 20, 2006 (Wed) |
420. |
Естественные дифференциальные операции на многообразиях: теоретико-инвариантный подход (по совместной работе с П. И. Кацыло) D. A. Timashev September 20, 2006, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 17, 2006 (Wed) |
421. |
Группа классов отображений: образующие и соотношения O. V. Schwarzman May 17, 2006 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 10, 2006 (Wed) |
422. |
Frobenius splitting и его приложения (продолжение) D. A. Timashev May 10, 2006 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 3, 2006 (Wed) |
423. |
Frobenius splitting и его приложения D. A. Timashev May 3, 2006 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 26, 2006 (Wed) |
424. |
Примитивные векторы неприводимых представлений V. V. Shchigolev April 26, 2006 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 19, 2006 (Wed) |
425. |
Конечномерные представления алгебры многомерных токов S. A. Loktev April 19, 2006 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 12, 2006 (Wed) |
Конференция "Ломоносов-2006" |
426. |
О блочной структуре длинных корневых элементов в неприводимых
представлениях алгебраических групп типа $C_n$ M. V. Velichko April 12, 2006 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
427. |
Векторные поля на супермногообразиях $\Pi$-симметричных флагов E. G. Vishnyakova April 12, 2006 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 5, 2006 (Wed) |
428. |
Обобщение чисел Гурвица для накрытий лоскутными поверхностями и связанные с ними алгебры A. V. Alekseevskii April 5, 2006 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 29, 2006 (Wed) |
429. |
Пределы коммутативных подалгебр в универсальной обёртывающей алгебре L. Rybnikov March 29, 2006 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 22, 2006 (Wed) |
430. |
Кратные многообразия флагов и колчаны Ауслендера-Райтен E. Yu. Smirnov March 22, 2006 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 15, 2006 (Wed) |
431. |
Вариация факторов, GIT-веера и тотальные координаты (совм. работа с Ю. Хаузеном (J. Hausen)) (продолжение доклада от 22 февраля) Ivan Arzhantsev March 15, 2006 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 2, 2006 (Thu) |
432. |
Ортогональные симметрические пары и изоморфизм Рувьера (по работе C.Torossian'а) L. Rybnikov March 2, 2006 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 22, 2006 (Wed) |
433. |
Вариация факторов, GIT-веера и тотальные координаты (совм. работа с Ю. Хаузеном (J. Hausen)) Ivan Arzhantsev February 22, 2006 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
February 15, 2006 (Wed) |
434. |
Инвариантное упорядочение на односвязном накрытии границы Шилова симметрической области A. L. Konstantinov February 15, 2006 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 7, 2005 (Wed) |
435. |
О размерностях коммутативных подалгебр и подгрупп M. V. Milentyeva December 7, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 30, 2005 (Wed) |
436. |
Высшие соотношения плюккерова вложения грассманиана $(2,n)$ A. Khoroshkin November 30, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 23, 2005 (Wed) |
437. |
Торические вырождения сферических многообразий (по работе V. Alexeev и M. Brion) V. S. Zhgoon November 23, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 16, 2005 (Wed) |
438. |
SAGBI базисы в кольцах мультипликативных инвариантов (по работе Z. Reichstein'а) N. A. Tennova November 16, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 9, 2005 (Wed) |
439. |
Quantisation of Slodowy slices (аfter Gan-Ginzburg and Premet) O. S. Yakimova November 9, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 2, 2005 (Wed) |
440. |
Компактные гиперболические многогранники Кокстера с малым числом гиперграней A. A. Felikson November 2, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 26, 2005 (Wed) |
441. |
Применение базисов Грёбнера к вычислению фейнмановских интегралов A. V. Smirnov, V. A. Smirnov October 26, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 19, 2005 (Wed) |
442. |
Формулы характера для операды согласованных скобок (по совместной работе с А. Хорошкиным) V. Dotsenko October 19, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 12, 2005 (Wed) |
443. |
Торические схемы Гильберта O. Chuvashova October 12, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 5, 2005 (Wed) |
444. |
Об одном способе построения канонических базисов для представлений полупростых алгебр Ли È. B. Vinberg October 5, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 28, 2005 (Wed) |
445. |
Квадратичные элементы алгебр Пуассона полупростых алгебр Ли и метод сдвига инвариантов L. G. Rybnikov September 28, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 21, 2005 (Wed) |
446. |
Вложения с малой границей однородных пространств (совм. работа с Юргеном Хаусеном) I. V. Arzhantsev September 21, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 7, 2005 (Wed) |
447. |
Об инвариантах полупрямых произведений D. I. Panyushev September 7, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 11, 2005 (Wed) |
448. |
Демазюровские модули и многообразия Шуберта для аффинной алгебры $\mathfrak{sl}(2)$ E. B. Feigin May 11, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 4, 2005 (Wed) |
449. |
Good index behaviour (based on a joint work with D. I. Panyushev) O. S. Yakimova May 4, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 27, 2005 (Wed) |
450. |
О шубертовском разложении для двойных грассманианов E. Yu. Smirnov April 27, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 20, 2005 (Wed) |
451. |
Вычисление группы Пикара для фактора Мамфорда действия тора на многообразии полных флагов V. S. Zhgoon April 20, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 13, 2005 (Wed) |
452. |
Геометрия гладких группоидов G. A. Tolstikhina, A. M. Shelekhov April 13, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 6, 2005 (Wed) |
453. |
Многообразие пар коммутирующих автоморфизмов простой комплексной алгебры Ли E. Krasnenko April 6, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 30, 2005 (Wed) |
454. |
Геометрический подход к полуинвариантам колчанов D. A. Shmel'kin March 30, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 23, 2005 (Wed) |
455. |
Нестабильность недискретных свободных подгрупп в группах Ли A. A. Glutsyuk March 23, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 16, 2005 (Wed) |
456. |
Стабильные аффинные модели для действий алгебраических групп (по работе Z. Reichstein and N. Vonessen) I. V. Arzhantsev March 16, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 9, 2005 (Wed) |
457. |
Конечные подгруппы группы $\mathsf G_2$ (по статье R. Griess'a) A. Minchenko March 9, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 2, 2005 (Wed) |
458. |
Функции роста алгебр и размерность Гельфанда–Кириллова L. G. Rybnikov March 2, 2005 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 15, 2004 (Wed) |
459. |
Нечётные семейные пары L. G. Rybnikov December 15, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 8, 2004 (Wed) |
460. |
Симплектические особенности D. B. Kaledin December 8, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
December 1, 2004 (Wed) |
461. |
Параболическая индукция подалгебр и проективных орбит A. V. Smirnov December 1, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 24, 2004 (Wed) |
462. |
Переход к независимым инвариантам в формуле квантования Концевича P. I. Katsylo November 24, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 17, 2004 (Wed) |
463. |
Многообразия орисфер и эквивариантная симплектическая геометрия кокасательных расслоений D. A. Timashev November 17, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 10, 2004 (Wed) |
464. |
О классификации однородных комплексных супермногообразий A. L. Onishchik November 10, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
November 3, 2004 (Wed) |
465. |
Теорема о симплектическом слайсе I. V. Losev November 3, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 20, 2004 (Wed) |
466. |
Торическая топология T. E. Panov October 20, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 13, 2004 (Wed) |
467. |
Метод сдвига инвариантов и критический уровень L. G. Rybnikov October 13, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
October 6, 2004 (Wed) |
468. |
Доказательство ослабленного варианта гипотезы Гельфанда–Кириллова S. T. Sadetov October 6, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 22, 2004 (Wed) |
469. |
Действие группы Вейля на множестве орбит сферической подгруппы в многообразии флагов (по работе N. Ressayre) D. A. Timashev September 22, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 15, 2004 (Wed) |
470. |
О достижимых элементах в полупростых алгебрах Ли D. I. Panyushev September 15, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
September 8, 2004 (Wed) |
471. |
Индекс централизаторов элементов в редуктивных алгебрах Ли O. S. Yakimova September 8, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
June 23, 2004 (Wed) |
472. |
Анализ и геометрия фракталов A. A. Kirillov June 23, 2004, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
June 11, 2004 (Fri) |
473. |
Классификация хороших градуировок простых алгебр Ли A. G. Élashvili June 11, 2004, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 19, 2004 (Wed) |
474. |
О проективных инвариантах римановых метрик и связностей P. I. Katsylo May 19, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 12, 2004 (Wed) |
475. |
Антинильпотентные алгебры Ли и уравнения Янга–Миллса V. V. Gorbatsevich May 12, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
May 5, 2004 (Wed) |
476. |
Проективно самодвойственные алгебраические многообразия и нильпотентные орбиты V. L. Popov May 5, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 28, 2004 (Wed) |
Предзащиты дипломных работ |
477. |
Инвариантные упорядочения в однородных пространствах простых групп Ли A. L. Konstantinov April 28, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
478. |
Полупростые подалгебры особых алгебр Ли A. N. Minchenko April 28, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
479. |
О естественных дифференциальных операциях E. Yu. Smirnov April 28, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 21, 2004 (Wed) |
480. |
A new approach to the theory of symmetric groups (based on a paper by Vershik and Okounkov) A. V. Smirnov April 21, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 14, 2004 (Wed) |
481. |
Cartan components and decomposable tensors (based on a paper by K. Baur) I. V. Arzhantsev April 14, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
April 7, 2004 (Wed) |
482. |
Topological field theory and Hurwitz numbers (based on a joint work with A. V. Alekseevsky) S. M. Natanzon April 7, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 24, 2004 (Wed) |
483. |
$\mathrm{ad}$-nilpotent ideals in Borel subalgebras D. I. Panyushev March 24, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06
March 17, 2004 (Wed) |
484. |
On invariants of a system of elements of a reductive Lie algebra I. V. Losev March 17, 2004 16:20, Moscow, MSU main building, room 13-06