V. G. Spokoinyi, Inference for Structural Nonparametrics (February 15–March 1, 2016, Independent Moscow University, Moscow)
Lecture plan:
- Mon 15.02 Parametric inference. Linear models
- Tue 16.02 Generalized Liner Models and Generalized regression
- Wed 17.02 Log-density estimation
- Mon 22.02 Non-linear regression. Structural models
- Mon 29.02 Single-index, projection pursuit and other models
- Tue 01.03 Error-in-variable and structural models
Spokoiny Vladimir Grigor'evich
Independent University of Moscow |
V. G. Spokoinyi, Inference for Structural Nonparametrics, Moscow, February 15–March 1, 2016 |
March 1, 2016 (Tue) |
1. |
Inference for Structural Nonparametrics. Lecture 6 V. G. Spokoiny March 1, 2016, Moscow, Independent Moscow University
February 29, 2016 (Mon) |
2. |
Inference for Structural Nonparametrics. Lecture 5 V. G. Spokoiny February 29, 2016, Moscow, Independent Moscow University
February 22, 2016 (Mon) |
3. |
Inference for Structural Nonparametrics. Lecture 4 V. G. Spokoiny February 22, 2016, Moscow, Independent Moscow University
February 17, 2016 (Wed) |
4. |
Inference for Structural Nonparametrics. Lecture 3 V. G. Spokoiny February 17, 2016, Moscow, Independent Moscow University
February 16, 2016 (Tue) |
5. |
Inference for Structural Nonparametrics. Lecture 2 V. G. Spokoiny February 16, 2016, Moscow, Independent Moscow University
February 15, 2016 (Mon) |
6. |
Inference for Structural Nonparametrics. Lecture 1 V. G. Spokoiny February 15, 2016, Moscow, Independent Moscow University