
Summer School "Contemporary Mathematics", 2012
(July 19–30, 2012, Dubna)

Summer School "Contemporary Mathematics", 2012

Since 2001, Russian Academy of Sciences (Department of mathematical sciences), Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, Moscow Depatment for Education and the Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education organize a summer school, unique in its choice of professors and participants.

During two weeks around a hundred students of high-school or from the first two years of university take part in 70–80 lectures and seminars.



Chair of the scientific committee
Sosinskii Aleksei Bronislavovich

Branch of Mathematical Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences
Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Department of education, Moscow city
Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education

Summer School "Contemporary Mathematics", 2012, Dubna, July 19–30, 2012

July 9, 2012 (Mon)
1. Геометрия расположения, или первые шаги топологии. Лекция для лингвистов
V. A. Uspenskii
July 9, 2012, Dubna
V. A. Uspenskii

July 20, 2012 (Fri)
2. What can the languages of mathematical logic express
V. A. Uspenskii
July 20, 2012 09:30, Dubna
V. A. Uspenskii
3. Root systems and Dynkin diagrams. Lecture 1
A. G. Kuznetsov
July 20, 2012 11:15, Dubna
A. G. Kuznetsov

July 20, 2012 (Fri)
4. The law of quadratic reciprocity. Lecture 1
S. M. L'vovskii
July 20, 2012 11:15, Dubna
S. M. L'vovskii
5. Billiards: periodic trajectories and conservation laws. Lecture 1
A. A. Glutsyuk
July 20, 2012 11:15, Dubna
A. A. Glutsyuk

July 20, 2012 (Fri)
6. Knots: invariants and normal forms. Introduction
A. B. Sosinskii
July 20, 2012 15:30, Dubna
A. B. Sosinskii

July 20, 2012 (Fri)
7. The Euler characteristic. Lecture 1
Yu. M. Burman
July 20, 2012 17:00, Dubna
Yu. M. Burman
8. Congruent numbers and elliptic curves. Lecture 1
A. I. Zykin
July 20, 2012 17:00, Dubna
A. I. Zykin
9. Geometry and combinatorics of generating relations. Lecture 1
A. Ya. Belov
July 20, 2012 17:00, Dubna
A. Ya. Belov

July 21, 2012 (Sat)
10. Root systems and Dynkin diagrams. Lecture 2
A. G. Kuznetsov
July 21, 2012 09:30, Dubna
A. G. Kuznetsov

July 21, 2012 (Sat)
11. The law of quadratic reciprocity. Lecture 2
S. M. L'vovskii
July 21, 2012 09:30, Dubna
S. M. L'vovskii
12. Billiards: periodic trajectories and conservation laws. Lecture 2
A. A. Glutsyuk
July 21, 2012 09:30, Dubna
A. A. Glutsyuk
13. Fast-growing functions (“Faster, higher, stronger”). Introductory lecture
L. D. Beklemishev
July 21, 2012 11:15, Dubna
L. D. Beklemishev
14. Qualitative theory of algorithms
A. L. Semenov
July 21, 2012 12:45, Dubna
A. L. Semenov
15. The Euler characteristic. Lecture 2
Yu. M. Burman
July 21, 2012 15:30, Dubna
Yu. M. Burman
16. Congruent numbers and elliptic curves. Lecture 2
A. I. Zykin
July 21, 2012 15:30, Dubna
A. I. Zykin
17. Geometry and combinatorics of generating relations. Lecture 2
A. Ya. Belov
July 21, 2012 15:30, Dubna
A. Ya. Belov
18. Curves: real, complex and over finite fields. Lecture 1
R. M. Fedorov
July 21, 2012 17:00, Dubna
R. M. Fedorov
19. Knots: invariants and normal forms. Lecture 1
A. B. Sosinskii
July 21, 2012 17:00, Dubna
A. B. Sosinskii
20. Szemeredi's theorem and dynamical systems. Lecture 1
V. V. Uspenskii
July 21, 2012 17:00, Dubna
V. V. Uspenskii

July 22, 2012 (Sun)
21. Root systems and Dynkin diagrams. Lecture 3
A. G. Kuznetsov
July 22, 2012 09:30, Dubna
A. G. Kuznetsov

July 22, 2012 (Sun)
22. The law of quadratic reciprocity. Lecture 3
S. M. L'vovskii
July 22, 2012 09:30, Dubna
S. M. L'vovskii
23. Billiards: periodic trajectories and conservation laws. Lecture 3
A. A. Glutsyuk
July 22, 2012 09:30, Dubna
A. A. Glutsyuk
24. The Euler characteristic. Lecture 3
Yu. M. Burman
July 22, 2012 11:15, Dubna
Yu. M. Burman
25. Congruent numbers and elliptic curves. Lecture 3
A. I. Zykin
July 22, 2012 11:15, Dubna
A. I. Zykin
26. Geometry and combinatorics of generating relations. Lecture 3
A. Ya. Belov
July 22, 2012 11:15, Dubna
A. Ya. Belov
27. Конструирование интеллектуальных систем
K. V. Anisimovich
July 22, 2012 12:45, Dubna
K. V. Anisimovich
28. Geometric quantization. Lecture 1
A. A. Kirillov
July 22, 2012 15:30, Dubna
A. A. Kirillov
29. Fast-growing functions (“Faster, higher, stronger”). Lecture 1
L. D. Beklemishev
July 22, 2012 17:00, Dubna
L. D. Beklemishev
30. Determinantal processes. Lecture 1
A. I. Bufetov, A. V. Komlov
July 22, 2012 17:00, Dubna
A. I. Bufetov, A. V. Komlov
31. Introduction to Adele democracy. Lecture 1
G. B. Shabat
July 22, 2012 17:00, Dubna
G. B. Shabat

July 23, 2012 (Mon)
32. Methods of contemporary statistics. Lecture 1
A. V. Gasnikov
July 23, 2012 09:30, Dubna
A. V. Gasnikov
33. Renormalization and universality in dynamical systems and in lattice models. Lecture 1
V. A. Kleptsyn
July 23, 2012 09:30, Dubna
V. A. Kleptsyn
34. Information theory and encoding. Lecture 1
V. N. Potapov
July 23, 2012 09:30, Dubna
V. N. Potapov
35. Квантовые группы, узлы и полином Джонса. Лекция 1
I. V. Losev
July 23, 2012 09:30, Dubna
I. V. Losev
36. The law of quadratic reciprocity. Lecture 4
S. M. L'vovskii
July 23, 2012 11:15, Dubna
S. M. L'vovskii
37. Geometric quantization. Lecture 2
A. A. Kirillov
July 23, 2012 11:15, Dubna
A. A. Kirillov
38. The Euler characteristic. Lecture 4
Yu. M. Burman
July 23, 2012 12:45, Dubna
Yu. M. Burman
39. Geometry and combinatorics of generating relations. Lecture 4
A. Ya. Belov
July 23, 2012 12:45, Dubna
A. Ya. Belov
40. Combinatorics of polyhedra: from Steinitz theorem to universality. Lecture 1
G. Yu. Panina
July 23, 2012 15:30, Dubna
G. Yu. Panina
41. Algebraic cobordisms and their applications. Lecture 1
I. A. Panin
July 23, 2012 15:30, Dubna
I. A. Panin
42. When the fortune teller is of no use. Lecture 1
M. A. Raskin
July 23, 2012 15:30, Dubna
M. A. Raskin
43. Searching for lost algebra: towards Galois. Introductory lecture
A. B. Skopenkov
July 23, 2012 17:00, Dubna
A. B. Skopenkov

July 24, 2012 (Tue)
44. The analogy between integers and polynomials. Lecture 1
Keith Conrad
July 24, 2012 09:30, Dubna
Keith Conrad
45. Geometry of discriminants and the equation solving complexity. Lecture 1
V. A. Vassiliev
July 24, 2012 09:30, Dubna
V. A. Vassiliev

July 24, 2012 (Tue)
46. Searching for lost algebra: towards Galois. Lecture 1
A. B. Skopenkov
July 24, 2012 09:30, Dubna
A. B. Skopenkov
47. Fast-growing functions (“Faster, higher, stronger”). Lecture 2
L. D. Beklemishev
July 24, 2012 11:15, Dubna
L. D. Beklemishev
48. Determinantal processes. Lecture 2
A. I. Bufetov, A. V. Komlov
July 24, 2012 11:15, Dubna
A. I. Bufetov, A. V. Komlov
49. Introduction to Adele democracy. Lecture 2
G. B. Shabat
July 24, 2012 11:15, Dubna
G. B. Shabat
50. Methods of contemporary statistics. Lecture 2
A. V. Gasnikov
July 24, 2012 12:45, Dubna
A. V. Gasnikov
51. Discussion with V. I. Arnold on what is the mathematics
V. M. Tikhomirov
July 24, 2012 12:45, Dubna
V. M. Tikhomirov
52. Combinatorics of polyhedra: from Steinitz theorem to universality. Lecture 2
G. Yu. Panina
July 24, 2012 15:30, Dubna
G. Yu. Panina
53. Algebraic cobordisms and their applications. Lecture 2
I. A. Panin
July 24, 2012 15:30, Dubna
I. A. Panin
54. When the fortune teller is of no use. Lecture 2
M. A. Raskin
July 24, 2012 15:30, Dubna
M. A. Raskin
55. Renormalization and universality in dynamical systems and in lattice models. Lecture 2
V. A. Kleptsyn
July 24, 2012 17:00, Dubna
V. A. Kleptsyn
56. Information theory and encoding. Lecture 2
V. N. Potapov
July 24, 2012 17:00, Dubna
V. N. Potapov
57. Quantum groups, knots and the Jones polynomial. Lecture 1
I. V. Losev
July 24, 2012 17:00, Dubna
I. V. Losev

July 25, 2012 (Wed)
58. Extremal combinatorics. Lecture 1
A. A. Razborov
July 25, 2012 09:30, Dubna
A. A. Razborov

July 25, 2012 (Wed)
59. The analogy between integers and polynomials. Lecture 2
Keith Conrad
July 25, 2012 11:15, Dubna
Keith Conrad
60. Geometry of discriminants and the equation solving complexity. Lecture 2
V. A. Vassiliev
July 25, 2012 11:15, Dubna
V. A. Vassiliev

July 25, 2012 (Wed)
61. Searching for lost algebra: towards Galois. Lecture 2
A. B. Skopenkov
July 25, 2012 11:15, Dubna
A. B. Skopenkov
62. Fast-growing functions (“Faster, higher, stronger”). Lecture 3
L. D. Beklemishev
July 25, 2012 15:30, Dubna
L. D. Beklemishev
63. Determinantal processes. Lecture 3
A. I. Bufetov, A. V. Komlov
July 25, 2012 15:30, Dubna
A. I. Bufetov, A. V. Komlov
64. Introduction to Adele democracy. Lecture 3
G. B. Shabat
July 25, 2012 15:30, Dubna
G. B. Shabat
65. Curves: real, complex and over finite fields. Lecture 2
R. M. Fedorov
July 25, 2012 17:00, Dubna
R. M. Fedorov
66. Knots: invariants and normal forms. Lecture 2
A. B. Sosinskii
July 25, 2012 17:00, Dubna
A. B. Sosinskii
67. Szemeredi's theorem and dynamical systems. Lecture 2
V. V. Uspenskii
July 25, 2012 17:00, Dubna
V. V. Uspenskii

July 26, 2012 (Thu)
68. The analogy between integers and polynomials. Lecture 3
Keith Conrad
July 26, 2012 09:30, Dubna
Keith Conrad
69. Geometry of discriminants and the equation solving complexity. Lecture 3
V. A. Vassiliev
July 26, 2012 09:30, Dubna
V. A. Vassiliev
70. Searching for lost algebra: towards Galois. Lecture 3
A. B. Skopenkov
July 26, 2012 09:30, Dubna
A. B. Skopenkov
71. Extremal combinatorics. Lecture 2
A. A. Razborov
July 26, 2012 11:15, Dubna
A. A. Razborov
72. Quantum groups, knots and the Jones polynomial. Lecture 2
I. V. Losev
July 26, 2012 12:45, Dubna
I. V. Losev
73. Fast-growing functions (“Faster, higher, stronger”). Lecture 4
L. D. Beklemishev
July 26, 2012 15:30, Dubna
L. D. Beklemishev
74. Determinantal processes. Lecture 4
A. I. Bufetov, A. V. Komlov
July 26, 2012 15:30, Dubna
A. I. Bufetov, A. V. Komlov
75. Introduction to Adele democracy. Lecture 4
G. B. Shabat
July 26, 2012 15:30, Dubna
G. B. Shabat
76. Variational problems. Lecture 1
V. Yu. Protasov
July 26, 2012 17:00, Dubna
V. Yu. Protasov
77. Finite fields and sandpile groups. Lecture 1
S. V. Duzhin
July 26, 2012 17:00, Dubna
S. V. Duzhin
78. Проблема домино, апериодические плитки и квазикристаллы. Что такое проблема домино, что такое апериодические плитки, и почему они нам мешают
T. Fernique
July 26, 2012 17:00, Dubna
T. Fernique
79. Knot theory. Vassiliev invariants. Lecture 1
D. V. Mironov
July 26, 2012 17:00, Dubna
D. V. Mironov

July 27, 2012 (Fri)
80. Examples and applications of metric spaces
I. V. Yaschenko
July 27, 2012 09:30, Dubna
I. V. Yaschenko
81. Combinatorics of polyhedra: from Steinitz theorem to universality. Lecture 3
G. Yu. Panina
July 27, 2012 11:15, Dubna
G. Yu. Panina
82. Algebraic cobordisms and their applications. Lecture 3
I. A. Panin
July 27, 2012 11:15, Dubna
I. A. Panin
83. When the fortune teller is of no use. Lecture 3
M. A. Raskin
July 27, 2012 11:15, Dubna
M. A. Raskin
84. Квантовые компьютеры
L. E. Fedichkin
July 27, 2012 12:45, Dubna
L. E. Fedichkin
85. Curves: real, complex and over finite fields. Lecture 3
R. M. Fedorov
July 27, 2012 15:30, Dubna
R. M. Fedorov
86. Knots: invariants and normal forms. Lecture 3
A. B. Sosinskii
July 27, 2012 15:30, Dubna
A. B. Sosinskii
87. Szemeredi's theorem and dynamical systems. Lecture 3
V. V. Uspenskii
July 27, 2012 15:30, Dubna
V. V. Uspenskii
88. Variational problems. Lecture 2
V. Yu. Protasov
July 27, 2012 17:00, Dubna
V. Yu. Protasov
89. Finite fields and sandpile groups. Lecture 2
S. V. Duzhin
July 27, 2012 17:00, Dubna
90. Проблема домино, апериодические плитки и квазикристаллы. Как замостить плоскость плитками Робинсона?
T. Fernique
July 27, 2012 17:00, Dubna
T. Fernique
91. Knot theory. Vassiliev invariants. Lecture 2
D. V. Mironov
July 27, 2012 17:00, Dubna
D. V. Mironov

July 28, 2012 (Sat)
92. Methods of contemporary statistics. Lecture 3
A. V. Gasnikov
July 28, 2012 11:15, Dubna
A. V. Gasnikov
93. Renormalization and universality in dynamical systems and in lattice models. Lecture 3
V. A. Kleptsyn
July 28, 2012 11:15, Dubna
V. A. Kleptsyn
94. Information theory and encoding. Lecture 3
V. N. Potapov
July 28, 2012 11:15, Dubna
V. N. Potapov
95. Quantum groups, knots and the Jones polynomial. Lecture 3
I. V. Losev
July 28, 2012 11:15, Dubna
I. V. Losev
96. Variational problems. Lecture 3
V. Yu. Protasov
July 28, 2012 15:30, Dubna
V. Yu. Protasov
97. Finite fields and sandpile groups. Lecture 3
S. V. Duzhin
July 28, 2012 15:30, Dubna
98. Проблема домино, апериодические плитки и квазикристаллы. Что такое проблема остановки, и почему разрешить её всё равно, что разрешить проблему домино
T. Fernique
July 28, 2012 15:30, Dubna
T. Fernique
99. Knot theory. Vassiliev invariants. Lecture 3
D. V. Mironov
July 28, 2012 15:30, Dubna
D. V. Mironov

July 28, 2012 (Sat)
100. The analogy between integers and polynomials. Lecture 4
Keith Conrad
July 28, 2012 17:00, Dubna
Keith Conrad

July 28, 2012 (Sat)
101. Geometry of discriminants and the equation solving complexity. Lecture 4
V. A. Vassiliev
July 28, 2012 17:00, Dubna
V. A. Vassiliev
102. Searching for lost algebra: towards Galois. Lecture 4
A. B. Skopenkov
July 28, 2012 17:00, Dubna
A. B. Skopenkov

July 29, 2012 (Sun)
103. Curves: real, complex and over finite fields. Lecture 4
R. M. Fedorov
July 29, 2012 09:30, Dubna
R. M. Fedorov
104. Knots: invariants and normal forms. Lecture 4
A. B. Sosinskii
July 29, 2012 09:30, Dubna
A. B. Sosinskii
105. Szemeredi's theorem and dynamical systems. Lecture 4
V. V. Uspenskii
July 29, 2012 09:30, Dubna
V. V. Uspenskii
106. Variational problems. Lecture 4
V. Yu. Protasov
July 29, 2012 11:15, Dubna
V. Yu. Protasov
107. Finite fields and sandpile groups. Lecture 4
S. V. Duzhin
July 29, 2012 11:15, Dubna
108. Проблема домино, апериодические плитки и квазикристаллы. Почему апериодические плитки не только нам мешают, но и нас интересуют, и как их найти?
T. Fernique
July 29, 2012 11:15, Dubna
T. Fernique
109. Knot theory. Vassiliev invariants. Lecture 4
D. V. Mironov
July 29, 2012 11:15, Dubna
D. V. Mironov
110. Systems of representatives and Vapnik–Chervonekis dimension. Lecture 2
A. M. Raigorodskii
July 29, 2012 12:45, Dubna
A. M. Raigorodskii
111. Methods of contemporary statistics. Lecture 4
A. V. Gasnikov
July 29, 2012 15:30, Dubna
A. V. Gasnikov
112. Renormalization and universality in dynamical systems and in lattice models. Lecture 4
V. A. Kleptsyn
July 29, 2012 15:30, Dubna
V. A. Kleptsyn
113. Information theory and encoding. Lecture 4
V. N. Potapov
July 29, 2012 15:30, Dubna
V. N. Potapov
114. Quantum groups, knots and the Jones polynomial. Lecture 4
I. V. Losev
July 29, 2012 15:30, Dubna
I. V. Losev
115. Combinatorics of polyhedra: from Steinitz theorem to universality. Lecture 4
G. Yu. Panina
July 29, 2012 17:00, Dubna
G. Yu. Panina
116. Algebraic cobordisms and their applications. Lecture 4
I. A. Panin
July 29, 2012 17:00, Dubna
I. A. Panin
117. When the fortune teller is of no use. Lecture 4
M. A. Raskin
July 29, 2012 17:00, Dubna
M. A. Raskin
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