2022, том 34, выпуск 3
Николай Капитонович Никольский (фото) Е. Абакумов, А. Баранов, А. Боричев, С. Кисляков, Ю. Томилов
Предисловие С. В. Кисляков
3–4 |
Self-similarity and spectral theory: on the spectrum of substitutions A. I. Bufetov, B. Solomyak
5–50 |
Stationary phase method, powers of functions, and applications to functional analysis H. Queffélec, R. Zarouf
51–92 |
Функции от возмущённых пар некоммутирующих диссипативных операторов А. Б. Александров, В. В. Пеллер
93–114 |
Summation method in optimal control problem with delay P. Barkhayev, Yu. Belov, Yu. Lyubarskiĭ
115–130 |
Hilbert points in Hardy spaces O. F. Brevig, J. Ortega-Cerdá, K. Seip
131–158 |
On the maximal ideal spaces of $\mathbf{H^\infty}$ on coverings of bordered Riemann surfaces A. Brudnyi
159–174 |
Power dilation systems $\{f(z^k)\}_{k\in\mathbb{N}}$ in Dirichlet-type spaces H. Dan, K. Guo
175–192 |
Functions with small and large spectra as (non)extreme points in subspaces of $H^\infty$ K. M. Dyakonov
193–206 |
Spectral asymptotics for a family of LCM matrices T. Hilberdink, A. Pushnitski
207–231 |
Preservation of absolutely continuous spectrum for contractive operators C. Liaw, S. Treil
232–251 |
Free boundary problems via Sakai's theorem D. Vardakis, A. Volberg
252–275 |
Chapter 7. Angles between invariant subspaces V. I. Vasyunin
276–295 |
Global pointwise estimates of positive solutions to sublinear equations I. E. Verbitsky
296–330 |