Actual problems of stability and control theory (APSCT'2009) N. N. Subbotina, A. I. Korotkii
3–7 |
On choice of route in nonlinear problem of sequential approach Yu. I. Berdyshev
8–15 |
Optimal control problems with moving targets R. Gabasov, N. M. Dmitruk, F. M. Kirillova, E. I. Poyasok
16–21 |
About one problem of optimal control with nonlinear functional N. L. Grigorenko, D. V. Kamzolkin, L. N. Lukyanova, D. G. Pivovarchuk
22–29 |
Optimization of the spatial distribution of pollution emission in 1D flow A. Davydov, R. Pastres, I. Petrenko
30–35 |
On direct methods for solving variational problems V. F. Demyanov, G. Sh. Tamasyan
36–47 |
Liapunov–Krasovskii quadratic functionals for linear autonomous systems with aftereffect Yu. F. Dolgii
48–56 |
On a problem of optimal putting a payload into a given elliptic orbit T. D. Dumsheva, V. B. Kostousov, E. K. Kostousova, V. I. Potchinskii
57–65 |
Analysis of sufficient optimality conditions with a set of Lyapunov type functions V. A. Dykhta
66–75 |
Observability of elastic oscillations of the network with distributed and concentrated parameters on free boundaries A. I. Egorov, L. N. Znamenskaya
76–81 |
Multifrequency self-oscillations in two-dimensional lattices of coupled oscillators A. Yu. Kolesov, E. F. Mishchenko, N. Kh. Rozov
82–94 |
A generalized method of characteristics in the theory of Hamilton–Jacobi equations and conservation laws E. A. Kolpakova
95–102 |
Optimal control of thermal convection A. I. Korotkii, D. A. Kovtunov
103–112 |
On the differential game of interception N. N. Krasovskii, A. N. Kotel'nikova
113–126 |
Quantum effect in production model taking into account deficiency of floating assets and trading infrastructure N. K. Obrosova, A. A. Shananin
127–134 |
Asymptotically stable statistically weakly invariant sets for controlled systems E. A. Panasenko, L. I. Rodina, E. L. Tonkov
135–142 |
Cooperative differential games on networks L. A. Petrosyan
143–150 |
Difference schemes in modeling evolutionary control systems with delay V. G. Pimenov
151–158 |
$C^2(D)$-integral approximation of nonsmooth functions conserving $\varepsilon(D)$-extremum points I. M. Prudnikov
159–169 |
Compound Lyapunov type functions in control problems of impulsive dynamical systems O. N. Samsonyuk
170–178 |
Data-based evaluation of nominal model robust performance under measurement noise V. F. Sokolov
179–186 |
On stability of biaxial tension of a square plate in a gradient mechanical system V. V. Struzhanov
187–195 |
One type differential games with convex goal V. I. Ukhobotov
196–204 |
To the question about stability of attainability domain in abstract problem with constraints of the moment character A. G. Chentsov
205–212 |
Mobile robots controlled by the motion of internal bodies F. L. Chernousko, N. N. Bolotnik
213–222 |
Guaranteed result in solving the game problems of motion control A. A. Chikrii
223–232 |
Control design in cryopreservation of living cells N. D. Botkin, K.-H. Hoffmann
233–240 |
Six integral equations and a flexible Liapunov functional T. A. Burton
241–252 |
On the computation of the effective Hamitonian in the non convex case M. Falcone, M. Rorro
253–260 |
Attainable sets of the control system with limited resources Kh. G. Guseinov, A. S. Nazlipinar
261–268 |
On Hamilton–Jacobi formalism in time-delay control systems N. Yu. Lukoyanov
269–277 |
Stability and sensitivity analysis for optimal control problems. A survey K. Malanowski
278–288 |
Consumer aggregation in dynamic general equlibrium models with CES utility functions N. B. Melnikov, B. C. O'Neill, M. G. Dalton
289–296 |
Nonlinear stabilizer constructing for two-sector economic growth model A. M. Tarasyev, A. A. Usova
297–307 |
Modeling osmotic de- and rehydration of living cells using Hamilton–Jacobi eqytions and reachable set techniques V. L. Turova
308–315 |