Yurii Nikolaevich Subbotin (photo)
Sergei Aleksandrovich Telyakovskii (photo)
Yurii Nikolaevich Subbotin (A Tribute to His Memory) R. R. Akopyan, N. Yu. Antonov, V. V. Arestov, A. G. Babenko, N. V. Baidakova, V. I. Berdyshev, V. V. Vasin, S. I. Novikov, N. L. Patsko, A. G. Chentsov, N. I. Chernykh, V. T. Shevaldin
9–16 |
Sergei Aleksandrovich Telyakovskii (A Tribute to His Memory) V. I. Berdyshev, O. V. Besov, B. S. Kashin, S. V. Konyagin, Yu. V. Malykhin, K. I. Oskolkov, A. S. Telyakovskii, D. S. Telyakovskii, V. N. Temlyakov, N. N. Kholshchevnikova
17–22 |
On estimates of linear widths for classes of multivariate functions in the Lorentz space G. A. Akishev
23–39 |
On One Generalized Translation and the Corresponding Inequality of Different Metrics V. V. Arestov, M. V. Deikalova
40–53 |
An algorithm for taking a bipartite graph to the bipartite threshold form V. A. Baranskii, T. A. Senchonok
54–63 |
An observer and a pair of objects enveloping a set of convex regions V. I. Berdyshev
64–70 |
Shape Preserving Conditions for Integro Quadratic Spline Interpolation in the Mean Yu. S. Volkov
71–77 |
Generalized absolute convergence of Fourier series with respect to multiplicative systems of functions of generalized bounded fluctuation S. S. Volosivets, A. N. Mingachev
78–90 |
On Almost Universal Double Fourier Series M. G. Grigoryan
91–102 |
Order equalities in the spaces $L_p(\mathbb T), 1$ < $p$ < $\infty$, for best approximations and moduli of smoothness of derivatives of periodic functions with monotone Fourier coefficients N. A. Ilyasov
103–120 |
On the Pringsheim Convergence of a Subsequence of Partial Sums of a Fourier Trigonometric Series S. V. Konyagin
121–127 |
Bernstein–Szegő inequality for trigonometric polynomials in the space $L_0$ with a constant greater than classical A. O. Leont'eva
128–136 |
A Complete Description of the Relative Widths of Sobolev Classes in the Uniform Metric Yu. V. Malykhin
137–142 |
On an Interpolation Problem with the Smallest $L_2$-Norm of the Laplace Operator S. I. Novikov
143–153 |
Interpolating orthogonal bases of n-separate MRAs and wavelets E. A. Pleshcheva
154–163 |
On scientific contacts with Sergei Aleksandrovich Telyakovskii A. Yu. Popov
164–176 |
Uniform with Respect to the Parameter $a\in(0,1)$ Two-Sided Estimates of the Sums of Sine and Cosine Series with Coefficients $1/k^a$ by the First Terms of Their Asymptotics A. Yu. Popov, T. V. Rodionov
177–190 |
On parameter control in iterative linear programming methods based on a new class of smooth exterior penalty functions L. D. Popov
191–200 |
The Method of Quasi-Solutions Based on Barrier Functions in the Analysis of Improper Convex Programs V. D. Skarin
201–215 |
On a new class of two-dimensional Volterra integral equations of the first kind with variable limits of integration S. V. Solodusha
216–225 |
Conditions under Which the Sums of Absolute Values of Blocks in the Fourier–Walsh Series for Functions of Bounded Variation Belong to Spaces $L^p$ S. A. Telyakovskii, N. N. Kholshchevnikova
226–236 |
On Yu. N. Subbotin's Circle of Ideas in the Problem of Local Extremal Interpolation on the Semiaxis V. T. Shevaldin
237–249 |
The spectrum of one-dimensional eigenoscillations of two-phase layered media with periodic structure V. V. Shumilova
250–261 |
Intertwining of maxima of sum of translates functions with nonsingular kernels B. Farkas, B. Nagy, Sz. Gy. Révész
262–272 |
On the fractional Newton method with Caputo derivatives E. Çelik, Yu. Li, A. S. Telyakovskii
273–276 |
On S. B. Stechkin's International Workshop-Conference on Function Theory in Memory of Corresponding Member of RAS Y. N. Subbotin and Professor S. A. Telyakovskii V. V. Arestov, V. I. Berdyshev, A. G. Babenko, M. V. Deikalova
277–285 |