On a decomposable branching process with two types of particles V. I. Afanasyev
7–19 |
A uniform asymptotic formula for the second moment of primitive $L$-functions on the critical line Olga G. Balkanova, Dmitry A. Frolenkov
20–53 |
Continuous homomorphisms between algebras of iterated Laurent series over a ring Sergey O. Gorchinskiy, Denis V. Osipov
54–75 |
On a symmetric diophantine equation with reciprocals S. V. Konyagin, M. A. Korolev
76–86 |
New results on sums and products in $\mathbb R$ S. V. Konyagin, I. D. Shkredov
87–98 |
On some properties of smooth sums of ridge functions A. A. Kuleshov
99–104 |
Plane rational quartics and K3 surfaces Vik. S. Kulikov
105–140 |
On translating Lambek grammars with one division into context-free grammars S. L. Kuznetsov
141–151 |
$\mathbb Q$-Fano threefolds of index $7$ Yuri G. Prokhorov
152–166 |
Double quadrics with large automorphism groups Victor V. Przyjalkowski, Constantin A. Shramov
167–190 |
Polynomial dynamical systems and the Korteweg–de Vries equation V. M. Buchstaber
191–215 |
Elliptic function of level $4$ E. Yu. Bunkova
216–229 |
Uniqueness theorem for locally antipodal Delaunay sets N. P. Dolbilin, A. N. Magazinov
230–236 |
Fluid dynamics and thermodynamics as a unified field theory V. P. Pavlov, V. M. Sergeev
237–247 |
On the problem of maximizing the transition probability in an $n$-level quantum system using nonselective measurements Alexander N. Pechen, Nikolay B. Il'in
248–255 |
Manipulation of states of a degenerate quantum system I. V. Volovich, S. V. Kozyrev
256–267 |
The Hess–Appelrot system and its nonholonomic analogs I. A. Bizyaev, A. V. Borisov, I. S. Mamaev
268–292 |
On upper bounds in the Fröhlich polaron model N. N. Bogolyubov Jr., A. V. Soldatov
293–299 |
Exact solutions of the Euler equations for some two-dimensional incompressible flows V. V. Markov, G. B. Sizykh
300–307 |
Estimates for the widths of discrete function classes generated by a two-weight summation operator A. A. Vasil'eva
308–324 |
Correction to the paper “Semisimple Lie algebras and Hamiltonian theory of finite-dimensional Lax equations with spectral parameter on a Riemann surface” (Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 290, 178–188 (2015)) O. K. Sheinman
325–327 |