Plasma Investigations
Thermionic-field emission of electrons from conical metal points A. B. Petrin
323–332 |
Nonuniform microwave discharge in a nitrogen-hydrogen mixture Yu. A. Lebedev, T. B. Mavlyudov, V. A. Shakhatov, I. L. Epshtein
333–339 |
Electron parameters in $\rm Xe$–$\rm Ne$ mixtures S. V. Avtaeva
340–347 |
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Determination of saturated vapor pressure of organic substances from the triple to critical point R. M. Varushchenko, A. I. Druzhynina
348–355 |
Magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistance, and density of $\rm Al_{62}Cu_{25.5}Fe_{12.5}$ alloy at high temperatures K. I. Grushevskii, S. A. Uporov, V. E. Sidorov, A. F. Prekul
356–360 |
An investigation of the optical -and -thermophysical characteristics of condensed media of polymer series under conditions of high vacuum S. N. Ivanov, E. Yu. Loktionov, Yu. Yu. Protasov
361–367 |
Measurements of thermal diffusivity of spherical samples. $\rm Fe$–$\rm Sn$ system O. E. Karakulov, L. D. Zagrebin, I. N. Shabanova
368–372 |
Special thermodynamic features in the $\rm Li$–$\rm LiD$ system at phase equilibrium K. A. Yakimovich
373–377 |
The effect of phonon anharmonicity on the thermophysical and elastic properties of palladium A. A. Povzner, A. N. Filanovich, E. S. Koneva
378–382 |
Molecular-dynamic simulation of the thermophysical properties of liquid uranium D. K. Belashchenko, D. E. Smirnova, O. I. Ostrovskii
383–395 |
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Boundary layer on a permeable wall with suction of gas A. I. Leont'ev, V. G. Lushchik, A. E. Yakubenko
396–401 |
Generalization of experimental data on internal heat transfer in porous structures Yu. A. Zeigarnik, F. P. Ivanov
402–408 |
The emptying of channels and reservoirs accompanied by boiling V. Sh. Shagapov, G. Y. Galeeva
409–418 |
Turbulent natural-convection heat transfer on a vertical surface under stepwise heating with inversion of heat flux S. B. Koleshko, Yu. S. Chumakov
419–423 |
Large eddy simulation approach in problems on floating up of high-temperature thermals in stratified atmosphere V. M. Hazins
424–432 |
The possibility of influencing vortex atmospheric formations A. Yu. Varaksin, M. E. Romash, V. N. Kopeitsev
433–437 |
Symmetry and asymmetry in a layer of compressible gas P. T. Zubkov, M. A. Kovalenko
438–443 |
Some special features of description of thermal and dynamic processes in gases in the approximation of homobaricity S. G. Cherkasov
444–448 |
Numerical investigation of heat transfer on the surface of experimental models in the test chamber of an induction plasmatron A. B. Gorshkov
449–457 |
Self-ignition of hydrogen-air mixtures behind reflected explosive waves B. E. Gel'fand, S. P. Medvedev, S. V. Khomik, G. L. Agafonov
458–462 |
Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
Facility for integrated studies of thermophysical characteristics of electrically conducting materials by the method of subsecond resistance heating V. E. Peletskii, V. I. Sizov, A. G. Saakjan, B. A. Shur
463–469 |
Short Communications
Vapor-air discharges between Jet electrolytic cathode and metal anode at low pressure Al. F. Gaisin, É. E. Son
470–472 |
Fluctuation effect in transfer phenomena I. I. Novikov
473–474 |
The effect of direct contact of liquid with surface during quenching V. V. Glazkov, A. N. Kireeva
475–476 |
Heat transfer under conditions of boiling of emulsion on the thin wire surface B. M. Gasanov, N. V. Bulanov
477–480 |