Invariant subspaces of the backward shift operator in the space $H^p$ ($p\in(0,1)$) A. B. Aleksandrov
7–29 |
The duals to the spaces of analytic vectorvalued functions and the duality of functions, generated by these spaces A. V. Bukhvalov
30–50 |
On circular projections of point sets ocurring in the interpolation theory V. I. Vasyunin
51–59 |
The simultaneous approximation by polynomials on the circle and in the interior of the disc A. L. Vol'berg
60–84 |
Tenson products of $p$-absolutely summing operators and right ($I_p$, $N_p$) multipliers E. D. Gluskin, S. V. Kislyakov, O. I. Reinov
85–102 |
Invariant subspaces and rational approximation M. B. Gribov, N. K. Nikol'skii
103–114 |
On the smoothness of Cauchy type integrals E. M. Dyn'kin
115–133 |
The uncertainty principle for operators commuting with translations. I B. Jöricke, V. P. Havin
134–170 |
The first and second boundary value problems for $(A,\vec b)$-elliptic equations A. V. Ivanov
171–181 |
Quantitative aspect of correction theorems S. V. Kislyakov
182–191 |
On summability with respect to an arbitrary measure of functions from Sobolev–Slobodetsky spaces V. G. Maz'ya
192–202 |
Reconstruction of functions with the given modulus of continuity A. A. Moisejev
203–219 |
On a class of functions of bounded variation on the line defined by their values on a half-line I. V. Ostrovskii
220–229 |
Applications of ultraproducts in operator theory. A simple proof of E. Bishop's theorem V. V. Peller
230–240 |
Approximative properties of a continuum N. A. Shirokov
241–252 |
Short communications
All closed ideals, of the algebra $A_\varphi(\mathbb C)$ are divisorial S. A. Apresyan
253–258 |
Incomparability of two algebras of continuous functions on the sphere A. V. Basov
259–264 |
A generalization of Carleson's embedding theorem and the interpolation of $\ell^p$ sequences I. V. Videnskii
265–267 |
An estimate of distances between finite dimensional symmetric spaces E. D. Gluskin
268–273 |
The existence of a non-hereditarily complete family in an arbitrary separable Banach space V. I. Gurarii
274–277 |
Weighted norm inequalities for the Littlewood–Paley function in domains with cone-points A. È. Dzhrbashyan
278–282 |
An example concerning analytic functions with finite Dirichlet integrals L. Carleson
283–287 |
Spectral properties of weighted automorphisms in uniform algebras A. K. Kitover
288–293 |
On hereditarily dentable sets in Banach spaces O. I. Reinov
294–299 |
The absence of local unconditional structure in some spaces of operators V. G. Samarskii
300–306 |
On the coincidence of two crossnorms connected with the order V. T. Khudalov
307–311 |
A remark concerning a problem of S. M. Nikolskii N. A. Shirokov
312–313 |
A constructive description of spaces of functions analytic in a multiconnected domain and continuous in its closure N. A. Shirokov
314–316 |
Letter to the editor S. A. Vinogradov, V. P. Havin
317 |
Ñorrection to the paper: V. S. Azarin “Two problems about limit properties of entire functions”
328 |