1997, Volume 219
Approximation theory. Harmonic analysis
Collection of papers dedicated to the memory of Professor Sergei Borisovich Stechkin
Volume Editor: S. M. Nikol'skii Editor in Chief: E. F. Mishchenko
Abstract: The collection consists of original research works in modern Approximation Theory and Harmonic Analysis.
Research results in polynomial and spline approximation, approximation of multivariate functions, quadrature formulas, geometric problems of Approximation Theory are widely represented. Properties of trigonometric series and polynomials, series with respect to other orthonormal systems and bases of functional spaces are studied. Applications to optimal distribution of points on the sphere, digital processing of signals and navigation problem are presented. The collection also contains works in interpolation of functional spaces, the theory of implicit functions and approximate construction of conformal mappings.
The collection is aimed on a wide circle of prospective readers which includes research mathematicians with expertise in Approximation Theory, Harmonic Analysis and applications, as well as graduate and undergraduate students studying these subjects.
ISBN: 5-02-003706-0
Full text:
Approximation theory. Harmonic analysis, Collection of papers dedicated to the memory of Professor Sergei Borisovich Stechkin, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 219, ed. S. M. Nikol'skii, E. F. Mishchenko, Nauka, MAIK «Nauka», M., 1997, 464 pp.
Citation in format AMSBIB:
\book Approximation theory. Harmonic analysis
\bookinfo Collection of papers dedicated to the memory of Professor Sergei Borisovich Stechkin
\serial Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova
\yr 1997
\vol 219
\publ Nauka, MAIK «Nauka»
\publaddr M.
\ed S.~M.~Nikol'skii, E.~F.~Mishchenko
\totalpages 464
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Additional information
Approximation Theory. Harmonic Analysis
Collection of papers dedicated to the memory of Professor Sergei Borisovich Stechkin
The collection consists of original research works in modern Approximation Theory and Harmonic Analysis.
Research results in polynomial and spline approximation, approximation of multivariate functions, quadrature formulas, geometric problems of Approximation Theory are widely represented. Properties of trigonometric series and polynomials, series with respect to other orthonormal systems and bases of functional spaces are studied. Applications to optimal distribution of points on the sphere, digital processing of signals and navigation problem are presented. The collection also contains works in interpolation of functional spaces, the theory of implicit functions and approximate construction of conformal mappings.
The collection is aimed on a wide circle of prospective readers which includes research mathematicians with expertise in Approximation Theory, Harmonic Analysis and applications, as well as graduate and undergraduate students studying these subjects. |