Deterministic Systems
A simplest differential game of alternate pursuit T. G. Abramyantz, E. P. Maslov, E. Ya. Rubinovich
5–15 |
Experience in approximate solutions of optimal control problems at the state of development. I Yu. N. Andreev, R. P. Fedorenko, E. Z. Chernyakhovskii
16–26 |
On structural instability of systems S. F. Babak, B. G. Il'yasov, B. N. Petrov, I. Yu. Yusupov
27–32 |
On one tool to study the stability of gradient systems N. A. Bobylev
33–35 |
On stability and stabilization of motion with respect to some variables for linear delayed systems V. I. Vorotnikov
36–47 |
Stability conditions of homogeneous systems with arbitrary switches of the operating modes A. F. Filippov
48–55 |
Stochastic Systems
On control of observations in interpolation of random processes F. N. Grigor'ev, E. A. Kurdova
56–63 |
A suboptimal filter for estimating the state of a continuous linear system from discrete observations V. N. Ovcharenko
64–69 |
Adaptive Systems
Accelerating the Kaczmarz algorithm convergence in the case of input process time correlation Ya. Markl
70–73 |
Optimal pseudogradient adaptation algorithms B. T. Polyak, Ya. Z. Tsypkin
74–84 |
Developing Systems
The dischotomy method in some minimax problems on graphs A. D. Vainshtein
85–87 |
On aggregation of linear control systems V. G. Gaitsgory, A. A. Pervozvanskii
88–95 |
Technical Diagnostics
Functional diagnosis of dynamic systems L. A. Mironovskii
96–121 |
Automated control systems
Approximating a data matrix as overlapping blocks P. O. Aven, N. E. Kiseleva, I. B. Muchnik
122–132 |
Redundancy of program modules and data arrays in a MIS V. V. Kul'ba, A. G. Mimikonov, A. B. Shelkov
133–141 |
Computers in Control
Solving the problem of convex block programming in a hybrid computing system N. N. Karpinskaya
142–150 |
Technical Tools in Control
Stability of flat magnetic domains N. P. Vasil'eva, V. S. Semenov
151–161 |
Transmission of digital pneumatic signals along a wire communication line M. Y. Limonova, V. V. Nosov, V. I. Chernyshyov
162–172 |
Investigation the characteristics of a vortex fluidic valve with an input throttle L. A. Zalmanzon
173–178 |
On general systems and systems with a set of states A. V. Pokrovskii
179–182 |
Tenth All-union workshop on adaptive systems A. V. Nazin
183–190 |
Lurie A. I. (obituary)
191–192 |