Design of models of dynamic system structure from input-output relationships (the theory of abstract realization). II. V. V. Krylov
5–19 |
Deterministic Systems
Estimation of signals and invariance R. R. Gajduk
20–29 |
On solutions of a finite dimensional nonlinear problem of moments for control V. A. Kubyshkin
30–41 |
On the effect of small synchronization errors on stability of complex systems A. F. Kleptsyn, V. S. Kozyakin, M. A. Krasnosel'skii, N. A. Kuznetsov
42–47 |
The nonlocal reduction method in the theory of absolute stability of nonlinear systems. II. G. A. Leonov
48–56 |
Graphical criteria of stability for continuous systems with one differentiable nonlinearity A. V. Lipatov
57–65 |
On a model of plasma equilibrium in a tokamak Yu. V. Mitrishkin, I. S. Savkina
66–76 |
Stochastic Systems
Estimating the mean value of the scalar field with an unknown correlational noise function K. S. Ginsberg
77–86 |
Analytical study of open-loop multi-center service systems with a recurrent input flow and limited bunkers V. A. Ivnitskii, Ya. L. Shraiberg
87–96 |
Optimization of an underloaded service systeih G. B. Moroz
97–103 |
Adaptive Systems
Stochastic approximation algorithms in the adaptive loop of a sampled data stochastic linear dynamic system. II. O. Yu. Kulchitskii
104–113 |
Developing Systems
Development of a “sectoral plan” system for solution of dynamic problems in evolution and siting of enterprises S. B. Bur'yan, S. P. Matokhin
114–121 |
The effect of decomposition on the convergence rate of a Decomposition method in linear programming G. E. Moiseenko
122–126 |
Simulation of Behavior and Intelligence
Methods for estimation of interval expert evaluations F. T. Aleskerov, E. V. Bauman, V. I. Vol'skii
127–133 |
Integrality constraints in minimizing the empirical risk of linear decision rules E. V. Rozhkov
134–141 |
Technical Diagnostics
Properties of “short circuits” in combinational devices V. V. Sapozhnikov, V. V. Sapozhnikov, V. M. Chukhonin
142–150 |
On one approach to reducing the amount of diagnostic information D. V. Speranskii
151–160 |
Computers in Control
Algorithms for structural analysis of the measurement path of computer system functioning parameters A. Ya. Kogan, A. A. Korshunov, I. B. Muchnik
161–167 |
On the performance of vector optimization algorithms A. S. Krasnenker
168–172 |
An algorithm for training a manipulator in motion N. A. Sergeeva
173–176 |