Topical Issue
Generalized statements and solutions of the problems of control A. S. Buldaev, V. I. Gurman
3–4 |
Intellectual Control Systems
Stability and stabilization of mechanical systems with switching A. Yu. Aleksandrov, A. A. Kosov, Yangzhou Chen
5–17 |
Modifications of the methods of successive approximations for problems of optimal control of logic-dynamic systems V. A. Baturin, N. S. Maltugueva
18–26 |
Analysis of hybrid systems' dynamics using the common Lyapunov functions and multiple homomorphisms S. N. Vassilyev, A. A. Kosov
27–47 |
Positional solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi equations in control problems for discrete-continuous systems V. A. Dykhta, S. P. Sorokin
48–63 |
Linear Systems
Optimization of linear systems with controllable coefficients V. F. Krotov, A. V. Bulatov, O. V. Baturina
64–78 |
Optimal control of the spin system on a basis of the global improvement method O. V. Baturina, O. V. Morzhin
79–86 |
A boundary improvement problem for linearly controlled processes A. S. Buldaev
87–94 |
Nonlinear Systems
Studying the polynomial Volterra equation of the first kind for solution stability A. S. Apartsin
95–102 |
Some problems of control of the distributed-parameter systems A. G. Butkovskiy
103–107 |
Problem of optimal control in the system of semiconductor quantum points A. Yu. Gornov, A. V. Dvurechenskii, T. S. Zarodnyuk, A. F. Zinov'eva, A. V. Nenashev
108–114 |
Turnpike solutions in optimal control problems for quantum-mechanical systems V. I. Gurman
115–126 |
Generalized solutions in the problem of dynamical systems modeling by Volterra polynomials D. N. Sidorov, N. A. Sidorov
127–132 |
Applications of nonlinear Volterra equations of the first kind to the control problem for heat exchange dynamics S. V. Solodusha
133–139 |
Some issues of search of extremal processes in nonconvex problems of optimal control V. A. Srochko, N. S. Rozinova
140–150 |
Global control improvement algorithms E. A. Trushkova
151–159 |
Numerical investigation of attainability sets of nonlinear controlled differential systems A. I. Tyatyushkin, O. V. Morzhin
160–170 |
Discretization of continuous controllable systems based on generalized solutions I. V. Rasina
171–178 |
System Analysis and Operations Research
On modeling city traffic systems with hypernetworks V. K. Popkov
179–189 |