Preface Leon A. Petrosyan, Nikolay A. Zenkevich
5–6 |
Public good differential game with composite distribution of random time horizon Tatyana Balas, Anna Tur
7–19 |
Coordinating buyback contract in supply chains with limited funding Irina Berezinets, Irina Song, Nikolay Zenkevich
20–52 |
Symmetric Nash equilibrium arrivals to queuing system Julia V. Chirkova
53–60 |
Analysis and control of macroeconomic trends based on the Leontief model Zhao Guo, Dan Wang
61–73 |
Dynamic Cournot oligopoly models of the state promotion of innovative electronic courses in universities Vassily Yu. Kalachev, Guennady A. Ougolnitsky, Anatoly B. Usov
74–86 |
Weighted graph vertices ranking using absolute potentials of electric circuit nodes Vitalia A. Khitraya
87–98 |
Dependent retailers’ demand in game theoretic model of supply chain Suriya Sh. Kumacheva, Victor V. Zakharov
99–109 |
Modified SEIQHRDP and machine learning prediction for the epidemics Li Yike, Elena Gubar
110–131 |
Cooperative solutions in multi-star network games Tian Lu, Jianpeng Zhang
132–144 |
Collaborative working capital optimization for combined supply network Daniil V. Lukinskii, Nikolay A. Zenkevich
145–181 |
Generalized integral equations for timing games Mikhail M. Lutsenko
182–191 |
Stability of complete and star multiplex networks Ziyu Ma, Elena Parilina
192–198 |
Cooperative solutions for working capital cost management Vladislav Novikov, Andrey Zyatchin
199–228 |
Learning of supply chain cost-revenue sharing contract in the form of trade-off mechanism in pollution control problem Shimai Su
229–236 |
A sustainability measurement framework of supply chain information flow: the case of industry 4.0 technology implementation Anna Todorova, Andrey Zyatchin
237–270 |
Cooperative stock market game Jianpeng Zhang, Tian Lu
271–281 |
Cooperative solutions for network games with quadratic utilities Chen Yan
282–294 |
Cooperative differential games with pairwise interactions in pollution control problems He Yang
295–304 |