Construction of knowledge bases by a group of experts O. K. Podlipsky
3–11 |
Wandering symmetries of the Lagrange's equations G. N. Yakovenko
13–17 |
Two-stage single ROW methods with complex coefficients for autonomous systems of ODE P. D. Shirkov, A. M. Zubanov
19–32 |
Numerical modeling of population 2D-dynamics with nonlocal interaction A. V. Borisov, A. Yu. Trifonov, A. V. Shapovalov
33–40 |
About Pushchino International School-Conference for young scientists "Biology — the science of the XXI century" V. M. Komarov
41 |
Interaction of cytokine LIF with the lipidic matrix of membranes M. P. Borisova, L. M. Mezhevikina, R. R. Petrova
43–49 |
Numerical analyses of singularity in the integral equation of theory of liquids in the RISM approximation E. V. Sobolev, D. A. Tikhonov
51–62 |
Mixed algorithm for modeling of charge transfer in DNA on long time intervals N. S. Fialko
63–72 |
Investigation of the mechanical properties of immunoglobulinbinding domains of proteins L and G using the molecular dynamics simulations A. V. Glyakina, O. V. Galzitskaya, N. K. Balabaev
73–81 |
Modeling of helix formation in peptides containing aspartic and glutamic residues M. S. Kondratyev, A. V. Kabanov, V. M. Komarov
83–90 |
The use of cluster analysis methods for the study of a set of feasible solutions of the phase problem in biological crystallography O. V. Sobolev, N. L. Lunina, V. Yu. Lunin
91–101 |
Modeling of calcium dynamics in soil organic layers Yu. S. Khoraskina, A. S. Komarov, M. G. Bezrukova, M. Zhiyanski
103–110 |
Prediction of embryo implantation potential by morphology assessment E. A. Khramtsova, I. V. Kapralova, L. M. Mezhevikina
111–116 |
About International Interdisciplinary Conference «Mathematics. Computer. Education» G. Yu. Riznichenko, L. D. Tjorlova, S. S. Khruschev
117–118 |