Estimates of Taylor's coefficients for functions of more than two complex variables I. I. Bavrin
1231–1233 |
Homology and cohomology groups over a pair of coefficient groups D. O. Baladze
1234–1237 |
Lur'e's method of differential rents for determining the optimum transportation plan A. L. Brudno
1238–1241 |
Continuous models of control systems I. M. Gel'fand, M. L. Tsetlin
1242–1245 |
Primitively factorizable groups Yu. M. Gorchakov
1246–1248 |
Multidimensional moment problem A. G. Kostyuchenko, B. S. Mityagin
1249–1252 |
Limit values of integrals $\int_a^{\xi\pm0}\Omega(t)\,d\sigma(t)$ under Markov conditions A. A. Nudelman
1253–1256 |
On local duality theorems L. P. Rukhadze
1257–1260 |
A linear semiordered topological space S. N. Slugin
1261–1263 |
Coefficient stability of difference schemes A. N. Tikhonov, A. A. Samarskii
1264–1267 |
The multiplicative group of a division ring M. Sh. Huzurbazar
1268–1271 |
Twofold continuous partitions of a ball A. V. Chernavskii
1272–1275 |
Stability of stationary values A. S. Schwarz
1276–1278 |
Asymptotic behavior of the eigenfunctions of Sturm–Liouville's problem calculated by using perturbation theory Ši Čžun-cy
1279–1282 |
The influence of turbulent diffusion in the direction of the wind on the distribution of the concentration of a substance that is being diffused in the atmosphere I. L. Karol'
1283–1286 |
Isothermal burst of a gas cloud V. S. Imshennik
1287–1290 |
A two-dimensional problem in the theory of elasticity for an infinite strip with the stresses and displacements given at the boundary S. M. Belonosov
1291–1293 |
Buckling of cantilever cylindrical shell with ring-stiffened edge under external pressure D. M. Darevskii, R. I. Kshnyakin
1294–1297 |
The construction of Green's tensor in the case of a double curvature small-angle shell in equilibrium B. N. Fradlin, S. M. Shakhnovskii
1298–1300 |
Investigation of interplanetary ionized gas, high energy electrons and solar corpuscular radiation by means of three-electrode traps for charge-carrying particles installed on the Second Soviet Space rocket K. I. Gringauz, V. V. Bezrukikh, V. D. Ozerov, R. E. Rybchinskii
1301–1304 |
On the mass spectrum and the fundamental length in the field theory V. G. Kadyshevskii
1305–1307 |
Periodic modes in systems with nonlinear pulse elements M. M. Simkin
1323–1326 |
The crystal structure of cobalt rhodanopentammine nitrate
$[\mathrm{Co}(\mathrm{NH}_3)_5\mathrm{NCS}](\mathrm{NO}_3)_2$ T. I. Malinovskii, I. D. Samus', N. V. Belov
1327–1329 |
Syntheses and microbicidal properties of some aryl ethers of methane- and ethane-thiosulfoacids B. G. Boldyrev
1331–1333 |
Esters of unsaturated phosphinous acids M. I. Kabachnik, E. N. Tsvetkov, Zhang Zhun-yui
1334–1337 |
Interaction of fluoroolefines with nitroxylic acid and the regrouping of perfluoroalkenylazides I. L. Knuniants, È. G. Bykhovskaya
1338–1341 |
Colour of arsenocompounds and the appearance of colour in polymerization M. Ya. Kraft
1342–1344 |
A method of differentiated conductometric titration for a mixture of methylchlorosilanes in non-aqueous solutions A. P. Kreshkov, V. A. Drozdov
1345–1348 |
Solubility isotherm for sodium borohydride and sodium hydroxide in water at $0^\circ$ C V. I. Mikheeva, V. B. Breitsis
1349–1350 |
The mechanism of the interaction between phenyliodozocompounds and some $\beta$-diketones O. Ya. Neilands, G. Ya. Vanag
1351–1354 |
Synthesis and some catalytic transformations of primary furan amines A. A. Ponomarev, N. P. Maslennikova, N. V. Alakina, A. P. Kriven'ko
1355–1358 |
Synthesis of $1$-nitropropylene and test of its polymerization capacity A. V. Topchiev, V. P. Alaniya, Z. A. Makarova
1359–1361 |
An investigation into the influence of the solvent composition on the rate and selectivity of the hydrogenation of $2$-ethylanthraquinone L. Kh. Freidlin, E. F. Litvin, V. E. Ditsent
1362–1365 |
The structure of $9$-aminoacridine Yu. N. Sheinker, E. M. Peresleni
1366–1369 |
Reaction of isopropyl radical with oxygen molecule L. I. Avramenko, R. V. Kolesnikova
1370–1372 |
Orientation of the $\pi$-electron cloud in the cyclopropane ring V. T. Aleksanyan, Kh. E. Sterin
1373–1375 |
The composition of the products obtained by initiated cracking of gaseous alkanes and the mechanism of this process E. M. Gamus-Chernyavskaya, S. Sh. Reznikova, A. D. Stepukhovich
1376–1379 |
Calculation of the yields of alkane radiolysis products Yu. A. Kolbanovskii, B. A. Smirnov
1380–1382 |
Solid chromium vapour pressure measurement by means of radioactive tracers An. N. Nesmeyanov, De Dyk Man
1383–1385 |
Magnetic properties of $\mathrm{Cr}_2\mathrm{O}_3$ – $\mathrm{Al}_2\mathrm{O}_3$ catalysts A. M. Rubinshtein, A. A. Slinkin
1386–1389 |
On the time interval in which sorption equilibrium is established D. P. Timofeev
1390–1392 |
A new cavitation method of emulsion polymerization S. S. Urazovskii
1393–1395 |
Поправки к статье “Зависимость долговечности под нагрузкой от приложенного напряжения для металлокерамических образцов железа в альфа- и гамма-фазах” (ДАН, т. 129, № 2, 1959 г.) B. Ya. Pines, A. F. Sirenko