Certain estimates for the Dirichlet problem A. D. Aleksandrov
1001–1004 |
The first boundary value problem for quasilinear elliptic equations I. Ya. Bakelman
1005–1008 |
Distribution of the singularities of a certain class of functions B. S. Bronstein
1009–1012 |
Representability of solutions of operator equations in the form of continual integrals Yu. L. Daletskii
1013–1016 |
An analogue of Poisson's formula for Fourier cosine transformations B. S. Rimskii-Korsakov
1017–1020 |
Triangles in riemannian spaces with a pole I. A. Sokolenko
1021–1023 |
Caplygin’s theorem for elliptic equations A. G. Teterev
1024–1026 |
Asymptotic behavior of Green's functions for equations in several variables correct in the sense of Petrovskii M. V. Fedoryuk
1027–1029 |
A system of axioms for semigroups comprisable by generalized groups B. M. Shain
1030–1033 |
Economical implicit schemes (method of fractional steps) N. N. Yanenko
1034–1036 |
On Hamming geometry of unitary cubes M. E. Tylkin
1037–1040 |
The piston problem in magnetohydrodynamics A. A. Barmin, V. V. Gogosov
1041–1043 |
The structure of Mach lines in relaxing media I. P. Stakhanov, E. V. Stupochenko
1044–1047 |
Flow of a viscoplastic medium between rotating disks A. M. Gutkin
1048–1050 |
Investigation of exact solutions of time-dependent diffraction problems in the neighborhood of slide-off fronts V. S. Buldyrev, I. A. Molotkov
1051–1054 |
Interaction of electrons with the wave field $H_{01}$ in a circular wave guide I. A. Gilinskii
1055–1057 |
A contribution to the problem of registering plasma energy losses Yu. G. Prokhorov
1058–1060 |
An analysis of meteorological and aerological data with the aid of an electron computer V. V. Bykov, G. P. Kurbatkin
1065–1068 |
Seismic investigations of the Earth crust in the Bukhara region of the Uzbeck SSR Yu. N. Godin, B. S. Vol'vovskii, I. S. Vol'vovskii
1069–1072 |
Measurement of the skewness coefficient for the velocity difference distribution in the bottom layer of the atmosphere A. S. Gurvich
1073–1075 |
Antarctic circumpolar current as influenced by the bottom relief V. M. Kamenkovich
1076–1078 |
Radiation oxidation of leucobases in ketones in the absence of oxygen N. A. Bakh, G. G. Babicheva, V. A. Larin
1079–1082 |
The structure of certain derivatives of dihydrofurane as established with the aid of Raman effect Ya. S. Bobovich, V. V. Perekalin, A. S. Sopova
1083–1084 |
Interaction of naphthalene with sulphur N. N. Vorozhtsov (jr.), V. Ya. Rodionov
1085–1086 |
Equilibrium in the titanium-tin system V. V. Glazova, N. N. Kurnakov
1087–1090 |
Extraction with the participation of three chelatoformers V. M. Dziomko
1091–1093 |
New regrouping of hydrazine derivatives. Production of $\beta$-dialkylaminopropionitryls from unsymmetric
dialkylhydrazines and acrolein B. V. Ioffe, K. N. Zelenin
1094–1097 |
Polymerization of acetone V. A. Kargin, V. A. Kabanov, V. P. Zubov, I. M. Papisov
1098–1099 |
Prototropic regrouping in the dipyrrylmethenes L. D. Miroshnichenko, E. I. Filippovich, R. P. Evstigneeva, N. A. Preobrazhenskii
1100–1103 |
Crystallochemical data on the stereochemistry of complex compounds of some bivalent transition metals
($\mathrm{Fe}$, $\mathrm{Co}$, $\mathrm{Ni}$, $\mathrm{Cu}$, $\mathrm{Pd}$ and $\mathrm{Pt}$) M. A. Porai-Koshits
1104–1107 |
On the co-precipitation of microquantities of germanium by iron oxide T. I. Sendul'skaya, M. Ya. Shpirt
1108–1110 |
Isolation of weighable quantities of pure piotactinium-231 Vikt. I. Spitsyn, R. A. D'yachkova
1111–1114 |
Synthesis of silicon derivatives of polyvinyl alcohol S. N. Ushakov, K. V. Belogorodskaya
1115–1118 |
Hydrocarbon synthesis in the indane series with side chains in five-number and benzene rings N. È. Tsytovich, E. S. Pokrovskaya
1119–1122 |
Electric conductivity of polymers with conjugate bonds E. I. Balabanov, A. A. Berlin, V. P. Parini, V. L. Tal'roze, E. L. Frankevich, M. I. Cherkashin
1123–1126 |
The intensity of the infrared carbonyl bond absorption in sidnones and tropone and the polarity of this bond Yu. G. Borod'ko, Ya. K. Syrkin
1127–1130 |
Manifestation of a hydrogen bond of the $\mathrm{OH}\dots\mathrm{O}=\mathrm{C}$ type on
the infrared absorption band of the carbonyl group of ketones G. S. Denisov
1131–1134 |
On the reduction of complex cobalt ammoniates with negative substituents in the internal sphere on a mercury drop electrode N. V. Nikolaeva-Fedorovich, A. N. Frumkin
1135–1137 |
Transition of electronic conduction into ionic conduction as related to the composition of solid oxide solutions S. F. Pal'guev, S. V. Karpachev, A. D. Neuymin, Z. S. Volchenkova
1138–1141 |
Поправки к статье “«Расчет энергии молекул галогенидов щелочноземельных металлов на основе ионной модели”
(ДАН, т. 128, № 2, 1959 г.) K. S. Krasnov
Поправки к статье “Об аффинных связностях, присоединенных к косесимметрическому тензору”
(ДАН, т. 128, № 4, 1959 г.) Yu. I. Levin
Поправки к статье “К вопросу о происхождении компенсационного эффекта в химической кинетике” (ДАН, т. 130, № 2, 1960 г.) S. Z. Roginskii, Yu. L. Hait