Propagation of Rayleigh waves along the surface of a homogeneous elastic body of arbitrary shape V. M. Babich
1263–1266 |
Crossed products of a semigroup and a ring A. A. Bovdi
1267–1269 |
Generalized Abel theorems K. V. Borozdin
1270–1273 |
Characteristic classes for finite groups B. B. Venkov
1274–1277 |
Distortion in quasiconformal mappings V. Gavrilov
1278–1279 |
An integral inequality and the corresponding imbedding theorem V. P. Glushko
1280–1282 |
Approximation of functions in the spaces $\widetilde{W}_p^{(l)}(D)$ and $W_p^{(l)}(D)$ by continuously differentiable functions V. P. Il'in
1283–1286 |
Singular Goursat problems in a neighborhood of a singular characteristic at zero and at infinity M. B. Kapilevich
1287–1290 |
The Galois group of a local field Helmut Koch
1291–1294 |
Some spaces with affine connection admitting motions Yu. I. Levin
1295–1298 |
New versions and new uses of the dispersion methods in binary additive problems Yu. V. Linnik
1299–1302 |
Some properties of automorphisms of nilpotent groups B. I. Plotkin
1303–1306 |
Isometric transformations of punctured convex surfaces A. V. Pogorelov
1307–1308 |
General form of the linear differential equations whose order is reduced by the generalized differentiation operator $D^\alpha$ Yu. L. Rabinovich, S. V. Nesterov
1309–1311 |
An invariant transformation of Riemannian spaces with common geodesics N. S. Sinyukov
1312–1314 |
An analogue of the Fortet–Kac theorem L. P. Usol'tsev
1315–1318 |
Some uniqueness theorems for functions subharmonic and meromorphic in the unit circle I. V. Ushakova
1319–1322 |
The solution of boundary-value problems with complicated boundary conditions by using results for simple boundary-value problems V. E. Shamanskii
1323–1326 |
Semieuclidean and seminoneuclidean spaces E. U. Yasinskaya
1327–1330 |
On a model of a cavitating liquid B. S. Kogarko
1331–1333 |
Distribution of heterocharge and field in photoelectrets È. I. Adirovich
1335–1338 |
On the determination of the total moment of a system of $n$ particles
for the $j^n$ configuration G. I. Zel'tser
1339–1342 |
Acoustic radiation from a turbulent flow in the presence of elastic boundaries L. M. Lyamshev
1343–1346 |
Plane sound wave of finite amplitude in a moving medium A. L. Polyakova
1347–1349 |
$\beta$-Decay of strongly deformed nuclei V. G. Solov'ev
1350–1353 |
On the structure of liquid water G. G. Malenkov
1354–1355 |
The structure of the complex compounds of tin chloride with esters A. Dembitsky, T. Sumarokova, M. Usanovich
1357–1360 |
The intersection of stable and non-equilibrium tetrahedra in a mutual seven-component system of $\mathrm{Li}$, $\mathrm{Na}$,
$\mathrm{Rb}$, $\mathrm{Tl}\parallel\mathrm{Br}$, $\mathrm{Cl}$, $\mathrm{NO}_3$, $\mathrm{SO}_4$ N. S. Dombrovskaya, N. V. Khakhlova, E. A. Alekseeva
1361–1363 |
The system composed of arsenates and carbonates of copper and sodium I. G. Druzhinin, A. Akbaev
1364–1367 |
The synthesis of organoantimony acrylates and metacrylates capable of polymerization M. M. Koton, F. S. Florinskii
1368–1369 |
The production and some optical and magnetic properties of polyferrocenes A. N. Nesmeyanov, V. V. Korshak, V. V. Voevodskii, N. S. Kochetkova, S. L. Sosin, R. B. Materikova, T. N. Bolotnikova, V. M. Chibrikin, N. M. Bazhin
1370–1373 |
Dipole moments of imidazole and its derivatives O. A. Osipov, A. M. Simonov, V. I. Minkin, A. D. Garnovskii
1374–1376 |
Inquiry into the methods of synthesizing the peptide portion of ergoalkaloids G. A. Ravdel, N. A. Krit, L. A. Shchukina, M. M. Shemyakin
1377–1380 |
An investigation of isomeric octalines A. V. Topchiev, G. M. Egorova, V. V. Bazilevich, V. P. Evstaf'ev
1381–1384 |
Homolytic isomerization of 1-fluoro-1,1-dichlor-2-bromopropene R. Kh. Freidlina, V. N. Kost, T. T. Vasil'eva, A. N. Nesmeyanov
1385–1388 |
Secondary aromatic polynuclear structure of lignin M. I. Chudakov
1389–1392 |
6-Azacytidine and its derivatives F. Šorm, V. P. Chernetskii, S. Chládek, I. Veselý, I. Smrt
1393–1395 |
The use of the flow method in studying the kinetics of the catalytic oxidation of propylene to acrolein V. M. Belousov, Ya. B. Gorokhovatskii, M. Ya. Rubanik, A. V. Gershingorina
1396–1398 |
Thermodynamic properties of iron-tellurium alloys in the solid state V. A. Geiderich, Ya. I. Gerasimov, A. V. Nikol'skaya
1399–1401 |
An investigation of the mechanism underlying the anode formation of ozone from sulfuric acid solutions V. A. Lunenok-Burmakina, A. P. Potemskaya, A. I. Brodskii
1402–1404 |
The influence of the magnetic field on the motion of particles in electrolyte solutions V. A. Myamlin, V. A. Kibardin, Yu. Ya. Gurevich
1405–1408 |
Interaction between weak pressure waves and the flame front S. S. Novikov, Yu. S. Ryazantsev
1409–1412 |
Spread of mercury over a free zinc surface, as connected with the study of strength reduction by adsorption B. D. Summ, Yu. V. Goryunov, N. V. Pertsov, E. D. Shchukin
1413–1415 |
The manifestation of autonomy by electron groupings in the luminescence spectra of complex molecules D. N. Shigorin, N. A. Shcheglova, N. S. Dokunikhin
1416–1419 |
The kinetics of diphenyl-$m$-tolyl carbinol reduction by isopropyl alcohol through hydride transition in the $\mathrm{H}_2\mathrm{SO}_4$ – $\mathrm{H}_2\mathrm{O}$ system S. G. Entelis, R. P. Tiger, G. V. Epple, N. M. Chirkov
1420–1423 |
Замечание к статье “О невозможности построения линейного полиномиального оператора, дающего приближение порядка наилучшего” D. L. Berman