Some homogeneous boundary-value problems for the equation of the vibrating string E. A. Haroutunian, A. G. Gul'misaryan, S. G. Ovsepyan
1255–1258 |
Some theorems on diffusion processes with a small coefficient of diffusion and their applications to second-order
parabolic equations involving a small parameter Yu. N. Blagoveshchenskii
1259–1262 |
A certain relations for integrals of moduli of trigonometric polynomials V. F. Vlasov, A. F. Timan
1263–1265 |
Integral transformations connected with line complexes in a complex affine space I. M. Gel'fand, M. I. Graev
1266–1269 |
Proof of the fundamental theorem in the theory of stereohedra B. N. Delone
1270–1272 |
Bounded solutions of a certain quasi-linear system B. P. Demidovich
1273–1275 |
Necessary and sufficient conditions for uniform imbedding of a space into Euclidean space D. Doichinov
1276–1279 |
Incompatible systems of linear inequalities I. I. Eremin
1280–1283 |
Representation of the solution of the Cauchy problem for a parabolic system in the form of a Wiener integral I. M. Koval'chik
1284–1286 |
On the theory of the distribution of sets of primes with given differences between them A. F. Lavrik
1287–1290 |
Spaces with centre-projective connectivity $(\Gamma^i_{jk},\Gamma_{lm})$ as manifolds
immersed in the space of representation of a continued pseudogroup of analytic transformations V. G. Lemlein
1291–1294 |
The weight and power of $H$-closed spaces I. I. Parovichenko
1295–1297 |
Theorems on the separability of convex polyhedral sets S. N. Chernikov
1298–1300 |
A generalization of Lindemann's theorem A. B. Shidlovskii
1301–1304 |
On the flow of a rarified gas into a vacuum from a point source A. Ya. Pressman
1305–1308 |
Approximation equations for the oscillations of water and ship in the chamber of ship lifts and sluices O. F. Vasiliev
1309–1312 |
Theory of small amplitude vibrations G. I. Gurevich
1313–1316 |
Dynamics of elasto-viscous shells and plates È. I. Grigolyuk
1317–1320 |
On the construction of a theory of elasticity D. D. Ivlev
1321–1324 |
Transcritical deformations of cylindrical shells under external pressure A. V. Pogorelov
1325–1327 |
Electron distribution over energies in the photoionization of aromatic amines in the gaseous phase F. I. Vilesov, B. L. Kurbatov, A. N. Terenin
1329–1332 |
An investigation of the optical properties of transparent substances at superhigh pressures Ya. B. Zel'dovich, S. B. Kormer, M. V. Sinitsyn, K. B. Yushko
1333–1336 |
Electrostatic effects in a rarefied plasma moving in a nonuniform magnetic field J. S. Sigov
1337–1340 |
Wind and thermohaline circulation of water in the ocean P. S. Lineikin
1341–1344 |
An investigation of the higher oxides and peroxides of uranium by the isotope method A. I. Brodskii, I. F. Franchuk
1345–1348 |
The interaction of polyethylene with sulphur B. A. Dogadkin, A. A. Dontsov
1349–1352 |
Certain laws of polycoordination reaction V. V. Korshak, S. V. Vinogradova
1353–1356 |
An enquiry into the structural and steric directivity of the diene condensation of 1-vinylcyclopentene with methylacrylate V. F. Kucherov, E. P. Serebryakov, R. È. Valters
1357–1360 |
Determination of the molecular weight of chelate polymeres A. P. Terent'ev, V. V. Rode, E. G. Rukhadze, È. S. Filatov
1361–1364 |
Regularities in rare-earth catalytic properties A. A. Tolstopyatova, A. A. Balandin
1365–1368 |
The synthesis of mixed pincerlike cyclopentadienyl compounds of zirconium R. Kh. Freidlina, È. M. Brainina, A. N. Nesmeyanov
1369–1372 |
Adsorption isosters in the potential theory B. P. Bering, M. M. Dubinin, V. V. Serpinskii
1373–1376 |
The effect of alkali metal cations upon hydrogen overvoltage on mercury in acid solutions È. A. Maznichenko, B. B. Damaskin, Z. A. Iofa
1377–1380 |
The photoconduction kinetics of chlorophyll and green leaf pigments E. K. Putseiko
1381–1384 |
Separation of hydrogen isotopes on a palladium cathode G. N. Trusov, N. A. Aladzhalova, V. I. Veselovsky
1385–1388 |
Thermal expansion of water in microcapillaries N. N. Fedyakin
1389–1391 |
Поправки к статье “О некоторых свойствах дифференцируемых функций многих переменных” (ДАН, т. 136, № 3, 1961 г.) V. P. Il'in, V. A. Solonnikov