On the numerical solution of the Dirichlet problem for Poisson equations M. Aleksidze
1271–1273 |
Special modules and special radicals V. A. Andrunakievich, Yu. M. Ryabukhin
1274–1277 |
Orthogonal systems of rational functions on the circle with a prescribed set of poles M. M. Dzhrbashyan
1278–1281 |
On stationary Gaussian processes with a strong mixing property I. A. Ibragimov
1282–1284 |
A study of the behaviour of the trajectories of systems of differential equations by means of Lyapunov functions M. B. Kudaev
1285–1287 |
The solution of a fundamental boundary-value problem for certain linear partial differential equations of even order A. E. Martynyuk
1288–1291 |
Conditional stability in critical cases V. A. Pliss
1292–1293 |
On the law of large numbers and on the strong law of large numbers for non-homogeneous Markov chains M. Rosenblatt-Roth
1294–1295 |
On the operator of analytic continuation of generalized functions L. Sh. Khodzhaev
1296–1299 |
The inversion of finite automata V. I. Levenshtein
1300–1303 |
The synthesis of a class of devices for numerical solution M. V. Rybashov
1304–1305 |
The asymptotic behavior of waves generated in a liquid of finite depth by arbitrary inditial disturbances of the free surface R. M. Garipov
1306–1309 |
A mathematical model of discontinuous incompressible fluid flows M. A. Goldshtik
1310–1313 |
Stability of a thick plate liable to plastic strain I. D. Legenya
1314–1317 |
A qualitative investigation of a circular, symmetrically compressed plate under a large edge load
(proof of the appearance of crimping) N. F. Morozov
1318–1319 |
Radiolocation of Mercury V. A. Kotel'nikov, G. Ya. Gus'kov, V. M. Dubrovin, B. A. Dubinskii, M. D. Kislik, E. B. Korenberg, V. P. Minashin, V. A. Morozov, N. I. Nikitskii, G. M. Petrov, G. A. Podoprigora, O. N. Rzhiga, A. V. Frantsesson, A. M. Shakhovskoi
1320–1323 |
Elastic scattering of 6,9-Mev protons by chromium and zinc isotopes A. K. Walter, A. P. Klucharev, V. A. Lutsik, B. F. Orlenko, M. V. Pasechnik, V. S. Prokopenko, N. N. Pucherov
1325–1327 |
A method of determining optimal wave functions for an approximate calculation of matrix elements S. I. Vetchinkin
1328–1331 |
Investigation of the positron-electron annihilation in alloys coming into ordered state I. Ya. Dekhtyar, S. G. Litovchenko, V. S. Mikhalenkov
1332–1335 |
A model of scalar field theory in quantized space-time V. G. Kadyshevskii
1336–1339 |
Supeconductivity test V. A. Moskalenko
1340–1343 |
Electric density distribution in grey tin and the diamagnetic susceptibility N. N. Sirota, A. U. Sheleg
1344–1347 |
Possible changes in the gravitational constant K. P. Stanyukovich
1348–1351 |
A three-dimensional problem concerning the forecast of smoothed values of meteorologicul elements E. N. Blinova
1355–1358 |
Pallets for the interpretation of transient magnetic field in geophysical prospecting L. L. Vanyan, G. M. Morozova
1359–1360 |
On pulsations showing a rhythm conformable to that of Sun activity G. P. Tamrazyan
1361–1364 |
Interaction between polyether and polyamide in a melt V. V. Korshak, S. V. Vinogradova, M. M. Teplyakov, Yu. A. Chernomordik
1365–1368 |
A massspectrometer investigation of hydrocarbons. Methyl ethers of monosaccharides N. K. Kochetkov, N. S. Vul'fson, O. S. Chizhov, B. M. Zolotarev
1369–1372 |
Complex low-valence indium compounds. Synthesis and properties of indium monohalide ammines A. P. Kochetkova, V. G. Tronev, O. N. Gilyarov
1373–1375 |
Organolithic synthesis of germanium hydrocarbon compounds from dimethyldichlorogermane. Certain reactions
with a possible $(\mathrm{CH}_3)_2\mathrm{Ge}$ intermediate O. M. Nefedov, M. N. Manakov, A. D. Petrov
1376–1379 |
Reciprocal influence of thorium and cerium (IV) nitrates when extracted together with tributylphosphate A. V. Nikolaev, Yu. A. Afanas'ev
1380–1381 |
The mechanism underlying the oxidation of propylene on copper catalysts investigated by the method of separate calorimetry N. I. Popova, V. P. Latyshev
1382–1385 |
Polymerization of trichloracetaldehyde with an organometallic catalyst G. E. Semenido, D. E. Il'ina, M. V. Shishkina, B. A. Krentsel'
1386–1388 |
Fractionation of copolymeres. The influence of the composition on phase relations A. V. Topchiev, A. D. Litmanovich, V. Ya. Shtern
1389–1391 |
Infrared spectra of nitric oxide adsorbed on synthetic ceolites A. V. Alekseev, V. N. Filimonov, A. N. Terenin
1392–1395 |
Sensibilized formation of ion radicals of aromatic amines in the radiolysis of frozen organic glass Kh. S. Bagdasar'yan, Z. A. Sinitsyna
1396–1398 |
Sorption by molecular sieves of type $\mathrm{A}$ L. N. Kvitkovsky, S. R. Sergienko
1399–1401 |
Faraday's rectification in a binary electrolyte solution V. G. Levich, B. M. Grafov
1402–1405 |
Plastification of polyethylene in low-temperature radiolysis V. G. Nikol'skii, N. Ya. Buben
1406–1408 |
Enquiry into the properties of a polymere-semiconductor interface G. A. Sokolina, N. A. Krotova, Yu. A. Khrustalev
1409–1412 |
Поправки к статье “Полиномиальные операции, коммутативные со сдвигом” (ДАН, т. 144, № 3, 1962 г.) D. L. Berman
Поправки к статье "Нейтронографическое обнаружение магнитного упорядочения
в сегнетоэлектрике $\mathrm{BiFeO}_3$" (ДАН, т. 145, № 6, 1962 г.) S. V. Kiselev, R. P. Ozerov, G. S. Zhdanov