Verbal subgroups of free groups M. A. Bronshtein
255–257 |
Solutions exhaustive in the classes $W_2^\alpha$ and $C^{(n,\alpha)}$, of the localization problem
for Fourier series in fundamental function systems of Laplace's operator V. A. Il'in
258–260 |
Approximation in the mean of analytic functions of class $E_p$ V. M. Kokilashvili
261–264 |
An extermal problem and linear methods of summation of Fourier series P. P. Korovkin
265–267 |
A weak solution of the Cauchy problem for a first order equation with two independent variables N. N. Kuznetsov
268–271 |
Nonselfintersecting curves on closed surfaces V. I. Pupko
272–274 |
The structure of tensors which admit a given invariance group P. K. Rashevskii
275–276 |
Integral inequalities with Volterra type operators Kh. M. Salpagarov
277–280 |
Parabolic equations in spaces of means P. E. Sobolevskii
281–284 |
On the $\varepsilon$-entropy of Arzela compacta of functions defined on closed sets of positive Lebesgue measure A. F. Timan
285–287 |
Estimate of the complexity of modeling electric lines without losses V. A. Malyshev
288–290 |
Approximate integration of Rayleigh's equation with any nonlinearity V. V. Kazakevich
291–294 |
Point explosion in a detonating gas V. P. Korobeinikov
295–298 |
Kinetic equations for a vortex field E. A. Novikov
299–301 |
The group of motions of a straight line and the geometrical theory of fields N. P. Konopleva, G. A. Sokolik
302–305 |
Local properties of unrenormalizable theories S. S. Horuzhy
306–309 |
The ESR method applied to the study of the mechanisms behind the electric conductivity of the
$\mathrm{V}_2\mathrm{O}_5$ – $\mathrm{P}_2\mathrm{O}_5$ – $\mathrm{WO}_3$ ternary system glass L. D. Bogomolova, V. N. Lazukin, N. V. Petrovykh
310–313 |
Decay of the earth's radial oscillations V. N. Zharkov, V. M. Lyubimov
318–321 |
Change in the residual magnetization of a magnetite bed, occasioned by explosion N. A. Ivanov, V. A. Shapiro, B. A. Undzenkov
322–324 |
The thermal energy of the Earth, and its geological manifestations Ya. B. Smirnov
325–328 |
The crystal structure of ammonium bis-$\mu$-($d$-tartaro) distibate (III) G. A. Kiosse, N. I. Golovastikov, A. V. Ablov, N. V. Belov
329–332 |