Normal forms of Hamiltonian operators in field theory A. M. Astashov
1033–1037 |
An analogue of the first boundary value problem for an elliptic equation of order $2m$ with power degeneration on the boundary B. L. Baĭdel'dinov
1038–1042 |
On accessory coefficients in the Schwarz equation A. B. Venkov
1042–1045 |
On the implicativity of the lattice of truth-table degrees of algorithmic problems M. I. Kanovitch
1046–1050 |
Theorems on the solvability of nonlinear equations of the second kind and some applications G. M. Magomedov, Kh. B. Khanikalov
1051–1053 |
Uniform optimization of Monte Carlo weight methods. A minimax approach G. A. Mikhailov
1054–1058 |
Existence of a generalized solution of the Cauchy problem for a system of two quasilinear hyperbolic equations without convexity conditions G. N. Pazin, V. A. Tupchiev
1058–1061 |
Closed-form solvable boundary value problems of Riemann type for polyanalytic functions K. M. Rasulov
1061–1065 |
On minimum error probability in discriminant analysis V. I. Serdobol'skii
1066–1070 |
On linear equations with normal coefficients V. S. Shulman
1070–1073 |
Bayes estimates of vector quantities under conditions of small statistics V. I. Sobolev
1074–1077 |
The theory of vibrations of composite materials with very small-scale bends in the structure A. N. Guz
1078–1081 |
Exact solutions of a problem with free boundary for the Stokes system L. K. Antonovskii
1082–1084 |
Hydrodynamic formulation of geochemical problems with the movement of ground water having a free surface E. S. Dzektser, N. P. Kuranov
1085–1088 |
Parametric resonance in a stratified liquid in a container undergoing vertical vibrations S. Ya. Sekerzh-Zen'kovich
1089–1091 |
Modified likelihood function in the problem of the source angular coordinate determination using an antenna array V. A. Varyuhin, V. I. Pokrovskii, V. F. Sakhno
1092–1094 |
The Landau–Lifshits equation and integrable systems of classical mechanics A. P. Veselov
1094–1097 |
Nonscattering media M. L. Gerver, N. S. Nadirashvili
1097–1100 |
Inverse problems for linear radiative transfer in a plane medium A. Ya. Kazakov
1100–1103 |
On the spontaneous onset of irregular or pulsing structures at the stratification
of uniform state of the nonequilibrium systems B. S. Kerner, V. V. Osipov
1104–1108 |
Formation of plasma flows in a high-current diodes V. D. Korolev, V. P. Smirnov, M. V. Tulupov, V. Ya. Tsarfin, A. S. Chernenko
1109–1112 |
Crystal structure of $\mathrm{Li},\mathrm{Fe}$-metaphosphate $\mathrm{LiFeP}_3\mathrm{O}_9$ E. A. Genkina, B. A. Maksimov, Yu. K. Kabalov, O. K. Melnikov
1113–1116 |
Physicochemical investigation of synthetic malachite I. V. Timokhina, V. S. Balitskii, A. A. Shaposhnikov, T. M. Bublikova, V. S. Kovalenko, G. L. Akhmetova, A. B. Dubovskii, T. G. Andreeva, T. V. Shironina
1117–1119 |