Equivalent normings of spaces of differentiable functions in
domains and their applications S. K. Vodopyanov
777–781 |
Some iterative methods for solving problems for parabolic
equations I. I. Golichev
782–785 |
Uniqueness of a singularly perturbed operator V. D. Koshmanenko
786–789 |
The Kobayashi metric of Teichmüller spaces, quasiconformal continuation of univalent functions, and reflection with respect to analytic curves S. L. Krushkal'
790–792 |
Inequalities of Carleman type and a theorem of Kato V. Z. Meshkov
793–795 |
Continuous differential equations and their difference analogues A. M. Nakhushev
796–799 |
Optimal control of systems described by nonlinear parabolic
equations V. S. Neronov
799–803 |
Properties of a class of I. M. Vinogradov series K. I. Oskolkov
803–807 |
The openness of mappings with singularities in Banach spaces R. S. Sadyrkhanov
808–810 |
The best error estimate for linear interpolation on a triangle of
functions in $W^2_2(T)$ G. L. Siganevich
811–814 |
Scaling of the percolation of random fields on $\mathbf{Z}^2$ A. K. Stepanov
814–818 |
An extremal problem of potential theory A. E. Fryntov
819–820 |
Investigation of controllability by methods of the theory of approximation groups and systems on a foliation S. V. Emel'yanov, S. K. Korovin, S. V. Nikitin
821–823 |
Point sources of vibration in a weakly anisotropic elastic medium A. P. Kiselev
824–826 |
A general method for solving dual integral equations È. I. Veliev, V. P. Shestopalov
827–831 |
Description of the phase instability of a system of harmonic
oscillators that are weakly connected by diffusion A. Yu. Kolesov
831–835 |
Sufficient conditions for the instability of coherent interfaces M. A. Grinfel'd, M. P. Lazarev
836–840 |
On some new relations in the theory of piezoelectric media V. A. Zhelnorovich
840–844 |
Short-acting potentials and compressibility of noble gases A. P. Kalinin, V. B. Leonas, I. D. Rodionov, I. P. Rodionova
845–849 |
On the laws of disordering of the $\mathrm{Ln}^{3+}$-ion crystal field in insulating crystals A. A. Kaminskii
849–852 |
The relaxation dynamics of the configuration broadening of dye solution fluorescence spectra L. V. Levshin, I. A. Struganova, B. N. Toleutaev
853–855 |
The equations of a shallow baroclinic atmosphere V. I. Petviashvili, O. A. Pokhotelov
856–858 |