On the theory of the maximum principle in optimal control problems
with phase constraints A. V. Arutyunov
11–14 |
On the set of values of a system of linear functionals according
to data from another system of linear functionals Yu. A. Belov, V. S. Kas'yanyuk
14–17 |
The Moore effect in interval spaces V. I. Verbitskii, A. N. Gorban', G. Sh. Utyubaev, Yu. I. Shokin
17–21 |
Analytic properties of solutions of differential equations with
singular points V. I. Kachalov, S. A. Lomov
22–24 |
A limit theorem for a recurrent random walk in a random environment A. V. Letchikov
25–28 |
Regularization of optimal control problems on ill-posed
variational inequalities O. A. Liskovets
29–32 |
An asymptotic method for ordinary differential equations with an
infinite-order turning point L. Yu. Motylev
32–36 |
Separation of jets and generalization to the nonhomogeneous case
of the theorem on the decomposition of a finite homogeneous Markov chain
into ergodic components I. M. Sonin
36–40 |
Approximation of functions in domains with a quasiconformal
boundary in weighted plane integral metrics L. N. Chikvinidze
41–43 |
On large deviation theorems for dependent random variables D. A. Yakimavichyus
44–46 |
Stability of solutions of a class of nonlinear nonautonomous
systems of differential equations in critical cases N. A. Magnitskii
47–49 |
Use of a sliding washer to damp forced vibrations of strings and rods V. K. Astashev, V. I. Babitskii, A. M. Veprik, V. Krupenin
50–54 |
Asymptotics of a critical load in problems of the stability of
elastic bodies A. D. Drozdov, A. V. Lymzina
54–57 |
Peculiarities of electrical conductivity of muscovites under high temperatures A. A. Guseinov, A. S. Batyrmurzaev
58–60 |
On the comparison of numerical and asymptotic methods for computation of elastic wave fields A. P. Kiselev, I. D. Tsvankin
61–65 |
A model of the Earth's inner structure evolution at the convective cooling stage V. P. Myasnikov, E. P. Timoshkina
65–68 |
Determination of the deflections of sea surface from the level surface A. N. Panteleev, M. G. Kogan
69–73 |
An asymptotic representation of the solution of a nonadiabatic
hydrodynamic model of the atmosphere A. N. Filatov, V. V. Shershkov
74–78 |
Over reflection of high-frequency sound under resonant interaction with fluid flow O. A. Godin
79–83 |
Characteristics of the stochastic motion of a two-dimensional
nonlinear oscillator P. V. Elyutin, V. G. Korolev
83–87 |
Surface-enhanced second harmonic on a rough metal surface: fluctuation mechanism of radiation diffuseness and depolarization A. A. Nikulin, A. V. Petukhov
87–91 |
Bifluctuons in magnetic semiconductors A. A. Truschenko
91–96 |
The crystal- and molecular structure of sodium salt monohydrate of thiosemicarbazone of mesoxalic acid B. Ya. Antosyak, V. N. Biyushkin, L. A. Nezhel'skaya, T. I. Malinovskii
103–106 |