On ballistic functions I. I. Bavrin, G. N. Bakunin
581–583 |
On the solution of a problem associated with an abstract cosine
function V. A. Kostin
584–586 |
On the structure of a general continuous solution of systems of
linear difference equations with periodic coefficients G. P. Pelyukh
587–589 |
A new type of boundary value problem for the wave equation M. A. Sadybekov
590–591 |
Explicit parametrization of the solutions of nonlinear equations
in a neighborhood of a branching point N. A. Sidorov
592–594 |
Perturbation of finite-soliton solutions of the Korteweg–de Vries equation A. M. Il'in, L. A. Kalyakin
595–598 |
On the planar electromagnetic waves reflection from superconducting plane
and Frenels formula generalization V. F. Kravchenko, E. I. Nefedov
599–600 |
Some exact solutions of a kinetic model of the equilibrium of the
quark plasma in the abelian dominance approximation Yu. A. Markov, M. A. Markova
601–604 |
Generalized system of linear algorithms for information digital processing A. S. Gorshkov
605–609 |
Extons in rule of three points G. A. Mesyats
610–612 |
Partial wave analysis of $\pi^-\mathrm{p}\longrightarrow\pi^0\pi^0\mathrm{n}$ reaction at $38$ GeV/c momentum Yu. D. Prokoshkin, A. A. Kondashov
613–616 |
On possibility of acceleration of the combustion $\mathrm{H}_2+\mathrm{O}_2$ mixture
under excitation of vibrational states of motion of molecules A. M. Starik, N. G. Dautov
617–622 |
Neotectonic uplift of the Earth crust on the continents as a consequence of ascent
of large masses of hot material from the mantle E. V. Artyushkov
680–683 |
Electrodynamical deceleration of the plasma jet injecting into the magnetosphere and ionosphere heating B. G. Gavrilov, Yu. I. Zetser, A. I. Podgornyi, I. M. Podgornyi
684–687 |
On displacement of the magnetic field of Earth by high velocity plasma jet in ionosphere Yu. B. Dvoeglazov, Yu. N. Kiselev, V. P. Koryavov, B. D. Khristoforov
688–691 |
How do dispersions of Langmuir circulation spacings and their average values correlate? S. V. Ryanzhin
692–696 |