Operations and compositions in transrecursive operators M. S. Burgin, Yu. M. Borodyanskii
727–729 |
$(r,s)$-exponentials I. M. Gel'fand, M. I. Graev, V. S. Retakh, S. A. Spirin
730–732 |
Decidability of the theory of the class of fields $\mathfrak{F}^f_*$ Yu. L. Ershov
733–736 |
Solution of the Dirichlet problem for elliptic systems with
variable parameters by the Monte Carlo method G. A. Mikhailov, A. F. Cheshkova
737–740 |
Stochastic differential equations in Hilbert spaces V. S. Pugachev
741–744 |
Resonance regimes of wave propagation in a gas-saturated porous
medium A. M. Maksimov, E. V. Radkevich, I. Ya. Èdel'man
745–749 |
The structure of experts knowledge in classification tasks O. I. Larichev
750–752 |
Nuclear fusion in deuterium-loaded ferroelectrics during polarization
reversal in the external electric field B. V. Deryagin, È. I. Andriankin, A. A. Kutikov, A. G. Lipson, D. M. Sakov, G. V. Fedorovich
753–756 |
To the theory of dispersion of drops in aerosol jet S. K. Aslanov, K. N. Shamshev
757–759 |
Investigation of the behavior of a viscous fluid under vibration V. A. Babeshko, O. M. Babeshko, A. L. Sobisevich
760–762 |
The influence of coherent structures on turbulent transfer of heat and momentum
in a separated region behind backward-facing step under acoustic control A. I. Leont'ev, E. V. Shishov, S. Yu. Vechkanov
763–765 |
Chaotic oscillations in turbojet engine flow path I. L. Pis'mennyi
766–768 |
On the nature of tension finiteness in the planar problem of the nonlinear elasticity theory K. F. Chernykh
769–770 |
Nonlinear evolution of the quasi-longitudinal waves in a viscoelastic rock mass I. A. Molotkov, V. N. Nikolaevskii
820–822 |
The Voronezh crystalline massif anomalies of some physical parameters of Earth crust A. I. Dubyanskii, L. I. Nadezhka
823–825 |