Numerical methods
Efficient difference schemes for nonlinear hyperbolic equations. I V. N. Abrashin, S. I. Golik
1107–1117 |
Numerical methods with improved properties of agreement of the difference and the differential problem V. V. Bobkov
1117–1126 |
Asymptotic behavior of unbounded solutions of the nonlinear parabolic equation $u_t=(u^\sigma u_x)_x+u^{\sigma+1}$ V. A. Galaktionov
1126–1134 |
Algorithms for the numerical solution of problems of magnetohydrodynamics in the applied program package SAFRA V. A. Gasilov, V. Ya. Karpov, A. Yu. Krukovskii
1135–1144 |
Completely conservative locally barotropic difference schemes of gas dynamics in mixed Euler–Lagrange variables V. M. Goloviznin, A. Sabitova, E. A. Samarskaya
1144–1155 |
A variant of the finite element method for elliptic equations in domains with periodic structure R. Z. Dautov
1155–1164 |
On the accuracy of the method of lines for second-order quasilinear hyperbolic equations with a small parameter multiplying the highest time derivative I. N. Djuraev, T. V. Kolesnik, V. L. Makarov
1164–1170 |
Marangoni instability in a gas-liquid system G. G. Yelenin, I. S. Kalachinskaya, S. V. Solomatin
1171–1179 |
Application of a kinetic algorithm for calculating gas dynamic flows T. G. Elizarova, A. N. Pavlov, B. N. Chetverushkin
1179–1185 |
Difference methods in problems of the propagation of optical radiation in a cloud medium I. G. Zakharova, Yu. N. Karamzin, V. A. Trofimov
1186–1191 |
Some analytic solutions of Maxwell equations in a nonconducting medium N. N. Kozlov, L. N. Sokolova
1191–1202 |
Difference analogues of the Boltzmann equation and equations of macroscopic dynamics A. V. Lukshin
1202–1208 |
Increasing the time step in the integration of Navier–Stokes equations in vorticity-stream function variables E. D. Lyumkis
1208–1217 |
Investigation of nonlinear two-layer operator-difference schemes with weights A. D. Lyashko, E. M. Fedotov
1217–1227 |
Unconditional convergence of some difference schemes of problems of gas dynamics P. P. Matus
1227–1238 |
Convergence of central difference schemes for dynamic problems of the theory of elasticity M. N. Moskal'kov, D. Utebaev
1238–1246 |
Accuracy of a difference scheme in a spectral problem with generalized solutions V. G. Prikazchikov, A. R. Semchuk
1246–1252 |
Stability of variational-difference schemes of gas dynamics with heat conduction A. Sabitova, E. A. Samarskaya
1252–1257 |
Variational-difference schemes for equations of the dynamics of a deformable medium V. F. Tishkin
1258–1263 |
Short Communications
Efficient difference schemes for quasilinear transport equations V. N. Abrashin, V. A. Mukha
1264–1267 |
О численном моделировании некоторых отрывных течений на основе уравнений Навье–Стокса
и Эйлера Yu. P. Golovachov, N. V. Leont'eva, V. V. Tsymbalov
1267–1269 |
A difference method for solving Navier–Stokes equations in vorticity-stream function variables A. L. Goncharov, I. V. Fryazinov
1269–1273 |
An algorithm for solving the heat equation on nonorthogonal grids A. V. Koldoba, Yu. A. Poveschenko, Yu. P. Popov
1273–1276 |
Volterra integral equation with a hypergeometric function in the kernel M. M. Smirnov
1276–1279 |
On a theorem of differentiability of the solution of an ordinary differential equation with respect to the initial condition M. F. Sukhinin
1279–1281 |
Solution of operator equations and boundary value problems by means of systems of elements A. T. Taldykin, E. A. Isakova
1281–1282 |