Ordinary Differential Equations
Investigation of recurrent oscillations of dynamical systems A. Yu. Aleksandrov
1011–1017 |
The differential controlled gradient method for symmetric extremal mappings A. S. Antipin
1018–1028 |
A step-type contrast structure in the case of a multiple root of the equation for a transition point V. F. Butuzov, V. V. Kiryushin
1029–1038 |
On the Baire classification of residual exponents A. N. Vetokhin
1039–1042 |
Equiconvergence of a spectral expansion, corresponding to a Schrödinger operator with integrable potential, with the Fourier integral S. A. Denisov
1043–1048 |
On the existence of a linear singular system with an exponential characteristic set of unbounded measure N. A. Izobov, S. G. Krasovskii
1049–1055 |
Localization of limit sets and the asymptotic stability of nonautonomous equations with delay. II L. B. Knyazhishche
1056–1065 |
On the influence of the degree of summability of coefficients of differential operators on the rate of convergence of spectral expansions. II I. S. Lomov
1066–1077 |
On the irreducibility of linear systems by a generalized Lyapunov transformation to Lappo–Danilevskiǐ systems S. A. Mazanik
1078–1081 |
Partial Differential Equations
Invariant submodels of rank two for equations of a nonhomogeneous heavy fluid V. K. Andreev, A. A. Rodionov
1082–1091 |
Asymptotic behavior of an elliptic equation with a small parameter multiplying the highest derivatives that degenerates on the boundary of the domain. The case of weak degeneration A. M. Il'in, T. Yu. Zyryanova
1092–1099 |
A problem with a free boundary for the Laplace equation, capillary-gravitational waves in space, bifurcation and symmetry B. V. Loginov, V. A. Trenogin
1100–1106 |
On incompatible inequalities for elliptic equations on stratified sets O. M. Penkin, Yu. V. Pokorny
1107–1113 |
Generation of singularities of compactly supported solutions of the Euler equations on a rotating plane O. S. Rozanova
1114–1118 |
Differential equations on graphs that describe asymptotic solutions of Navier–Stokes equations localized in a small neighborhood of a curve A. I. Shafarevich
1119–1130 |
Short Communications
A degenerate Cauchy problem for a second-order equation. A well-posedness criterion U. A. Anufrieva
1131–1133 |
On the stability of solutions of differential equations with aftereffect I. V. Boykov
1134–1136 |
On the asymptotic behavior of the solution of a homogeneous second-order linear differential equation in Liouville normal form V. A. Vinokurov, V. A. Sadovnichii
1137–1139 |
A “dead zone” theorem for the Neumann problem M. V. Tuvaev
1140–1141 |
О семинаре по проблемам нелинейной динамики и управления при Московском государственном
университете им. М. В. Ломоносова
1142–1147 |