Ordinary Differential Equations
The Hilbert and Bessel properties of systems of eigenfunctions of second-order operators N. V. Assonova, V. D. Budaev
147–151 |
Stability conditions for the inverted pendulum whose suspension point performs decaying vibrations of a special form V. V. Ganina, Yu. S. Kolesov
152–157 |
An estimate, in the metric of $L_2(R)$, of the equiconvergence rate with the fourier integral for the
spectral expansion corresponding to the Schrödinger operator with a potential of the class $L_1(R)$ S. A. Denisov
158–162 |
Asymptotic stability of Itô differential systems with retarded argument R. I. Kadiev
163–167 |
The solution of a class of linear differential equations via functions of the Mittag-Leffler type Megumi Saigo, A. A. Kilbas
168–176 |
The class of solutions and algebraic integrability of algebraic differential equations. Trajectories of dynamical systems S. L. Sobolevskii
177–186 |
Partial Differential Equations
The classification of differential equations with two independent variables on the basis of the principal part V. G. Bardakov
187–197 |
Asymptotic stability of solutions of singularly perturbed boundary value problems with boundary and internal layers V. F. Butuzov, I. V. Nedelko
198–208 |
Periodic step-like contrast structures for a singularly perturbed parabolic equation A. B. Vasil'eva, O. E. Omel'chenko
209–218 |
Normal solvability of general boundary value problems for some classes of pseudodifferential equations V. B. Vasil'ev
219–225 |
An analog of the lemma on the normal derivative for an elliptic equation on a stratified set A. A. Gavrilov, O. M. Penkin
226–232 |
Absolute continuity of the spectrum of a periodic Dirac operator L. I. Danilov
233–240 |
Controllability of hyperbolic systems under singular perturbations A. Z. Ishmukhametov
241–250 |
The Fourier method in the Cauchy problem and absolutely representing systems of exponentials: II Yu. F. Korobeinik
251–255 |
On evolution problems for linearly strictly viscoelastic materials G. R. V. Matarazzo
256–261 |
An asymptotic method of differential inequalities for the investigation of periodic contrast structures: Existence, asymptotics, and stability N. N. Nefedov
262–269 |
Integral representations and the linear conjugation problem for a generalized Cauchy–Riemann system with a singular manifold A. B. Rasulov
270–275 |
Short Communications
A representation of a periodic solution of a linear matrix differential equation L. A. Danilovich, V. N. Laptinskii
276–278 |
The $L_2$ solvability of a nonlocal problem with integral conditions for a hyperbolic equation L. S. Pulkina
279–280 |
Boundary value problems with free boundary for some classes of nonlinear ordinary differential equations N. E. Tovmasyan
281–283 |
International Conference “Analytic Methods of Analysis and Differential Equations” (AMADE-99) (September 14–18, 1999, Minsk, Belarus) I. V. Gaishun, M. V. Dubatovskaya, A. A. Kilbas, S. V. Rogozin, N. J. Yurchuk
284 |