2005, Volume 41, Issue 3
Pulsed loading of objects during intense expansion of products of explosion of solid explosives (review) E. E. Lin
3–28 |
Novel ultrahigh-energy materials M. B. Talawar, R. Sivabalan, S. N. Asthana, H. Singh
29–45 |
Initiation of hydrogen oxidation by a pulsed electron beam A. I. Pushkarev, G. E. Remnev
46–51 |
Numerical study of hybrid combustion waves in vehicles of complicated geometry V. I. Drobyshevich
52–57 |
Exhaustion of a low-temperature plasma jet formed by an electric discharge from a semi-closed volume A. D. Rychkov, Kh. Miloshevich, N. Shokina
58–64 |
Rates of electron attachment to aluminum oxides in air-xenon mixtures N. N. Pilyugin
65–73 |
Nitride formation during combustion of ultrafine aluminum powders in air. I. Effect of additives A. A. Gromov, E. M. Popenko, A. V. Sergienko, A. P. Ilyin, V. I. Vereshchagin
74–85 |
Aerosol-generating pyrotechnic compositions with components interacting in the combustion wave V. G. Korostelev
86–89 |
Combustion of mechanically activated heterogeneous systems V. K. Smolyakov
90–97 |
Effect of heat losses on fire resistance test results for metal V. G. Zverev, V. A. Nazarenko, A. Tsimbaluk
98–105 |
Effect of temperature on the growth rate of pre-explosion luminescence in silver azide B. P. Aduev, A. G. Krechetov, E. V. Tupitsyn, S. S. Grechin, D. È. Aluker
106–109 |
Computation of dust lifting behind a shock wave sliding along the layer. Verification of the model A. V. Fedorov, I. A. Fedorchenko
110–120 |
Model for the atmospheric fragmentation and scattering of a small celestial body A. G. Ivanov, V. A. Ryzhanskii
121–132 |
Research of energy deposition caused by pore collapse J.-x. Wang, X.-j. Li, H.-h. Yan
133–138 |