Identification of equilibrium trajectories in a class of differential games of m persons on infinite interval A. A. Adrianov
3–4 |
Example of Pontryagin with many participants I. N. Baranova
5–6 |
On differential inclusions in uniform spaces of functions A. G. Baskakov, V. V. Obukhovskii, P. Zecca
7–8 |
On boundary-value problems of general form for differential inclusions M. M. Basova
9–10 |
One problem of group pursuit A. I. Blagodatskikh
11–12 |
On topological properties of the multivalued mapping convexified with respect to switching A. I. Bulgakov, A. A. Grigorenko
13–16 |
On reducibility of a linear recurrence system with heredity T. S. Bykova
17–18 |
Connection between the problem of variational calculus on the set of almost periodic functions and the Euler problem M. A. Voronetskaya, A. G. Ivanov
19–20 |
Lyapunov reducibility of time-invariant control systems A. F. Gabdrahimov, V. A. Zaitsev
21–22 |
Aircraft landing control under wind disturbances S. A. Ganebny
23–24 |
On control of operating practices of oil production complexes M. I. Gusev, V. A. Leonov
25–26 |
Weyl almost periodic selections of multivalued maps L. I. Danilov
27–28 |
Ordinary differential equations with generalized functions in the space $T'$ V. Ya. Derr, D. M. Kinzebulatov
29–30 |
Pontryagin maximum principle: half a century later A. V. Dmitruk
31–32 |
Construction of the approached characteristic equations for time-invariant systems of differential equations with aftereffect Yu. F. Dolgii
33–34 |
The Cauchy series for impulse equations with deviating arguments D. V. Dyugurov, V. I. Rodionov
35–36 |
Modeling of softening of filled polymer systems O. I. Evstaf'ev, S. P. Kopysov
37–38 |
The maximum principle for control problems with constraints on the control that depend on coordinates discontinuously A. N. Zharinov, S. S. Kumkov
39–40 |
Volterra inequalities and estimations for solutions of functional differential equations E. S. Zhukovskii
41–42 |
Problems of control over Lyapunov invariants V. A. Zaitsev, E. K. Makarov, S. N. Popova, E. L. Tonkov
43–48 |
Influence of delay on the periodic oscillations in conservative systems A. V. Zakharov
49–50 |
Optimal control of almost periodic processes A. G. Ivanov
51–52 |
Completeness of system of root vectors for Noether operators G. G. Islamov
53–54 |
Estimates of the scalar products of vector fields and their application to some problems of mathematical physics A. V. Kalinin
55–56 |
Forms of the potential for the variational formulation of the problem about the stationary propagation of the self-similar wave of chemical transformations A. I. Karpov
57–58 |
Viability property for systems with generalized functions D. M. Kinzebulatov
59–60 |
Changes of the the electron density under one rank perturbations M. A. Klochkov
61–62 |
Global control over Lyapunov exponents of linear systems in the nondegenerate case A. A. Kozlov
63–64 |
Modeling of functional differential equations using series N. G. Kolmogortseva, A. S. Boyarchenkov
65–66 |
Numerical determination of averaged characteristics of composites based on the finite element method and the wavelet transform S. P. Kopysov, Yu. A. Sagdeeva
67–68 |
The density principle and approximation of perturbed inclusions A. I. Korobko
69–70 |
Nonlinear boundary value problem in advance and delay D. A. Korotkii
71–72 |
Method of Lyapunov functions for problems of stability for system with aftereffect N. N. Krasovskii, A. N. Kotel'nikova
73–74 |
Controllability of causal differential-algebraic systems with delay V. V. Krakhotko, G. P. Razmyslovich
75–76 |
Stability of time-varying systems of functional-differential equations E. V. Kukushkina
77–78 |
On the geometry of wave fronts P. D. Lebedev, A. A. Uspenskii
79–80 |
Theorem on the existence of weak solutions to stochastic differential inclusions A. A. Levakov, M. M. Vas'kovskii
81–82 |
On infinitesimal properties of the value functional in control problems with hereditary information N. Yu. Lukoyanov
83–84 |
Compromise control in linear differential games of several persons S. V. Lutmanov
85–86 |
Problems of impulsive and mixed control for linear functional differential systems V. P. Maksimov
87–88 |
Extremal shift method in the problems of identification and control of differential inclusions with subdifferentials V. I. Maksimov
89–92 |
Dynamic inversion problems in systems with aftereffect V. I. Maksimov, N. A. Fedina
93–94 |
The problem of pursuit and evasion with the control given by the second-order difference equations M. Sh. Mamatov
95–96 |
On local controllability of nonlinear systems in the critical case Yu. V. Masterkov
97–98 |
The solution of an optimal control problem with a moving target in the presence of obstacles A. R. Matviychuk
99–100 |
Research of properties of solutions of differential equations with hereditary nonlinearities V. S. Metrikin
101–102 |
The use of AB INITIO pseudopotential methods for calculating the physical and mechanical properties of solids Yu. S. Mitrokhin, V. E. Shudegov
103–104 |
The use of $2^n$-dimensional cubic trees for implementing the pixel method of computation of reachable sets in $n$-dimensional space and visualization of results D. K. Mikhalev
105–106 |
Stability of completely controllable systems A. Ya. Narmanov
107–108 |
Productivity and the existence of balanced growth path in a single model of the economy G. N. Nasritdinov
109–110 |
Birth of periodic solutions of differential equations with delay from the equilibrium S. N. Nidchenko
111–112 |
Stabilization of the mechanical system of two rigidly connected material points S. F. Nikolaev, E. L. Tonkov, I. V. Feklistov
113–114 |
Global reducibility of discrete bilinear control systems of retarded type O. G. Olenchikova, D. M. Olenchikov
115–116 |
On one optimization problem for control differential inclusions with delay S. O. Otakulov
117–118 |
Optimal control and identification of parameters of nonlinear dynamical systems N. V. Oshchepkova
119–120 |
Stably invariant sets of differential inclusions E. A. Panasenko
121–122 |
The capture of two evaders N. N. Petrov
123–124 |
On solutions of the Goursat-Darboux problem with boundary and distributed controls N. I. Pogodaev
125–126 |
Generalized extreme quasisolutions of perturbed inclusions A. I. Polyanskiy
127–128 |
Genetic regulated networks with delay A. V. Ponosov, A. I. Shindyapin, Yu. V. Nepomnyaschikh
129–130 |
Conditions for existence of nonanticipating control function for systems with random parameters L. I. Rodina
131–132 |
Optimal impulse control in the problem of minimization of generalized work functional A. N. Sesekin, Yu. V. Fetisova
133–134 |
On the error of constructing feedback of the minimal rank D. A. Sivkov
135–136 |
On a method of research of dynamic economic models P. M. Simonov
137–138 |
Bringing the control system motion in the neighborhood of given point of the reachable set L. V. Spesivtsev
139–140 |
The method of generalized characteristics in an optimal control problem with Lipschitz inputs N. N. Subbotina, T. B. Tokmantsev
141–142 |
Volterra functional equations and the conditions for conservation of the global solvability of control initial boundary value problems V. I. Sumin
143–146 |
Regularized dual algorithm in optimization and inverse problems M. I. Sumin
147–148 |
Stability and weak stability of functional differential inclusions A. V. Surkov
149–150 |
The use of the singular numbers of the monodromy operator in the problem of stability of the periodic system with constant delay E. V. Ul'yanov
151–152 |
The calculation of the value function of the game for one class of decomposition differential games V. I. Ukhobotov, S. A. Nikitina
153–154 |
On the property of stability in differential games V. N. Ushakov, D. K. Mikhalev
155–156 |
Unique determination and continuous approximation of differential equations with discontinuous right-hand I. A. Finogenko
157–160 |
Modeling of stochastic resonance in bistable ferromagnets A. V. Hodyrev
161–162 |
Extreme problems of routing with restrictions A. G. Chentsov
163–166 |
Evasion from the group of inertial objects L. S. Chirkova
167–168 |
Operators of the value in the theory of differential games S. V. Chistyakov
169–172 |