$\Lambda$-summability and multiplicators of Hölder classes of Fourier series with respect to character systems N. Yu. Agafonova
3–8 |
On explicit and exact solutions of the Markushevich boundary problem for circle V. M. Adukov, A. A. Patrushev
9–20 |
The characteristic of stability of the solution in the problem of convex compact set asphericity S. I. Dudov, E. A. Mesheryakova
20–26 |
Parametrization of bivariate nonseparable Haar wavelets M. S. Krasilnikova
26–32 |
Optimality solutions in games with preference relations T. F. Savina
32–36 |
Problem with conditions on all boundary for one 6-th order pseudoparabolic equation E. A. Utkina
36–41 |
Lie symmetry analysis and some new exact solutions for a variable coefficient modified Kortweg–de Vries equation arising in arterial mechanics M. S. Abdel Latif
42–48 |
Mathematical modeling of interaction between layer of viscous liquid and elastic walls of channel, which was installed on vibration foundation R. V. Ageev, T. V. Bykova, J. N. Kondratova
48–54 |
The constitutive equations for the bone tissue structural adaptation Yu. V. Akulich, P. A. Bruchanov, M. V. Merzlyakov, A. V. Sotin
54–61 |
An optimal system constructing algorithm for symmetry algebra of three-dimensional equations of the perfect plasticity V. A. Kovalev, Yu. N. Radayev
61–77 |
Modification for the Chisnell's method of approximate analytic solution of the converging shock wave problem V. S. Kozhanov, I. A. Chernov
78–83 |
Mode-series expansion of solutions of elasticity problems for a strip L. Yu. Kossovich, V. A. Yurko, I. V. Kirillova
83–96 |
Modelling of the longitudinal impact springy rod as mechanical system with final number of the degree of the liberty K. S. Listratova, V. K. Manjosov
96–102 |
The intense state of the band of variable thickness at non-uniform heating M. V. Mirsalimov
102–108 |
Modeling of polymer fiber evaporation Yu. E. Salkovskiy
109–112 |
Computer science
The continuous schedule with two-element instructions A. M. Magomedov
113–119 |