2024, Volume 24, Issue 4
Scientific Part
Semi-analytical approximation of the normal derivative of the heat simple layer potential near the boundary of a two-dimensional domain Ivanov D.Yu.
476–487 |
On recovering non-local perturbation of non-self-adjoint Sturm – Liouville operator M. A. Kuznetsova
488–497 |
Questions of existence and uniqueness of the solution of one class of an infinite system of nonlinear two-dimensional equations H. S. Petrosyan, S. M. Andriyan, Kh. A. Khachatryan
498–511 |
Numerical solution of first-order exact differential equations by the integrating factor method L. A. Sevastianov, K. P. Lovetskiy, D. S. Kulyabov, S. V. Sergeev
512–525 |
On $\frak F^{\omega}$-projectors and $\frak F^{\omega}$-covering subgroups of finite groups M. M. Sorokina, D. G. Novikova
526–535 |
The “paradoxical” mechanism of P. L. Chebyshev S. N. Burian
536–551 |
Optimisation of mechanical properties of viscoelastic structures A. O. Vatulyan, O. V. Yavruyan
552–566 |
Investigation of mathematical model of pressure measurement system in aircraft engines P. A. Velmisov, A. V. Ankilov, Yu. V. Pokladova
567–577 |
Shear waves in a nonlinear elastic cylindrical shell A. I. Zemlyanukhin, A. V. Bochkarev, N. A. Artamonov
578–586 |
Nonlinear statics and dynamics of porous functional-gradient nanobeam taking into account transverse shifts A. V. Krys'ko, A. N. Krechin, M. V. Zhigalov, V. A. Krys'ko
587–597 |
Construction and analysis of nonlinear oscillation modes of a three-link pendulum by asymptotic methods A. S. Smirnov, S. A. Bulov, E. A. Degilevich
598–610 |
Fused quartz imperfections and their influence on the CVG resonator dynamics S. A. Shevchenko, B. E. Melnikov
611–618 |
Computer Sciences
ML methods for assessing the risk of fraud in auto insurance I. A. Vorobyev
619–628 |