2019, том 12, выпуск 1
Navier–Stokes equations for elliptic complexes Azal Mera, Alexander A. Shlapunov, Nikolai Tarkhanov
3–27 |
Core-shell nanosize particles Mg@Ni: synthesis and properties Grigory N. Churilov, Nikita S. Nikolaev, Irina V. Osipova, Alexander V. Cherepakhin, Ivan V. Nemtsev, Dmitriy A. Velikanov, Valentina G. Andyuseva
28–35 |
Chaotic dynamics of a three-dimensional endomorphism Hacene Gharout, Nourredine Akroune, Abelkadous Taha, Daniele-Fournier Prunaret
36–50 |
On application of slowly varying functions with remainder in the theory of Galton–Watson branching process Azam A. Imomov, Erkin E. Tukhtaev
51–57 |
Extensions of Boolean rings and nearrings Hamsa Nayak, Syam P. Kuncham, Babushri S. Kedukodi
58–67 |
Variational analysis of a dynamic electroviscoelastic problem with friction Aziza Bachmar, Souraya Boutechebak, Touffik Serrar
68–78 |
Pseudospectral methods for nonlinear pendulum equations Le Anh Nhat
79–84 |
Opto-acoustic and acoustic microscopy studies of microstructure, elasticity and defects in B$_4$C/C$_{60}$ and c-BN/C$_{60}$ nanocomposites Vyacheslav M. Prokhorov, Egor S. Morokov, Danila A. Ovsyannikov
85–93 |
Magnetic properties of Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$Si single crystals at low co impurity concentrations Gleb Yu. Yurkin, Gennady S. Patrin, Stanislav A. Yarikov
94–99 |
One-dimensional model for studying seasonal changes of vertical structure of salt lake Uchum Victor M. Belolipetskii, Svetlana N. Genova, Andrey G. Degermendzhy, Vladimir V. Zykov, Denis Yu. Rogozin
100–108 |
One proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra (of polynomials) Olga V. Khodos
109–111 |
The critical curves of a doubly nonlinear parabolic equation in non-divergent form with a source and nonlinear boundary flux Mersaid M. Aripov, Jakhongir R. Raimbekov
112–124 |
On a transversality condition for one variation problem with moving boundary Sergey O. Gladkov
125–129 |
Errata to our article Nikolay N. Osipov, Bella V. Gulnova
130 |