1996, том 8, номер 9
Proceedins of the International Conference on the Optimization of the Finite Element Approximations (OFEA-95), St.-Petersburg, 25–29 June 1995
Foreword Yu. K. Demjanovich, V. G. Korneev
2 |
Recent developments in the numerical simulation of shallow water equations. III-boundary conditions and finite element approximations in the river flow calculations V. I. Agoshkov, F. Saleri
3–24 |
Finite-element approximation on manifolds Yu. K. Demjanovich
25–30 |
Adaptive composite finite elements for the solution of PDEs containing nonuniformely distributed micro-scales W. Hackbusch, S. A. Sauter
31–43 |
Adaptive dimensional reduction and divergence stability S. Jensen
44–52 |
Multigrid algorithms with implicit extrapolation for solving finite element equations M. Jung, U. Rüde
53–62 |
Preconditioning in the domain decomposition methods for the $p$-version with the hierarchical bases V. G. Korneev, S. A. Ivanov
63–73 |
Устойчивость трехслойных проекционно-разностных схем А. А. Самарский, П. Н. Вабищевич
74–84 |
On cross-constrains method and physical contact-laws В. A. Schrefler, G. Zavarise
85–94 |
Integrated solution-and dimensional adaptivity of FEM by hierarchical projections E. Stein, S. Ohnimus
95–117 |
Construction of artificial boundary conditions using difference potentials method S. V. Tsynkov
118–128 |
A hybrid coupled finite-boundary element method G. C. Hsiao, E. Schnack, W. L. Wendland
129–142 |
Новые книги
А. А. Самарский, А. В. Колдоба, Ю. А. Повещенко, В. Ф. Тишкин, А. П. Фаворский, Разностные схемы на нерегулярных сетках (аннотация)
143 |