2008, том 8, номер 3
A New Tower over Cubic Finite Fields A. Bassa, A. Garcia, H. Stichtenoth
401–418 |
Asymptotic Decay of Correlations for a Random Walk on the Lattice $\mathbf Z^d$ in Interaction with a Markov Field C. Boldrighini, R. A. Minlos, F. R. Nardi, A. Pellegrinotti
419–431 |
On the Existence of Mixed Fiber Bodies A. Esterov
433–442 |
Symplectic $C_\infty$-algebras A. Hamilton, A. Yu. Lazarev
443–475 |
A Denjoy Type Theorem for Commuting Circle Diffeomorphisms with Derivatives Having Different Hölder Differentiability Classes V. A. Kleptsyn, A. Navas
477–492 |
Combinatorial Invariants of Algebraic Hamiltonian Actions I. V. Losev
493–519 |
Analytic Normal Forms of Germs of Holomorphic Dicritic Foliations L. Ortiz-Bobadilla, È. Rosales-González, S. M. Voronin
521–545 |
Analytical Moduli for Unfoldings of Saddle-Node Vector Fields Ch. Rousseau, L. Teyssier
547–614 |