Vibrational relaxation of diatomic molecules in a non-Boltzmann thermostat A. A. Goroshkov, A. I. Osipov
3–10 |
Saturation of absorption of the powerful radiation of a system of anharmonic oscillators S. A. Zhdanok, A. P. Napartovich, A. N. Starostin
10–15 |
Energy characteristics of a carbon monoxide gasdynamic laser N. Ya. Vasilik, V. A. Vakhnenko, A. D. Margolin, V. M. Shmelev
16–23 |
Determination of optimum nozzle parameters in a gasdynamic laser V. N. Makarov, Yu. V. Tunik
23–26 |
Dispersion of a plasma current sheath V. S. Komelkov, A. P. Kuznetsov, A. S. Pleshanov, L. Ya. Polonskiĭ, G. G. Yakushev
26–33 |
Collisionless dispersion of an ionized cloud into a homogeneous magnetized plasma A. I. Golubev, A. A. Solov'ev, V. A. Terekhin
33–42 |
Calculation of the effective thermal diffusion coefficients of a nonlinear multielement plasma V. I. Kucherenko, G. A. Pavlov
43–49 |
Numerical investigation of the growth of glowing discharges in two-dimensional geometry G. G. Gladush, A. A. Samokhin
49–54 |
Controlled multichannel dischargers with water insulation V. V. Balalaev, N. K. Kapishnikov, V. M. Muratov, V. Ya. Ushakov
54–60 |
Calculation of the kinetics of propagation of a powerful light beam in a transparent dielectric with impurities Yu. I. Lysikov
60–65 |
Inductance of a single-coil magnetic course generator with a variable generating coil V. S. Fomenko
66–73 |
Effect of friction on motion of a piston driven by combustion products V. A. Ioselevich, N. N. Pilyugin, S. Yu. Chernyavskii
73–80 |
Structure of the potential barrier at a metal boundary A. A. Porotnikov, B. B. Rodnevich
80–86 |
Structure of the heating layer ahead of the front of a strong intensely emitting shock wave I. V. Nemtchinov, V. V. Svettsov, V. V. Shuvalov
86–92 |
An experimental study of the pressure behind reflected shock waves in hydrogen A. V. Il'metov, V. I. Titov
93–94 |
A nonstationary axisymmetric motion of gas V. A. Dvornikov
94–98 |
Flow over blunted cones and segmental bodies V. P. Karyagin, A. B. Loshakov, A. I. Shvets
98–102 |
Diffusion slip and barodiffusion of a gaseous mixture in plane and cylindrical channels V. M. Zhdanov, R. V. Smirnova
103–115 |
Nonsteady heat exchange during pulsating laminar flow of a viscous liquid in an annular channel S. G. Ivanushkin, V. I. Kondratov, V. E. Tomilov
115–120 |
Kinetics of binary melt-crystal phase transformations T. A. Cherepanova
120–130 |
Interpolation of the thermody namic model for water in the region of uniform and two-phase states S. V. Bobrovskii, V. M. Gogolev, M. Menzhulin, R. V. Shilova
130–139 |
Complete thermodynamtc equations of state of metals (solid phase) V. A. Zhdanov, A. V. Zhukov
139–146 |
Determination of the behavior of a standard linear body in a plastomere of plane-parallel shear P. M. Gorbunov
147–152 |
Strength of single-layer and multilayer cylindrical vessels loaded internally by pulses of various lengths V. A. Batalov, A. G. Ivanov, G. G. Ivanova, V. N. Mineev, V. N. Sofronov, V. I. Tsypkin
152–158 |
Formation of stagnant zones in viscoplastic materials on the convex and concave parts of rigid boundaries E. M. Emel'yanov, A. D. Chernyshov
158–165 |
Relationships between the creep strain increments and the stresses for nonstationary loading modes A. F. Nikitenko, O. V. Sosnin
165–169 |