Multivalued mappings with the quasimöbius property V. V. Aseev
953–972 |
Finite homogeneous metric spaces V. N. Berestovskii, Yu. G. Nikonorov
973–995 |
Isomorphisms of Sobolev spaces on Riemannian manifolds and quasiconformal mappings S. K. Vodopyanov
996–1034 |
Finite groups close to Frobenius groups X. Wei, A. Kh. Zhurtov, D. V. Lytkina, V. D. Mazurov
1035–1040 |
Boolean-valued universe as an algebraic system. I: Basic principles A. E. Gutman
1041–1062 |
Estimates for solutions to neutral differential equations with periodic coefficients of linear terms G. V. Demidenko, I. I. Matveeva, M. A. Skvortsova
1063–1079 |
On Brown polynomials. II Yu. L. Ershov
1080–1084 |
Analogs of Korn's inequality on Heisenberg groups D. V. Isangulova
1085–1102 |
On the class of Hölder surfaces in Carnot–Carathéodory spaces M. B. Karmanova
1103–1132 |
Example of a smooth homeomorphism violating the Luzin $N^{-1}$ property L. Kleprlík, A. O. Molchanova, T. Roskovec
1133–1144 |
On Fredholm eigenvalues of unbounded polygons S. L. Kruskal
1145–1152 |
Two applications of Boolean valued analysis A. G. Kusraev, S. S. Kutateladze
1153–1164 |
Ricci solitons and Killing fields on generalized Cahen–Wallach manifolds D. N. Oskorbin, E. D. Rodionov
1165–1170 |
The Morse–Sard theorem and Luzin $N$-property: a new synthesis for smooth and Sobolev mappings A. Ferone, M. V. Korobkov, A. Roviello
1171–1185 |