Plasma Investigations
Perturbation theory for microfield distribution in a nonideal plasma Yu. K. Kurilenkov, V. S. Filinov
433–442 |
Third Term of the Expansion of the Coulomb-System Distribution Function in Powers of the Density G. A. Martynov, A. B. Schmidt
443–446 |
Equations of State of Nonldeal Plasma I. L. Iosilevskii
447–452 |
Experimental Study of the Optical Properties of a Low-Temperature Neon Plasma. Diagnostics and Analysis of the State of a Nonequilibrium Plasma S. V. Kalinin, P. V. Minaev
453–460 |
Electron and Ion Temperature Relaxation Times In a Slightly Nonldeal Plasma with an Arbitrary Degree of Degeneracy In the Electron Subsystem G. M. Gandel'man, O. Yu. Itskovich, P. S. Kondratenko
461–468 |
Parameters of the Population Inversion In the Channel of a Plasma Source Yu. V. Kurochkin, O. N. Lasutkin, N. Yu. Pakhomov, A. V. Pustogarov, V. V. Ukolov, O. S. Shan'gin
469–474 |
Electrical and Energy Characteristics of an Externally Maintained Pulsed Discharge In a Flowing Gas A. A. Kostylev, Ya. I. Londer, A. P. Terent'ev, K. N. Ulyanov, V. A. Fedorov
475–482 |
Theoretical and Experimental Study of a Capacitative Arc Discharge at Medium Pressures A. D. Barkalov, G. G. Gladush, A. F. Glova, V. S. Golubev, V. F. Lebedev
483–488 |
Stablllty of Electric Discharge In a Dense Plasma V. D. Hait
489–496 |
Threshold Conditions of an Induction Discharge R. V. Mitin, A. V. Zvyagintsev, N. I. Gonchar
497–500 |
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Parameter of Short-Range Order and Excess Energies of an Interparticle Reaction In Liquid Binary Systems of Alkali Metals É. É. Shpil'rain, D. N. Kagan, G. A. Krechetova
501–507 |
Use of the Anharmonlc Theory of Thermal Expansion for Solid Bodies A. N. Amatuni, V. N. Romanov
508–512 |
Thermal Conductivity and Integral Hemispherical Radiating Power of a Magnesia -Splnel Ceramic In the High-Temperature Region A. N. Ulashchik, V. Ya. Chekhovskoi, A. I. Romanov, L. G. Smirnova, G. I. Stavrovskiy
512–518 |
Thermal Conductivity of Solid Solutions of $\mathrm{Ti}\mathrm{N}$ - [$\mathrm{Mn}\mathrm{N}$] M. I. Ayvazov, T. I. Bryushkova, V. S. Mkrtchyan
519–522 |
Thermal Conductivity and Electrical Resistance of Zirconium Carbides in the Region of Homogeneity with High Temperatures I. A. Vishnevetskaya, L. V. Kudr`asheva, S. S. Ordanyan, V. A. Petrov
523–531 |
Measurement of the Thermal Diffusivity and the Heat Capacity by the Method of Temperature Waves Using Laser Radiation and a Following Amplitude-Phase Receiver A. D. Ivliev, V. E. Zinoviev
532–539 |
Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
Influence of Hall Effect on Turbulent Motion of Low-Temperature Plasma in Magnetic and Electric Fields R. V. Ganefel'd, T. D. Romanova
540–545 |
Study of Heat-Exchange Process in Supercritical Region of Parameters under Condltlons of High-Frequency Pressure Osclllatlons V. V. Sevast`anov, A. T. Sinitsin, F. L. Yakaytis
546–553 |
Effect of Periodic Increase of Amplitude of Bottom-Pressure Pulsatlons behind a Plane Model under the Influence of an Object Contained in Its Wake V. A. Savost`anov, L. A. Ignatievskaya
554–561 |
Approximate Procedure for Calculating the Radiant Flux Distribution on the Surface of Blunt Bodies in Hypersonic Flow M. V. Brykin
562–566 |
Radiation from Scattering Volumes Having Simple Geometries Yu. A. Popov
567–571 |
Effect of Gasdynamic Perturbations in a Supersonic Flow on the Optical Properties of an Inverse $\mathrm{C}\mathrm{O}_2$-Gasdynamic-Laser Medium M. G. Ktalkherman, V. M. Mal’kov, N. A. Ruban
572–576 |
Heating of "Metal Film-Semiconductor" Systems by Lasers Operating in Various Modes V. M. Abrosimov, V. V. Shein
577–580 |
Method for Studying Heat Transfer in Thermal Pipes with Bolling under Nonstatlonary Conditions Yu. F. Gortyshov
581–584 |
Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
Calculation of Thermal Regime of Receiving Body of Calorimetric Measurer Taking into Account Heat-Exchange Processes B. L. Vasin, R. M. Savvina, L. I. Shishkina
585–589 |
Use of Spectral Transparency Method in Studying Dispersed Structure of Moist-Vapor Flows A. L. Dobkes, L. A. Feldberg
590–595 |
Method for Interpreting Particle Velocity Measurements in Two-Phase Flows L. A. Dombrovskii, V. M. Zhiravov
596–603 |
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Study of Efficiency of Trapping of Highly Dispersed Dust during Cooling of Gases in a Vaporizing Scrubber I. L. Mostinskii, F. E. Dubinskaya, A. V. Zagorodnikh, Zh. S. Fainberg
604–611 |
Comparison of Efficiency of Heat-Exchange Regimes in Fuel Ovens B. S. Soroka, V. M. Egorova
612–619 |
Study of Work Function and Structure of Tungsten Cathodes Ya. R. Kucherov, A. V. Pustogarov, A. P. Khalboshin
620–624 |
State-of-the-Art of Studies of Mass-Exchange Processes with Bolling in Capillary-Porous Structures M. A. Styrikovich, V. S. Polonskii, A. S. Zuikov, L. A. Shatenev
625–633 |
Short Communications
Влияние на ионизационный процесс инертных присадок в углеводородном пламени A. S. Zaitsev, V. I. Tverdokhlebov, L. S. Tverdokhlebova
634–636 |
Измерение катодных падений потенциала в несамостоятельном тлеющем разряде V. N. Sushkin, V. I. Shabashov, Yu. V. Yartsev
636–637 |
Возмущение плазмы ацетилено-кислородного пламени низкого давления электрическим разрядом L. I. Bartashevskaya, A. S. Zaitsev, V. I. Tverdokhlebov
638–639 |
Анализ типов бинарных систем щелочных металлов на основе данных об избыточных термодинамических функциях D. N. Kagan, É. É. Shpil'rain, G. A. Krechetova
639–643 |
Измерение мощности излучения рабочего тела МГД-генератора термоэлектрическим радиометром Yu. V. Alexandrov, A. M. Vasil'ev, L. Yu. Mochalova, Yu. Z. Rastegaeva, A. S. Urinson, V. F. Sharikhin
643–644 |
Исследование технологии и некоторых свойств композиционного электродного материала «дисилицид молибдена – окись иттрия» со слоисто-гранульной структурой E. N. Kulenko, A. I. Rekov, V. E. Serebrennikova, G. A. Fomina
645–647 |
О расчете скорости осаждения частиц аэрозоля в неизотермических условиях F. E. Spokoinyi, Z. R. Gorbis
647–650 |
Исследование передачи энергии к материалам покрытий орбитальных космических аппаратов в гиперзвуковом свободномолекулярном потоке I. R. Zhilyaev, A. P. Nikiforov
650–652 |
Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Об экспериментальном определении продвижения границы разрушения материала G. F. Gornostaev, V. S. Dvernyakov, A. A. Korol', E. S. Lugovskaya
653 |
Влияние температурного скачка на теплоперенос в порах насыпных материалов O. M. Kostenok, N. V. Bol`shakova, V. L. Mal`ter
653 |
Правила оформления статей, депонируемых в ВИНИТИ
654 |