Plasma Investigations
Equations of state and ionization equilibrium of a nonideal plasma B. V. Zelener, H. E. Norman, V. S. Filinov
913–919 |
Distribution over levels under conditions of recombination. The diffusion approximation A. G. Zimin
920–924 |
Investigation of a quasi-steady-state hydrogen plasma of a high-current pulsed discharge A. V. Pyshnov
925–932 |
A glow discharge in helium at cryogenic temperatures E. I. Asinovskii, A. V. Kirillin, V. V. Markovets
933–942 |
Effect of ionizing collisions of metastables on the electron distribution function in a cryogenic helium discharge A. A. Belevtsev, A. Kh. Mnatsakanyan
943–946 |
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Relationships in the dynamics of real gases A. M. Shekhtman
947–956 |
Integral hemispherical degree of blackness of graphites A. A. Dmitriev, A. I. Lutkov
957–963 |
Dynamic method for determining the integral hemispherical coefficient $A_s$ and $\varepsilon$ G. V. Gurtiachenko, M. M. Mikhailov
964–968 |
Calculating the equilibrium composition of a multicomponent reacting gas mixture V. S. Belianin, É. É. Shpil'rain
969–973 |
Experimental study of the viscosity of potassium vapor N. B. Vargaftik, N. I. Sidorov, Yu. V. Tarlakov, V. S. Yargin
974–978 |
Tensile strength of a liquid conducting a current V. E. Shapiro
979–983 |
Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
The tensor of the coefficients of turbulent thermal conductivity N. M. Galin
984–988 |
The general theory of relaxation free-turbulent self-similar flows. A relaxation turbulent wake of the second kind A. S. Pleshanov
989–993 |
Investigation of the fluctuations of the electron density in a jet of argon plasma using the probe method S. I. Tikhomirnov, I. M. Naboko, U. G. Yaremenko
994–1002 |
Variational solution of the third boundary-value problem for heat exchange during flow of a liquid in a channel N. M. Tsirelman, E. M. Bronshtein
1003–1008 |
Experimental investigation of the development of the flow in a channel beyond an electric arc M. D. Petrov, V. A. Sepp
1009–1014 |
The effect of pulsational Magnus forces and of acceleration forces on the motion of particles in a turbulent flow of gas V. M. Kashcheev, Yu. V. Muranov
1015–1022 |
Study of errors in solving some inverse problems A. A. Aleksashenko
1023–1028 |
Heat transfer at the forward critical point of a blunt solid enveloped by a flow of radiating carbon dioxide and nitrogen mixtures Yu. P. Golovachov
1029–1034 |
Existence of bubble-type boiling in an organized two-phase flow M. V. Aleksandrov, V. M. Borishanskii
1035–1039 |
Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
Errors of the method of the reversal of spectral lines G. N. Brazhnichenko
1040–1044 |
Investigation of the failure of carbon–graphite materials at high temperatures V. I. Boyarintsev, U. V. Zviagin
1045–1051 |
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Energy evaluations of nonequilibrium ionization with the use of external sources in the channel of an MHD generator V. S. Trushin
1052–1058 |
Experimental determination of the hall parameter from the local characteristics of an MHD generator A. A. Beloglazov, V. V. Kirillov, M. Ya. Panovko, Yu. N. Sokolov
1059–1063 |
Investigation of a high-efficiency MHD generator with nonequilibrium conductivity A. D. Belykh, V. A. Gurashvili, V. S. Golubev
1064–1071 |
Evaluation of the parameters of the critical point V. E. Fortov, A. N. Dremin, A. A. Leont'ev
1072–1080 |
Short Communications
Calculation of non-Coulomb correlations to the kinetic coefficients for a plasma L. I. Podlubnyi
1081–1084 |
Conditions for the homogeneous combustion of an electrical discharge I. S. Glushkov, Yu. A. Kareev
1084–1087 |
Characteristics of the operation of a plasma source based on lithium hydride V. B. Bichkov, L. I. Zhulebin
1087–1088 |
Increase in effective hall parameter of a nonequilibrium plasma by applying a secondary high-frequency discharge E. V. Dan'shchikov, F. V. Lebedev
1089–1090 |
Measurement of the dispersion of thermal erosion products in the near-wall layer G. D. Petrov, V. L. Rovinskiy, V. M. Sobolevskiy
1090–1093 |
Ionization-diffusion oscillations in cataphoresis I. V. Krasnov, N. Ya. Shaparev
1094–1096 |
Theory of the breakdown of the electrode sheath Yu. Yu. Abramov, G. G. Gladush
1096–1098 |
Interaction between a dense high-temperature plasma and metal walls A. E. Voytenko, V. P. Isakov, T. M. Sobolenko
1098–1100 |
Electrical conductivity of a non-Debye plasma I. I. Litvinov
1100–1104 |
Equation for calculation of high-temperature viscosities of compressed gases A. A. Wasserman
1104–1106 |
The speed of ultrasound and the compressibility of binary alloys of the bismuth–gallium system A.-M. A. Magomedov, M. A. Ismailov, B. P. Pashaev
1106–1108 |
The speed of ultrasound and the thermophysical properties of the liquid metals $\rm Sn$, $\rm Pb$, $\rm Cd$ and of their binary alloys $\rm Pb$–$\rm Sn$ and $\rm Pb$–$\rm Cd$ B. G. Markov
1108–1112 |
Investigation of the viscosity of sulfur hexafluoride by the method of a vibrating disk D. L. Timrot, M. A. Serednitskaya, S. A. Traktueva
1112–1116 |
Dilatometer with automatic recording of the value of the thermal expansion of solids M. G. Kolendovskiy, U. E. Murin, A. L. Seriugin, L. N. Butenko
1116–1117 |
The possibility of the breakdown of a vapor nucleus by turbulent eddies A. N. Vasil'ev, P. L. Kirillov
1118–1120 |
The mechanism of the effect of scale on the critical heat-flux density and on boiling in the supercritical region L. M. Gerber, M. G. Gorelik
1121–1122 |
The steady-state temperature field of a multilayer disk taking account of the thermal resistance between contacting surfaces P. S. Samoilenko
1122–1125 |
Comparison of the electrical conductivity of combustion products with additives of various kinds I. M. Gaponov, A. S. Golubkova, N. M. Zrodnikova, L. P. Poberezhskii
1125–1127 |
Preliminary investigations of the work of an open-cycle MHD generator with the presence of ash in the combustion products D. K. Burenkov, S. I. Pishchikov, E. M. Shelkov, B. Ya. Shumyatskii
1128–1130 |
Tests of thermionic transformers A. A. Antonov, V. I. Berghatyi, V. G. Golenishev, P. A. Griboedov, V. P. Gritsaenko, O. I. Lubimtsev, V. A. Maevskiy, M. V. Melnikov, V. V. Sinyavskii
1130–1134 |