Plasma Investigations
Distribution of oscillator strengths of the hydrogen atom in dense media and plasmas S. P. Vetchinin, Yu. K. Kurilenkov
225–229 |
Conductivity of a Plasma Column Produced by a High-Power Discharge in Water V. M. Adamyan, G. A. Gulyi, N. L. Pushek, P. Starchyk, I. M. Tkachenko, I. S. Shvets
230–238 |
Longitudinal Diffusion of Electrons in Atomic and Molecular, Gases V. L. Bychkov, A. V. Eletskii, B. M. Smirnov
239–244 |
Ionization and Recombination in Mixtures of Alkali-Metal Vapors and Molecular Gases A. Kh. Mnatsakanyan, G. V. Najdis
245–250 |
Relaxation of Dense Plasma of Heavy Inert Gases B. I. Grinchenko, V. F. Chinnov
251–255 |
Variational Principle and Channel Models in Cylindrical Arc Theory V. Ts. Gurovich, G. A. Des`atkov, V. S. Engel'sht
256–265 |
A Quasistationary Discharge in Nitrogen Yu. S. Akishev, F. I. Vysikailo, A. P. Napartovich, V. V. Ponomarenko
266–272 |
Mechanism of the Electrical Explosion of a Metal S. V. Lebedev
273–279 |
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity of Gaseous Lithium-Hydrogen Mixture É. É. Shpil'rain, A. Ya. Polishchuk
280–284 |
Introduction of Correction for Slip at Gas-Solid Boundary in Measurement of Viscosity of a Dissociating Gas. Alkali Metal Vapors V. V. Makhrov
285–289 |
Experimental Investigation of Potassium Saturation Vapor Pressure at Temperatures of $770-1160^{\circ}$K A. M. Belova, É. É. Shpil'rain, V. I. Shkermontov, A. G. Mozgovoi
290–299 |
High-Temperature Thermal Conductivity of Iodide-Refined Titanium V. E. Peletskii, E. S. Amasovich, E. B. Zaretskii
300–304 |
Thermal Properties of Lithium Hydride and Its Isotropic Modifications in a Crystalline State T. N. Mel'nikova, K. A. Yakimovich
305–311 |
Ultrasonic Velocity in Metallic Melts in a Wide Temperature Range E. G. Pashuk, B. P. Pashaev
312–316 |
Observation of Temperature Fluctuations with the Use of Photodetectors Ya. A. Kraftmakher, S. D. Krylov
317–321 |
Electrical Conductivity, Thermal Electromotive Force,
and Hall Effect in Melts of Pseudobinary System $\mathrm{Cu}_2\mathrm{Te}$—$\mathrm{Cu}_2\mathrm{S}$ B. I. Kazandzhan, V. M. Matveev
322–326 |
Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
Heat and Mass Exchange for Laminar Flow of Ammonia in Round Heated Pipes with Developed Catalytic Dissociation on the Walls O. N. L`vov, O. A. Nehamkina, M. Kh. Strelets
327–333 |
Conjugate Heat Exchange for Flows past Elliptic Cylinders A. Sh. Dorfman, B. V. Davydenko
334–340 |
Natural Convection in Fibrous Thermal Insulation L. S. Kokorev, V. V. Kharitonov, V. I. Bol'shakov, Yu. M. Sysoev, A. A. Plakseev
341–346 |
Localization of Joule Heat Release and Temperature on Inhomogeneities in Isotropic and Anisotropic Media V. F. Reztsov
347–353 |
Kinetics of Nuclei Formation in Superheated Water P. A. Pavlov, E. D. Nikitin
354–358 |
Propagation of Weak Perturbations in Vapor-Liquid Dispersed Annular Flows A. I. Ivandaev, B. I. Nigmatulin
359–366 |
Heat Flux Limit in Evaporation of Liquid in Capillary Wicks of Low-Temperature Heat Pipes V. I. Tolubinskii, V. A. Antonenko, Yu. N. Ostrovskii, E. N. Shevchuk
367–373 |
Resolution Coefficients in Heat-Exchanger Calculations A. S. Nevskii
374–377 |
Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
Use of Photoscanning Method for Determination of Velocity Profile in High-Temperature Jets I. N. Frantsevich, B. V. Shurygin, V. S. Dvernyakov
378–382 |
Effect of Temperature Pulsations on Emission of a Flame and a Method for Inverting Spectral Lines Yu. A. Popov
383–386 |
Dynamic Characteristics of Opticomechanical Devices for Recording Velocities of Transparent Media V. G. Zhilin, V. P. Ogorodnikov, V. V. Osipov
387–393 |
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Radiative Heat Exchange in the Combustion Chamber of an MHD Electric Power Plant Using Methane Gas L. M. Biberman, M. B. Zheleznyak, A. Kh. Mnatsakanyan, A. G. Rotinov, S. A. Tager
394–402 |
Excitation of Pressure Oscillations in Highly Overloaded Combustion Chambers V. A. Dvoynishnikov
403–407 |
Radiation Characteristics of Construction Elements and Heat Exchange in a Setup for Growing Single Crystals Yu. A. Zhuravlev, A. G. Zadvornyi, V. V. Mechev
408–415 |
Short Communications
Прямое и ступенчатое возбуждение колебательных уровней молекулы $\mathrm{O}_2$ электронным ударом N. L. Aleksandrov
416–418 |
Полостный импульсный источник света на основе отраженного $z$-пинча G. I. Belogolovtsev, A. P. Markin, I. B. Timofeev, S. R. Cholev
418–422 |
Зависимость диэлектрической проницаемости неидеальной плазмы от частоты A. A. Valuev
422–424 |
Эффективность возбуждения вращательных состояний окиси углерода Ya. I. Londer, L. P. Menakhin, K. N. Ulyanov
424–426 |
Метод измерения оптической поглощательной способности поверхностей непрозрачных материалов S. G. Kornilov
426–429 |
Высокотемпературная теплопроводность твердых растворов $\mathrm{Ce}_x\mathrm{Sm}_{1-x}\mathrm{B}_6$ M. I. Ayvazov, S. V. Aleksandrovich, T. I. Bryushkova, V. S. Mkrtchyan, V. A. Rubanov
429–430 |