Plasma Investigations
Contraction of a Quaslstationary Glow Discharge in Nitrogen Yu. S. Akishev, I. I. Gorodnicheva, A. I. Zakharchenko, A. P. Napartovich, V. V. Ponomarenko
1121–1125 |
Stability of the Steady-State Conditions of the Joule Heating of a Low-Temperature Plasma V. I. Artemov, I. M. Rutkevich, O. A. Sinkevich
1126–1136 |
Some Features of Atmospheric Pressure Discharges Acted on by Combined de and uhf Electric Fields (Combined Discharges) Plasma Parameters and Electric Characteristics of a Combined Discharge V. M. Batenin, V. K. Roddatis
1137–1143 |
An Active-Passive uhf Method for Studying Low-Temperature Plasma Formations L. S. Pavlova, V. M. Polyakov, L. S. Fedorov, K. T. Mirzabulatov
1144–1148 |
Hellcat Arc Model E. P. Pakhomov, P. E. Sychev
1149–1153 |
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Thermochemical Properties of Negative Ions in Vapor above Uranium Tetrafluoride A. T. Pyatenko, A. V. Gusarov, L. N. Gorokhov
1154–1160 |
Emission and Absorbance of Molecules of $\mathrm{C}\mathrm{O}$ in $4.7$-$\mu$m Band and of $\mathrm{C}\mathrm{O}_2$ in $4.3$- and $2.7$-$\mu$m Bands in Absence of Equlllbrlum between Vibrational and Translational-Rotational Degrees of Freedom N. N. Kudryavtsev, S. S. Novikov
1161–1167 |
Calculation of Thermodynamic Properties of Mixtures of Compressed Gases V. I. Nedostup, M. B. Becker
1168–1171 |
Speed of Sound on the Saturation Line in Heavy Water and the Law of Corresponding States N. F. Yerokhin, V. I. Kompaniets
1172–1175 |
Integrated Degree of Blackness of Two Types of Electrotechnical Steels V. G. Lisienko, V. B. Kut'in, V. S. Gushchin, B. S. Balabanov
1176–1179 |
High-Temperature Enthalpy and Heat Capacity of Niobium Diborlde A. S. Bolgar, M. I. Serbova, V. V. Fesenko, T. I. Serebr`akova, L. P. Isaeva
1180–1183 |
Pulsed-Differential Method for Measuring Heat Capacity and Heats of Phase Transition of Barium É. É. Shpil'rain, D. N. Kagan, S. N. Ul'yanov
1184–1190 |
Enthalpy and Heat Capacity of Tungsten in the $400-3600^{\circ}$K Temperature
Range V. Ya. Chekhovskoi
1191–1195 |
Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
Experimental Study of the Relationship between Heat Transfer and Fluid Friction in a Turbulent Boundary Layer with a Longitudinal Pressure Gradient E. U. Repik, V. K. Kuzenkov
1196–1202 |
Heat Transfer between a Moving Plate and the Surrounding Medium A. Sh. Dorfman, V. G. Novikov
1203–1210 |
Theoretical Determination of the Existence Region of High-Frequency Oscillations in a Liquid Under Supercritical Pressure A. T. Sinitsin
1211–1214 |
A Possible Model for the Reynolds Number Dependence of the Coefficient of Hydrodynamic Resistance A. R. Khenven, D. M. Lyakhov
1215–1220 |
General Boundary-Value Problem for the Temperature Field of Two Phases in Relative Motion G. M. Kazakov, N. Kazakova
1221–1225 |
Flow and Heat and Mass Transfer of a Liquid Film with a Variable Viscosity Formed When a Hot Gas Flows Past a Surface A. L. Kalyazin, D. I. Lamden, I. L. Mostinskii
1226–1236 |
Density of Boiling Centers on the Surface of a Platinum Heater Submerged in Water E. D. Nikitin, P. A. Pavlov
1237–1241 |
Critical Heat Transfer in the Transient Boiling of Vapor-Liquid Annular-Mist Flows B. I. Nigmatulin, L. A. Klebanov, A. E. Kroshilin
1242–1251 |
Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
Temperature of Tungsten Electrodes of Plasmatrons V. I. Zavideĭ, A. V. Pustogarov, D. Yu. Pakhomov
1252–1256 |
A Laboratory Explosive Shock Tube S. D. Savrov, I. M. Ageev
1257–1262 |
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Obtaining Metal Vapor Using a Pulsed Light Source A. S. Antonov, S. A. Il`ichenko, A. T. Kunavin
1263–1270 |
Electrical Characteristics of the Space-Charge Layers near the Electrodes in a Flowing High-Pressure Plasma N. N. Baranov, V. I. Molotkov, L. P. Poberezhskii
1271–1278 |
Subsonic Flow in the Channel of a Diagonal MHD Generator N. P. Isakova, S. A. Medin
1279–1287 |
Physical F allure Mechanism in Flash Tubes V. V. Ivanov, V. G. Nikiforov, A. G. Rozanov
1288–1291 |
Electron Mobility in Liquids and Dense Gases V. M. Atrazhev, I. T. Yakubov
1292–1311 |
Short Communications
О влиянии неидеальности на коэффициент рекомбинации плотной плазмы Yu. K. Kurilenkov
1312–1314 |
Экспериментальное исследование распределения атомов по возбужденным состояниям и свободных электронов по энергиям в плазме азотно-цезиевои смеси I. A. Vasil'eva, R. V. Kosova
1314–1318 |
Электропроводность и характерные частоты в неидеальной плазме E. I. Asinovskii, A. A. Valuev
1318–1319 |
О механизме возвратного удара молнии Yu. V. Trofimov
1320–1322 |
Прямой расчет термодинамических функций двухатомных идеальных газов через межатомный потенциал V. S. Iorish, N. B. Shcherbak
1322–1324 |
Теплопроводность жидкого монометиламина в широком интервале температур и давлений V. A. Fedosov
1324–1326 |
Свободная поверхностная энергия и плотность жидкого молибдена при температуре плавления V. N. Eremenko, Yu. N. Ivashchenko, P. S. Martsenyuk
1326–1327 |
Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Об аномальной релаксации возбуждений в тлеющем разряде в воздухе A. V. Artamonov, A. P. Napartovich, V. G. Naumov, V. M. Shashkov
1328 |
Два режима разряда с полым катодом M. K. Marakhtanov
1328 |
Перенос тепла излучением в дисперсных огнеупорных системах I. I. Vishnevskii, E. I. Akserol`d, D. B. Glushkova, M. N. Sorin, S. Ya. Tsipin, A. S. Yutina
1329 |
Импульсный пародинамический стенд для исследования процессов тепломассообмена E. V. Zakharov, A. A. Levin, V. A. Ovsyannikov
1329 |
Тематический указатель
1330–1338 |
Алфавитный указатель
1339–1342 |