Plasma Investigations
Physical and mathematical-modeling of the transport of a relativistic electron-beam in an external magnetic-field B. V. Alekseev, A. A. Il'in, V. M. Krutilina, G. V. Nesterov
1–7 |
Distribution function and mean energy of electrons in a high-frequency molecular-gas discharge A. V. Evseev, A. V. Eletskii
8–15 |
Energy-distribution function of electrons and rate of $3$-body adhesion to oxygen when an ionization source acts on the gas É. E. Son
16–21 |
Electron-distribution function in $\mathrm{N}_2:\mathrm{O}_2=4:1$ mixture N. L. Aleksandrov, F. I. Vysikailo, R. Sh. Islamov, I. V. Kochetov, A. P. Napartovich, V. G. Pevgov
22–27 |
Theory of powerful non-steady xenon discharge taking vaporization of its stabilizing walls into account V. M. Gradov, V. V. Ivanov, Yu. I. Terent'ev, A. A. Shcherbakov
28–35 |
The MX-1307 mass-spectrometer in the identification and examination of positive-ions in flames N. D. Shcherbakov, B. S. Fialkov
36–40 |
Critical parameters of a high-voltage glow-discharge K. N. Ulyanov, A. B. Tskhai
41–46 |
Pause in plasma emission after nanosecond-pulse excitation R. Kh. Amirov, E. I. Asinovskii, V. V. Markovets
47–51 |
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Diffusion in a highly excited molecular gas A. A. Likal'ter, G. V. Najdis
52–55 |
Gas excitation by crystallizing particles. Effects of condensation and crystallization on the conductivity and emissivity of the plasma matrix produced by condensed-phase cooling N. A. Sinaiskii
56–66 |
Equations to calculate the compressibility and viscosity of medium-density nitrogen V. N. Zubarev, V. M. Kuznetsov
67–74 |
Equations for calculating the change in some thermal and elastic properties of crystals on melting D. Sh. Tsagareishvili
75–79 |
Calculation of difference in heat-capacities at constant pressure and constant volume with the aid of the empirical Nernst and Lindemann equation K. L. Leont'ev
80–84 |
Low-temperature asymptotic-behavior and thermodynamic similarity of melting lines V. P. Skripov
85–92 |
Thermal-properties of solids by photoacoustic-spectroscopy V. E. Lyamov, U. Madvaliev, R. È. Shikhlinskaya
93–97 |
Thermal-degradation and heat-capacity of organic fibers A. E. Venger, Yu. E. Fraiman, F. B. Yurevich, A. Ya. Balashov, O. N. Berkovich, G. P. Mashinskaya
98–101 |
Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
Calculation of fully-developed turbulent-flow in a tube with injection and suction V. M. Eroshenko, A. V. Ershov, L. I. Zaichik
102–108 |
Parameters of plasma formations at the surface of a sphere in an attenuated-plasma flow V. A. Shuvalov, N. P. Reznichenko, M. G. Bystritskii
109–113 |
Influence of droplet mass-transfer on the absorption of a gaseous impurity by the free-surface of a liquid A. L. Kalyazin, D. I. Lamden, I. L. Mostinskii
114–119 |
Numerical investigation of the formation of a liquid-solid region of a $2$-phase zone, taking account of natural-convection in the solidifying melt I. L. Povkh, P. F. Zavgorodnii, F. V. Nedopekin, L. P. Moroz, V. A. Efimov, V. I. Legenchuk, V. A. Mamishev
120–127 |
Radiation-convection heat-transfer by an optically thick boundary-layer on a plate L. A. Dombrovskii
128–135 |
Interaction of radiation with turbulent fluctuations in a boundary-layer V. I. Naydenov, S. A. Shindin
136–139 |
Thermal-analysis of vacuum-shield multilayer insulation S. S. Filimonov, B. A. Khrustalev, I. M. Mazilin
140–148 |
Calculation of the effective emissivity of plane non-isothermal non-scattering media with radiative and reflective boundary surfaces V. P. Trofimov, K. S. Adzeriho
149–153 |
Applicability of the gray-radiation model to radiative heat-transfer in a flame oven B. S. Mastryukov
154–157 |
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Accuracy of the net method of calculating the electrical characteristics of the channel in a MHD generator A. A. Blitshteyn, Yu. P. Gusev, V. I. Pishchikov, S. I. Pishchikov
158–163 |
Numerical study of unsteady processes in a faraday MHD generator G. N. Vinogradova, V. P. Panchenko
164–171 |
Determination of the positive potential jump at the collector of thermionic converters in the arc mode V. A. Maksimov, A. S. Titkov
172–176 |
Theoretical-model for breakdown of flash-discharge tubes caused by internal-pressure during vaporization of wall material V. V. Ivanov, A. I. Kobzar', V. A. Preobrazhenskii, A. G. Rozanov
177–181 |
Properties of precipitation of finely dispersed particles from a cooled gas-flow transverse to a heat-exchanging surface F. E. Spokoinyi, Z. R. Gorbis
182–199 |
Short Communications
Коэффициент преломления неидеальной плазмы A. A. Valuev
200–201 |
Теплоемкость и некоторые акустические характеристики $\mathrm{Co}$ и $\mathrm{Zr}$ в области фазовых переходов S. V. Boyarskii, I. I. Novikov
201–203 |
О методике измерения аномальной термоэлектронной эмиссии металлов S. V. Lebedev
203–205 |
Уравнение состояния холодного вещества в сверхсильном магнитном поле G. V. Gadiyak, M. S. Obrecht
206–208 |
К вопросу о распределении температуры в плоском слое полупрозрачной среды S. N. Kravchun
208–210 |
Расчет пограничного слоя при химически неравновесном течении частично диссоциированного водорода в сопле Лаваля I. A. Bassina
210–212 |
Расчет теплообмена при ламинарном течении в начальном участке плоского канала с проницаемыми стенками B. Yu. Bachvalov, V. M. Eroshenko, L. I. Zaichik
212–215 |
Измерение температуры объектов с помощью аномальных фотопроводников A. D. Volchek, V. M. Dzhayzakov
215–216 |
Ионизационные процессы при горении твердых углеродсодержащих топлив B. S. Fialkov, A. G. Zakharov
216–218 |
Замечания к статье Задворного А. Г., Кутвицкого В. А., Шагарова Б. А. "Теплофизические свойства германата висмута" V. K. Bityukov
218–219 |
VIII Всесоюзная конференция по генераторам низкотемпературной плазмы A. S. An'shakov
219–220 |
Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Экспериментальное исследование температуро- и теплопроводности корундовых засыпок в интервале температур $500$–$2000$ К (№ 4650-80 Деп. от 3 XI 1980) S. L. Bondarenko, E. Ya. Litovskii
221 |
Тепловые поля в бесконечном сплошном цилиндре при его естественном охлаждении или нагреве с учетом
зависимости коэффициента теплопроводности от температуры (№ 4651-80 Деп. от 3 XI 1980) B. L. Timan, V. M. Fesenko, O. D. Kolotii
221 |
Исследование теплообмена плазмы индукционного разряда с плоской преградой I. P. Dashkevich, G. S. Eilenkrig
222 |