Plasma Investigations
A self-consistent computational model of electrodynamic and thermogasdynamic processes in electric-discharge lasers V. V. Levenets, S. T. Surzhikov
5–12 |
Wide-range model of mixture for chemically reacting nonideal gases and composite plasma I. A. Mulenko, E. N. Oleinikova, V. B. Solovei, A. L. Khomkin
13–25 |
Inelastic interaction of an electron with a $\mathrm{C}_{60}$ cluster A. A. Vostrikov, D. Yu. Dubov, A. A. Agarkov
26–34 |
Procedure for measuring the electrophysical characteristics and kinetics of electronegative gas A. E. Dubinov, V. A. Letyaguin, K. E. Mikheev, B. G. Ptitsyn, S. A. Sadovoi, V. D. Selemir
35–40 |
Excitation of $^4G^\circ$, $^4H^\circ$ and $^4I^\circ$ levels of vanadium atom by slow electrons Yu. M. Smirnov
41–46 |
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
The critical point: theory and experiment I. I. Novikov
47–52 |
Temperature coefficient of electrical resistance of simple liquid metals V. T. Shvets
53–57 |
Mass action law in two-temperature reacting systems A. I. Osipov, A. V. Uvarov
58–63 |
Sound velocity in liquid $n$-alkanes T. S. Khasanshin, A. P. Shchemelev
64–71 |
Volume changes during melting and heating of zinc and cadmium tellurides V. M. Glazov, L. M. Pavlova
72–78 |
Analysis of the thermal conductivity coefficients for gas mixtures: application of the modified enskog theory V. Z. Svoiskii
79–83 |
Calculation of high-temperature interaction of carbon particles with carbon dioxide A. M. Golovin, V. R. Pesochin
84–88 |
Investigation of pyrolysis of methane under conditions of filtering through a heated porous medium L. B. Direktor, V. Zaitchenko, I. L. Maikov, G. F. Sokol, Yu. L. Shekhter, É. É. Shpil'rain
89–96 |
Temperature of attainable superheating of some commercial petroleum products E. D. Nikitin, P. A. Pavlov, A. P. Popov
97–100 |
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Phase explosion of conductor with current V. S. Vorob'ev, A. A. Eronin, S. P. Malyshenko
101–107 |
A comparison of two approaches to derivation of boundary conditions for continuous equations of particle motion in turbulent flow V. M. Alipchenkov, L. I. Zaichik, O. Simonin
108–114 |
Supersonic flow of viscous gas in a flat channel at high values of the Reynolds number V. A. Bashkin, I. V. Egorov, D. V. Ivanov
115–122 |
Flow expansion behind a shock wave discharged from a channel T. V. Bazhenova, V. V. Golub, T. A. Bormotova, S. A. Novikov, S. B. Shcherbak
123–127 |
Bistability of heat transfer of viscous liquid under conditions of flow in a channel A. V. Melkikh, V. D. Seleznev
128–131 |
Critical heat flux in vertical steam-generating channels in the absence of circulation of heat-transfer agent: Critical power of channels of different shapes S. B. Alekseev, S. V. Svetlov, Yu. N. Ilyukhin, V. O. Kukhtevich, V. G. Sidorov
132–137 |
Inclusion of nonisothermality of particles in the calculations and diagnostics of two-phase jets used for spray deposition of coatings L. A. Dombrovskii, M. B. Ignat'ev
138–145 |
Channel model as a means for describing the hydrodynamics and heat transfer in porous media Yu. V. Polezhaev, M. V. Protasov, E. M. Seliverstov
146–153 |
Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
Shock-wave loading of amorphous carbon nitride in recovery ampoules A. Z. Zhuk, K. P. Burdina, V. V. Milyavskii, O. V. Kravchenko, T. I. Borodina, V. G. Babaev, M. B. Guseva
154–160 |
Short Communications
Focusing effect in heat transfer of a multicomponent liquid with internal heat sources D. G. Grigorchuk, P. S. Kondratenko
161–162 |
Experimental determination of the emissivity of isotropic graphite at temperatures above $2300$ K A. V. Kostanovskii, M. G. Zeodinov, M. E. Kostanovskaya
163–165 |
Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Flow of a one-velocity multicomponent mixture into vacuum V. S. Surov
166 |