Information for Authors and Readers of the Journal V. E. Fortov
165 |
Our Journal Is Forty Years Old A. E. Sheindlin
166 |
Plasma Investigations
A physical model of anode spot formation in a high-current vacuum arc K. N. Ulyanov
167–172 |
The energy and spectral-brightness characteristics of the laser plasma of ablating targets in vacuum Yu. Yu. Protasov, T. S. Shchepanyuk
173–180 |
Calculation of electric arc in longitudinal magnetic field R. M. Urusov
181–188 |
Investigation of nonself-maintained discharge in crossed electric and magnetic fields with closed hall current A. N. Ermilov, A. Yu. Kovalenko, D. N. Novichkov, I. S. Roganov
189–194 |
An investigation of the optical characteristics of a pulse discharge in argon at atmospheric pressure in an external magnetic field O. A. Omarov, Sh. Sh. El'darov, A. M. Gadzhiev, A. A. Ramazanova, A. M. Adamov
195–199 |
Investigation of electric discharges in the vicinity of a charged aerosol cloud and their interaction with a laser-induced spark L. M. Vasilyak, I. P. Vereshchagin, V. V. Glazkov, I. G. Kononov, A. V. Orlov, D. N. Polyakov, O. A. Sinkevich, M. V. Sokolova, A. G. Temnikov, K. N. Firsov
200–210 |
Excitation of resonance transitions of neodymium atom in ultraviolet in $\mathrm{e}$–$\mathrm{Nd}$ collisions Yu. M. Smirnov
211–216 |
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Self-consistent calculation of the compressibility and viscosity of dense gases in the lattice-gas model V. N. Komarov, Yu. K. Tovbin
217–224 |
Calculation of the coefficients of self-diffusion of liquid hydrocarbons in liquid-phase state based on atom-atom interaction potentials G. S. D'yakonov, Kh. N. Yasaveev, A. V. Klinov
225–230 |
Metastable states in liquid–gas phase transition. Simulation by the method of molecular dynamics V. G. Baidakov, S. P. Protsenko
231–236 |
The theory of equilibrium fluctuations of thermodynamic quantities in open systems with a small number of particles V. Ya. Rudyak, G. V. Kharlamov
237–246 |
Experimental investigation of the density of molten lead-bismuth eutectic B. B. Alchagirov, T. M. Shamparov, A. G. Mozgovoi
247–253 |
X-ray diffraction study of shock-induced phase transformations in zirconium and bismuth A. M. Podurets, V. V. Dorokhin, R. F. Trunin
254–258 |
Thermophysical properties of $75\mathrm{Ni}$–$15\mathrm{Mo}$–$10\mathrm{Re}$ alloy V. Ya. Chekhovskoi, V. E. Peletskii
259–267 |
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
The effect of rearrangement of the vortex structure on heat transfer under conditions of increasing depth of a spherical dimple on the wall of a narrow channel S. A. Isaev, A. I. Leont'ev, N. A. Kudryavtsev, I. A. Pyshnyi
268–272 |
The hydrodynamics of one- and two-phase flows in channels with longitudinally continuous twist S. È. Tarasevich, A. B. Yakovlev
273–283 |
Singularities of realization of film boiling on wire heaters. Organic liquids S. A. Zhukov, V. A. Rafeev, S. Yu. Afanas'ev, S. B. Echmaev, B. L. Korsunskii
284–293 |
Conjugate heat and mass transfer under conditions of motion of a viscous incompressible liquid in an open rectangular cavity and wall melting G. V. Kuznetsov, A. V. Krainov
294–299 |
Mathematical modeling of thermomechanical processes under intense thermal effect V. S. Zarubin, G. N. Kuvyrkin
300–309 |
Comparison studies of hydrogen flame in cocurrent supersonic air flow during registration of radiation in different spectral ranges S. S. Vorontsov, V. A. Zabaikin, A. A. Smogolev
310–313 |
Short Communications
Equation of state for Lennard–Jones fluid G. Sh. Boltachev, V. G. Baidakov
314–316 |