Plasma Investigations
Heating a metal target subjected to pulsed laser radiation Yu. A. Chivel'
341–344 |
The rotational temperature in high-enthalpy jets of atmospheric- pressure nitrogen plasma A. A. Belevtsev, A. M. Kukushkin, A. V. Fedorov, V. F. Chinnov
345–352 |
The evolution of erosion laser plasma of antimony A. K. Shuaibov, M. P. Chuchman, L. L. Shimon
353–359 |
A mechanical-and-kinetic effect in a weakly ionized low-pressure plasma A. E. Dubinov, S. S. Zhuravlev, I. l. L'vov, S. A. Sadovoi, S. K. Saikov, V. D. Selemir
360–363 |
Plasma cluster and its interaction with an obstacle. Interaction of incident and reflected flows A. J. Repin, E. L. Stupitsky
364–373 |
The use of the method of fictitious regions to calculate the characteristics of an electric arc R. M. Urusov, T. È. Urusova
374–382 |
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
The thermodynamics of Lennard–Jones systems V. S. Vorob'ev
383–395 |
Tait's equation of state for liquid mixtures I. A. Fakhretdinov, E. R. Zhdanov
396–400 |
Analysis of the singular features and internal consistency of the thermodynamic
properties of binary alkali-metal coolants, based on the correlation function
of concentration fluctuations D. N. Kagan, G. A. Krechetova, É. É. Shpil'rain
401–408 |
Heat capacity and thermodynamic functions of $\mathrm{Nd}\mathrm{Me}\mathrm{Fe}_2\mathrm{O}_5(\mathrm{Me}-\mathrm{Li},\mathrm{Na},\mathrm{K},\mathrm{Cs})$ ferrites Zh. I. Sagintaeva, Zh. N. Akisheva, Sh. B. Kasenova, E. G. Tolokonnikov, E. S. Mustafin, B. K. Kasenov
409–413 |
The effect of alloying additions on the emissivity of titanium in the neighborhood of polymorphous transformation B. A. Shur, V. E. Peletskii
414–420 |
Calculation of the heat of combustion of hydrocarbon components of fuels E. V. Sagadeev, V. V. Sagadeev
421–425 |
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Statistical models of clustering of particles in wall and isotropic turbulent flows L. I. Zaichik, V. M. Alipchenkov
426–441 |
The effect of hydrodynamic unsteadiness on the flow structure and on the coefficients of heat transfer and skin friction under conditions of turbulent pipe flow of heat-transfer agent G. A. Dreitser, V. M. Kraev
442–448 |
The effect of wave formation and wetting angle on the thermocapillary breakdown of a falling liquid film D. V. Zaitsev, O. A. Kabov, V. V. Cheverda, N. S. Bufetov
449–455 |
The field-trap effect in heat transfer under conditions of boiling of dielectric liquids in external electric fields V. I. Borsenko, A. A. Eronin, A. I. Leont'ev, S. P. Malyshenko
456–460 |
The characteristics of a gas pipeline in the presence of hydrate deposits V. Sh. Shagapov, R. R. Urazov
461–468 |
The characteristics of a gas pipeline in the presence of hydrate deposits A. R. Aliev, M. R. Aliev, R. Z. Aliev
469–476 |
A simulation of the shape of a crater in an organic-glass target under high-velocity impact N. N. Pilyugin
477–483 |
Short Communications
Boiling: size distribution of bubbles as demanded by the principle of maximum information D. N. Gerasimov, O. A. Sinkevich
484–487 |
The density of molten bismuth at high temperatures B. B. Alchagirov, A. G. Mozgovoi, T. M. Shamparov
487–490 |
The thermomechanical mechanism of fine fragmentation of liquid droplets under conditions of vapor explosion Yu. A. Zeigarnik, Yu. P. Ivochkin, E. Z. Êîãîl'
491–492 |