Plasma Investigations
The combustion of high-velocity air-propane flow, initiated by a longitudinal-and-transverse DC discharge A. P. Ershov, S. A. Kamenshchikov, A. A. Logunov, V. A. Chernikov
643–649 |
A surface microwave discharge at high pressures of air V. M. Shibkov, L. V. Shibkova, A. A. Karachev
650–658 |
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Shock compressibility and spallation strength of cubic modification of polycrystalline boron nitride A. V. Utkin, V. V. Yakushev, A. V. Anan'in, V. F. Tatsii, A. N. Zhukov, A. N. Dremin, A. V. Bochko, N. N. Kuzin
659–666 |
The study of superconducting state parameters of $\text{In}_{1 - x}\text{Tl}_x$ binary alloys by pseudopotential theory A. M. Vora
667–674 |
The transport properties of an $\text{N}_2$–$\text{H}_2$ mixture of rarefied gases in the EPIDIF database L. R. Fokin, A. N. Kalashnikov
675–687 |
Equation of state for ionic liquids V. B. Rogankov
688–695 |
Investigations of the equilibrium properties of liquid bromoalkanes on the saturation curve O. S. Ryshkova, Yu. A. Neruchev
696–700 |
Simulation of processes of filtration of hydrocarbons in a gas-condensate stratum V. Zaitchenko, I. L. Maikov, V. M. Torchinskii, É. É. Shpil'rain
701–706 |
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Microbubble boiling: Mechanism of the process, objectives and methods of investigations Yu. A. Zeigarnik, K. A. Khodakov, V. L. Nizovskiy, Yu. L. Shekhter
707–711 |
The interaction between gas-dynamically accelerated particles and a body subjected to flow G. V. Molleson, A. L. Stasenko
712–723 |
An experimental investigation of heat transfer in a pebble bed A. A. Avdeev, B. F. Balunov, Yu. B. Zudin, R. A. Rybin
724–733 |
The propagation of linear waves in humid, gas-saturated media S. V. Volodin, V. L. Dmitriev, I. G. Khusainov
734–740 |
Investigation of high-temperature pyrolysis of propane in a fast-mixing reactor M. G. Ktalkherman, I. G. Namyatov, V. A. Emel'kin, B. A. Pozdnyakov
741–751 |
The use of barothermal effect for heating an oil-bearing bed A. I. Filippov, P. N. Mikhailov, K. A. Filippov, R. F. Salikhov, A. A. Koval'skii
752–764 |
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Mathematical simulation of containment of molten fuel in the vessel of fast reactor under conditions of heavy accident: Results of calculation using the BRUT computer codes M. V. Kashcheev, I. A. Kuznetsov
765–770 |
Method of temperature waves in thermophysical investigations (Analysis of Soviet and Russian Experiences) A. D. Ivliev
771–792 |
Short Communications
Electrical conductivity of bubble media in shock and detonation waves A. I. Sychev
793–795 |
Equation of state for monolayer of krypton on graphite surface A. Kh.-A. Khokonov, M. Kh. Dolov, G. N. Kochesokov, L. A. Khamukova
796–798 |
In the World of Thermophysics
XXIV International Conference on Interaction of Intense Energy Fluxes with Matter V. E. Fortov, K. V. Khishchenko
799–800 |