К 100-летию академика В. А. Кириллина A. E. Sheindlin
3–5 |
Plasma Investigations
Electrophysical parameters and composition of $\mathrm{HCl}$–$\mathrm{N}_2$ mixture plasmas A. M. Efremov, A. A. Davlyatshina, V. I. Svetsov
6–12 |
Theory of the negative anode drop in low-pressure discharges Ya. I. Londer, K. N. Ul'yanov
13–23 |
A criterion of similarity and transition to turbulence for electric arc flows O. A. Sinkevich, S. E. Chikunov
24–35 |
Possibilities of application of plasma technologies to recycle organic-containing substances: Particularities of the processes in the arc chambers of plasma torches O. B. Vasileva, I. I. Kumkova, A. F. Rutberg, A. A. Safronov, V. N. Shiryaev
36–40 |
The effective mass of charged clusters in weakly conducting liquids V. A. Dashkovskii, I. Chikina
41–46 |
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Application of the embedded atom model to liquid mercury D. K. Belashchenko
47–55 |
Experimental investigation of acoustic properties of titanium alloys in the temperature range of $20$–$1000^\circ$C M. M. Lyakhovitskii, N. A. Minina, V. V. Roshchupkin, M. A. Pokrasin, A. I. Chernov, N. L. Sobol', A. G. Kol'tsov
56–60 |
Heat capacity and electrophysical properties of $\mathrm{GdMeFe_2O_5}$($\mathrm{Me}$–$\mathrm{Li}$, $\mathrm{Na}$, $\mathrm{K}$, $\mathrm{Cs}$)-type ferrites Sh. B. Kasenova, Zh. I. Sagintaeva, B. K. Kasenov, S. Zh. Davrenbekov, S. M. Sergazina, E. K. Zhumadilov
61–66 |
$P$, $\rho$, $T$-properties and phase equilibria in the water-$n$-hexane system with a low content of water S. M. Rasulov, S. M. Orakova
67–72 |
An approximate numerical method of solving collision integrals for the Morse potential in a wide parameter interval V. N. Popov
73–78 |
Asymptotic properties of ideal curves on a thermodynamic surface V. I. Nedostup
79–85 |
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Fluctuation statistical theory of nucleation in water vapors at near-critical temperatures S. V. Shevkunov
86–96 |
Approximation of experimental constants of chemical reaction rates in a wide temperature range D. L. Tsyganov
97–104 |
Temperature changes of the optical properties of $\mathrm{(SiO_2)_n}$, $\mathrm{(GaAs)_m}$, and $\mathrm{(SiO_2)_n(GaAs)_m}$ nanoparticles: Computer experiment A. E. Galashev, O. R. Rakhmanova
105–114 |
Determination of the coefficient of the temperature sensitivity of the burning rate for condensed systems from the heat conduction equation O. F. Shlenskii, N. B. Shcherbak, N. N. Lyasnikova
115–119 |
Investigation of the effect of a pylon and a wing with flaps on the flow within an exhaust jet of a double-flow turbojet engine by a simulation method for large eddies D. A. Lyubimov
120–137 |
Short Communications
Correlation between the derivatives of thermodynamic functions at the critical point of a pure substance A. V. Trotsenko
138–140 |
Thermal diffusivity, viscosity and Prandtl number for molten iron and low carbon steel D. Ceotto
140–144 |
Determination of the characteristic linear dimension for calculating the thermohydraulic parameters of a porous structure Yu. A. Zeigarnik, F. P. Ivanov
144–147 |
Using of hydrogen-air mixture detonation in needle-free injection devices V. V. Golub, T. V. Bazhenova, D. I. Baklanov, K. V. Ivanov, M. S. Krivokorytov
147–150 |