Classification of functions and problems of a university based on Sagatovski’s method G. A. Popov, E. A. Popova
7–17 |
Information security of institute of higher education O. M. Protalinskiy, I. M. Azhmukhamedov
18–23 |
The analysis of possible approaches to the characteristic of universities office equipment stock Yu. M. Brumshtein, A. S. Anfilov, G. Z. Sufieva, N. I. Guskova
24–29 |
Multimedia projects in the education sphere T. P. Mukhina
30–36 |
Analysis of attitude to the introduction of virtual pupil's mark books in Astrakhan schools G. R. Khusainova, L. A. Pleshakova
37–42 |
The estimation of professional competence of an expert in the sphere of information security I. M. Azhmukhamedov, I. V. Sibikina
43–47 |
Model of quality management of news programs as a uniform system in the international standard ISO 9001–2000 I. S. Markelova, V. F. Shurshev
48–54 |
Conceptual information model of a regional cluster I. Yu. Kvyatkovskaya
55–59 |
Stages of problem-oriented methodology to support management decision-making for semistructured problems I. Yu. Kvyatkovskaya
60–65 |
Development and investigation of the automated systems of the analysis of the activity of the enterprise using semantic nets S. V. Kroshilina
66–72 |
Provision of multiuser access to corporate warehouse of spatial information in a modern commercial bank A. A. Khortonen
73–75 |
Object ontology as a way to form semantic knowledge model of a cargo port A. A. Khanova, I. O. Grigoryeva
76–81 |
Efficiency test of problem-solving technique "Definition of the procedure of train sorting at a railroad yard" V. O. Boroznov
82–87 |
System approaches to the analysis of measuring devices T. V. Khomenko
88–93 |
Calculation of operational characteristics of physical principles of actions of energoinformational method, specified as a fuzzy (linguistic) variable T. V. Khomenko, M. A. Murygin
94–97 |
Automation of detecting sensors selection procedure in physical protection systems N. V. Davidyuk
98–100 |
Training of neural network for forecasting results of the intensification of gas inflow in conditions of information insufficiency R. S. Dianov
101–104 |
Optimum control of process of manufacture of the corrugated cardboard O. M. Protalinskiy, A. G. Kokuyev
105–110 |
Reduction of emergency risk on a production object D. V. Nemchinov, O. M. Protalinskiy
111–116 |
Semantic modelling of data for a pre-emergency conditions identification system of a technological process R. R. Zhedunov
117–120 |
Decrease in volumes of industrial emissions of large-capacity manufactures with the use of the expert information I. A. Shcherbatov
121–125 |
Formalization of procedure of decision-making by the operator in monointeractive system I. A. Shcherbatov, I. O. Protalinskiy
126–129 |
Robust suboptimal control of linear objects E. R. Galyauv, I. B. Furtat
130–136 |
Algorithm оf robust control for the nonlinear dynamic object with delay A. V. Imangasieva
137–141 |
Power reserve of Walsh’s and Haar’s orthogonal functions A. G. Mordvintsev
142–145 |
Imitating modelling of switching systems E. A. Barabanova, N. S. Maltseva
146–150 |
Filtering of http-traffic based on the analysis of the web pages structure A. P. Zaitsev
151–153 |
Calculation of the loading acting on packet switchboards of IP-network M. M. Zelinskiy, N. N. Kasimov
154–158 |
Modelling of artificial neural networks in MATLAB environment V. D. Semeykin, A. V. Skupchenko
159–164 |
Application of genetic algorithm to the decision of the problem "Arrangement of stations of mobile communication systems" R. R. Mukhadginov
165–167 |
Prospects analysis of a multiservice network development in Republic of Cameroon V. N. Dmitriev, A. Tamno, A. A. Sorokin
168–174 |
The cognitive aspect in designing organization-technical systems V. S. Kosarev, S. S. Khomenko
175–177 |
Programming language characteristics for learning V. V. Laptev, V. V. Tolasova
178–182 |
The method of knowledge estimation in the educational system for object-oriented software design A. V. Morozov, V. V. Laptev, A. A. Kozhushko
183–186 |
Models of estimation in instruction programming system V. V. Laptev, V. V. Tolasova
187–192 |