Representing systems of exponential functions in spaces of holomorphic functions with given growth near boundary A. V. Abanin, V. A. Varziev
5–9 |
Inversion and description of the ranges of potentials with singularities of their kernels on a sphere A. V. Gil, V. A. Nogin
10–18 |
Asymptotic integration of the linear parabolic problem with the high frequency coefficients in the critical case V. V. Gusachenko, V. B. Levenshtam
19–23 |
The asimptotics of conditionally periodic solution of differential equation containing great high-frequency terms M. R. Ishmeev
24–31 |
About Green's function of a parabolic problem on a graph R. Ch. Kulaev
32–40 |
Banach lattices of continuous sections A. G. Kusraev, S. N. Tabuev
41–44 |
On Maharam polynomials Z. A. Kusraeva, B. B. Tasoev
45–51 |
On correlation of two solution classes for Navier–Stokes equations. II V. B. Levenshtam
52–62 |
On optimal recovery of the Laplacian of a function from its inaccurately given Fourier transform E. O. Sivkova
63–72 |
Using homological methods on the base of iterated spectra in functional analysis E. I. Smirnov
73–82 |
Symmetrical polynomials and conservation laws A. B. Shabat
83–94 |
Mathematical Events
Dragilev Mikhail Mikhailovich (on his 90th birthday) A. V. Abanin, V. P. Zakharyuta, M. I. Karyakin, Yu. F. Korobeinik, A. G. Kusraev
95–98 |
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Vavilov (on his 60th birthday) V. A. Koibaev, A. G. Kusraev, V. D. Mazurov
99–100 |